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Yes, exactly! Thank you for posting. I tried to get at this in my [now-deleted] peer post... but failed to be nearly as effective. Was a shameful wall of text.

Seniors are juniors with a label and expectations applied. It's incredibly subjective of course. To your point, I find the conventional expectations of 'Senior' too high.

I have spent decades perfecting my technical skill. Literally since childhood. My personal skills have suffered, neither I or you want me to be a talking head.

The story of the Junior who doesn't get enough help is a bit self-fulfilling/lacking in context. How much has been given/stuck/to who? Hearing 'not enough' can either raise someone to the challenge, or create resentment.

A bit of closing irony. I was fine with providing on-site training as a Senior until RTO was ham-fisted so poorly... that I found an even more illustrious 'Principal' title, and expectations, elsewhere.

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