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I am not a software engineer and these tools allow me to make a giant mess of an app in a weekend that kind of does what I want but I only get that weekend. Once I come back to it after any length of time, since I have no idea what I am doing or what is going on it is impossible to update or add to the app without breaking it.

Now I have all these new ideas but I am back to square one because it just seems easier to start over.

I look forward to more powerful models in the future but I do wonder if it will just mean I can get slightly farther and make an even larger mess of an app in a weekend that I have no way to add to or update without breaking.

The main utility seems like it would be for content creation to pretend I made an app with all these great features as a non-software engineer but conveniently leave out the part about it being impossible to update.


It’s great at helping me automate things I normally do not have time to attempt.

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