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Nomad, communicate off-grid mesh, forward secrecy and extreme privacy (github.com/markqvist)
385 points by pyinstallwoes 58 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 125 comments

I don't see an obvious mechanism for leaving said feedback. If I'm dumb enough to miss it, maybe others are too. Could you point us in the right direction?

You click the huge button that says express filing and simply put name address and type your comment that is it. I just filed a comment.

Can’t find a comment area here? I’m old and blind, but I don’t see it and my agent also cannot find a link.

Click on "Submit an Express Filing" - it'll load a short comment form.

That's some opaque word choice there!

Huh. Yeah it really is.

Almost like public comments aren’t something they are interested in.

LoraWAN Wifi sits as part of wifi 6 or 7, I forget on the 900mhz band so this hopefully gets made an exception at the worst.

Related ongoing thread:

Private, Secure and Uncensorable Messaging over a LoRa Mesh (2022) - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41256623 - Aug 2024 (21 comments)

The underlying Reticulum network this uses is really quite interesting given how many transport media it offers (packet radio, etc).

Reticulum is incredibly versatile and has an entire ecosystem of tools under development. NomadNet is just one of the messengers. There is Sideband, a mobile app client (https://github.com/markqvist/Sideband), and Reticulum MeshChat, developed by Liam Cottle which is a browser based client https://github.com/liamcottle/reticulum-meshchat.

Reticulum can work over anything that has a throughput greater than 5 bits a second (yes, bits) and a MDU of 500 bytes. Not only can it work over hundreds of different carriers (LoRa, BLE, Packet Radio, overlay networks like Tor and I2P) but each of these carriers can be apart of the same network.

I threw together a quick proof of concept of it working over HF radio. I setup two nodes about 144 km (90 miles) separate. Both were ICOM-7300's with a Raspberry Pi 5 driving the software modem that would take packets from Reticulum and send them over the air. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blwNVumLujc

Node 1 was out in the field while Node 2 was back at my house. Node 2 had two interfaces setup, one for the HF modem and another connected to the TCP testnet. This means that Node 1 could access any peer that was over on the TCP testnet.

Here is a quick primer on Reticulum that explains some of the basic concepts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8ltLt5SK6A

Are you in USA? I'm seeing words like "private" and "cryptographic" in the github. What's the interaction with ham radio rules about no encryption?

Lora and wifi are not ham radio networks. I imagine that kind of multi-channel use is just fine.

I believe the question you are replying to is directly in response to:

>I threw together a quick proof of concept of it working over HF radio

Which I assume was amateur band rather than commercial (in the 3-30MHz range). I don't believe LoRa and WiFi operate in that band.

Correct: I misread the thread. Thanks!

would you be able to transmit under the noisefloor and integrate on the other side? i imagine it would still break the law, but you wouldn't be likely to get caught?

Physics aside, I think the FCC is very, very slowly considering removing the "no encryption" aspect of ham radio. The arguments against encryption seem to be weak, and revolve around "if we don't know what people are saying, we won't know if they're trying to use it for commercial purposes" which is just simply not true. Oh well, here's to hoping the FCC will move into this century!

Under the noise floor at what distance? If you don't want to be a bright beacon at a mile, then you're not going to have a lot of signal at a hundred miles.

yeah occurred to me a while after posting :-D

You can still use ham packet radio protocols over ISM bands not held back by those stupid historical limitations and stay within the law.

Parent is responding to this:

> I threw together a quick proof of concept of it working over HF radio.

I'm not aware of any HF bands you can use in the US without a license. And it is prohibited to use any kind of secret encryption on amateur bands.

11 meters is in a different part than ham and is usable unlicensed.

Doesn't mean you can send encrypted traffic and there are FCC rules about duty cycle, etc.

In Part 95, Section D, encryption is not mentioned.

But the Emission Types are limited, digital emissions are not allowed. (AM and SSB) are specified.)

In theory, you could have a transmission header / trailer in Esperanto that would route the message, and then the message traffic. But that sounds like a hill that wouldn't be worth the climb.

Indeed, only plain language voice communications are allowed.

§ 95.931 Permissible CBRS uses.

