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1. Have a daily/thrice-in-a-week standup with your team for updates/blockers on the tickets that they are working on

2. Weekly/Once-in-two-weeks with your manager to update on the milestones and address any updates related to personal/professional yours or on behalf of your team.

3. TBH, it depends, if you are involved in working with cross-teams. If it's the start of the project, the recurring meetings with PMs and other stakeholders should be thrice a week to know the requirements and address any blockers from a high level and tech debts that need to be resolved as a pre-requisite to start the project.

4. There should be at least 2 documents, one the PRD (Product Requirements Document) and a technical doc (basically a technical PRD document), this can include the architecture design as well. The technical side should be handled by you (the TL) and part of your team (to lead sub-modules and upskill)

5. You need to prioritize the things and work on them accordingly

6. Having regular standups helps you know the same.

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