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Sure, I work mostly with remote teams for the past 30 years. My point stands in that yes, Zoom is nice for socialising; I see no point in daily standups and voice meetings. We do have drinks/gaming for social; just no one wants to 'socialise' while working on something; it's simply not effective.

This. Virtual coworking spaces are a great solution for people who work well that way and you can host virtual game nights or movie nights outside of working hours for people who want to participate but you can't make people socialize by wasting their time with pointless mandatory meetings.

Socialization isn’t about doing things like pizza night or having games. It’s more about establishing connection and rapport, the basis of trust and communication. Most people are not going to be doing that asynchronously.

Most humans we hire / work with / meet online or irl do. It doesn't really matter what 'the rest' are up to for me.

> just no one wants to 'socialise' while working on something; it's simply not effective.

That sounds like you disregard the entire notion of paired programming, which I'm sure you didn't mean to do.

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