Anyone know how this compares to GROBID [1]? I'm looking at alternatives to GROBID as I'm not super pleased with its outputs. GROBID has a lot of great features for journal papers (reference extraction / parsing), but I'm only interested in cleanly extracting the body. Also considering nougat [2] but I haven't tried it yet.
Right, I'm in a similar situation here. I'm trying to read journal papers in the terminal. Previously, I've considered using pdf2htmlEX[0] to generate a layout-preserving HTML5 + CSS version of the PDF; then rendering it in the terminal using browsh (unfortunately terminal browsers like w3m don't support HTML5 + CSS) [1]. Between nougat and MinerU, they seem like a better option.
Nice tool, I've been using html2md[1] and such. It's written in python and in beta so it's probably not the best for processing static sites and such. But still useful