> Or put another way, is there any data storage format that couldn’t be queried by SQL?
Is your SQL Turing-complete? If yes, then it could query anything. Whether or not you'd like the experience is another thing.
Queries are programs. Querying data from a fixed schema, is easy. Hell, you could make an "universal query language" by just concatenating together this dasel, with SQL and Cypher, so you'd use the relevant facet when querying a specific data source. The real problem starts when your query structure isn't fixed - where what data you need depends on what the data says. When you're dealing with indirection. Once you start doing joins or conditionals or `foo[bar['baz']] if bar.hasProperty('baz') else 42` kind of indirection, you quickly land in the Turing tarpit[0] - whatever your query language is, some shapes of data will be super painful for it to deal with. Painful, but still possible.
Is your SQL Turing-complete? If yes, then it could query anything. Whether or not you'd like the experience is another thing.
Queries are programs. Querying data from a fixed schema, is easy. Hell, you could make an "universal query language" by just concatenating together this dasel, with SQL and Cypher, so you'd use the relevant facet when querying a specific data source. The real problem starts when your query structure isn't fixed - where what data you need depends on what the data says. When you're dealing with indirection. Once you start doing joins or conditionals or `foo[bar['baz']] if bar.hasProperty('baz') else 42` kind of indirection, you quickly land in the Turing tarpit[0] - whatever your query language is, some shapes of data will be super painful for it to deal with. Painful, but still possible.
[0] - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turing_tarpit