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I think that Greptile is on the right track. I made a repo containing the c# source code for the godot game engine, and it's "how to do X", where X is some obscure technical feature (like how to create a collision query using the godot internal physics api) is much better than all the other ai solutions which use general training data.

However there are some very frustrating limitations to greptle, so severe that I basically only use it to ask implementation questions on existing codebases, not for anything like general R&D: 1) answers are limited to about 150 lines. 2) it doesn't re-analyze a repo after you link it in a conversation (you need to start a new conversation, and re-link the repo, then wait 20+ min for it to parse your code) 3) it is very slow (maybe 30 seconds to answer a question) 4) there's no prompt engineering

I think it's a bit strange that no other ai solution lets you ask questions about existing codebases. I hope that will be more widespread soon.

I work at Greptile and agree on all three criticisms. 1) is a bug we haven't been able to fix, 2) has to do with the high cost of re-indexing, we will likely start auto-updating the index when LLM costs come down a little, and 3) has to do with LLM speed. We pushed some changes to cut time-to-first-token by about half but long way to go.

Re: prompt engineering, we have a prompt guide if that helps, was that what you are getting at?


No idea about the product, but I would like to congratulate you guys on what is maybe the greatest name ever. Something about it seems to combine "fierce" with "cute", so I think you should consider changing your logo to something that looks like reptar

So glad you like it - we were worried it was too silly.

The logo is supposed to be a reptile claw but we might modify it to make that more obvious.

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