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Sorry, but summarizing key points from a ~12,000 line poem written in a foreign language is the ideal use case for chatGPT in a comment.

1. Quotes are not feasible.

2. There is no readily available human summary in a short enough form for a comment

3. Goethe's version was referred to in the OP as "incoherent," indicating that they didn't read or understand it

4. The summary directly addressed important topics in the discussion, namely refuting the idea that Faust always loses to the devil

5. I clearly edited the summary

I know that most uses of chatGPT in comments are bad. This was an experiment in how to elevate the culture of use. I will accept downvotes with grace.

My point remains: did you know that steam engines play a key plot role in Faust AND that his soul is not taken by the devil in the end?

> 5. I clearly edited the summary

A point I bring up sometimes, is that Transformer models have superhuman attention.

In this case, I not only missed that you'd done so the first time I read it, but also the second time where I saw this quotation and went back to try to find what made it clear that you had edited it.

Third time, then I found it.

Moonwalking bears and all that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNSgmm9FX2s

i actually knew neither of those things…

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