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I use jq for this kind of thing several times a week. It’s great for piped data - things like running curl to fetch JSON, then piping it though to reformat it in different ways.

Here’s a jq expression I used recently to turn a complete GitHub Issues thread into a single Markdown document:

    curl -s "https://api.github.com/repos/simonw/shot-scraper/issues/1/comments" \
      | jq -r '.[] | "## Comment by \(.user.login) on \(.created_at)\n\n\(.body)\n"'
I use this pattern a lot. Data often comes in slightly the wrong shape - being able to fix that with a one-liner terminal command is really useful.

FYI if you pipe that to glow via adding `| glow -` at the end, it will pretty-print it in the Terminal, if that's something you like


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