The operator of a CBRS station may use that station to transmit two-way plain language voice communications to other CBRS stations and to other stations that are authorized to transmit on CBRS frequencies.

is there maybe an explanation of how the network works that isn't a video? is chapter 4 of the manual the best explanation? i admit i'm spoiled by the great explanations provided by academic projects, and i don't know where to look for, say, how it defends against traffic analysis attacks to statistically deanonymize speakers, or whether that's outside of its threat model

if it were a mechanical device or a graphics rendering algorithm i would think a video would be better, but it's a peer-to-peer networking protocol, and the video just looks like distracting eye candy

> chapter 4 of the manual

To me that chapter ("Understanding Reticulum") was a very pleasant read a few weeks ago, and inspiring too. I would love to get some HN expert opinions on it, especially about routing, so I posted it separately:


It's meant to just be a quick explanation of some of the very basic concepts. But if you want to understand the network stack in-depth the manual is the best resource: https://reticulum.network/manual/index.html

Is there a more formal description of the algorithm? I'd be interested in understanding not the implementation, but how the algo has been constructed, to understand its strengths and weaknesses.

Does Reticulum routing always prefer the path with the fewest hops, even if a path with more hops might have higher throughput or lower latency?

That's how I understand the manual (https://reticulum.network/manual/understanding.html):

> Once an announce has reached a node in the network, any other node in direct contact with that node will be able to reach the destination the announce originated from, simply by sending a packet addressed to that destination. Any node with knowledge of the announce will be able to direct the packet towards the destination by looking up the next node with the shortest amount of hops to the destination.

I like the way you’re thinking but it doesn’t necessarily work like that in practice. Why? Because of how announce queues work, each interface has its own queue, and announces are limited very specifically to 2% of a channel’s bandwidth.

This means that announces are much more likely to be transferred over the faster medium first, resulting in paths that are on average the most reasonable balance between speed and distance.

If that doesn’t make sense at first, I get it. I find trying to visualize how it works really helps. Reticulum is conceptually so different from anything else out there that it takes a while to understand.

See http://reticulum.network/manual/understanding.html#the-annou... for more details.

That does make a lot of sense, at least in terms of latency: I imagine that when a one-hop announce comes back from outer space, the faster multi-hop path across town will have already been established.

For bandwidth, however, I don't see it yet. If all relevant nodes are idle at the time an announce comes in (so the 2% limit doesn't come into effect), a low-bandwith route might be established before one with a much higher bandwidth, no? (Prioritising latency over bandwidth can be the right thing to do, of course, depending on what the network is used for. But it might not.)

Sure, in some cases, when the network has fewer announces to deal with, the 2% limit has less effect, the best way Reticulum can deal with this is with a network made out of more specialized node types connecting the lower speed links (http://reticulum.network/manual/interfaces.html#interfaces-m...)

However when the network (and each node) is receiving enough announces to saturate that 2% chunk of most smaller links, those interfaces prioritize announces with less hops, and there is a queue, meaning it takes that interface longer to transport announces coming from further away. This makes it much more likely that nodes will form routes over a faster but longer path.

> Sure, in some cases, when the network has fewer announces to deal with, the 2% limit has less effect, the best way Reticulum can deal with this is with a network made out of more specialized node types connecting the lower speed links (http://reticulum.network/manual/interfaces.html#interfaces-m...)

I see. So it seems that optimizing a complex network can be a little more hands-on, not completely automatic (which would be a bit too much to ask, thinking about it). I guess my hypothetical path via outer space would have a "boundary" mode node somewhere on the way, although I am still fuzzy on how exactly this would affect things.

And your point about the announce queue with saturated 2% bandwidth is clear.

Thanks so far! This makes me want to read the rest of the manual and possibly start tinkering with Reticulum myself at some point.

Yeah, exactly what each type of node does gets a bit into the weeds where even I don't really know. You can ask in the Github Forum (https://github.com/markqvist/Reticulum/discussions) or Matrix Room (https://matrix.to/#/#reticulum:matrix.org) if you need more detailed information :)

How does Reticulum solve the fundamental issue of mesh networks: either you have to have a central controlling authority for addressing, or an adversary can just flood your network?

Does it have some kind of blockchain crap tie-in?

I can't comment on Reticulum, but I think there are solutions to that problem re: content-addressing rather than node-addressing.

If you replicate a piece of data based on whether you or your (explicitly trusted) peers are interested in it, then the only way to flood the network is to convince all of the users to become interested in it, which is likely difficult enough to discourage misbehavior.

pub/sub, not request/response.

Sigh. The problem is not the content. It's the addressing.

For the content-based addressing to work, you need to flood the network with the reachability information ("how can I get to this block?"), and it's trivially easy to just generate enough of it to overwhelm the routing nodes.

But that's request/response, because you're requesting blocks.

I'm saying that when two nodes pass each other in the street or whatever they think "hey, a peer is in range" so they see if:

- The peer carries any topics they're interested in

- That topic's synchronization algorithm indicates that any actual synchronization is needed in this case

So some content may get shared between the devices, but nobody requested it. The event source was the arrival of the peer. You might also recheck periodically, supposing they stick around for a while.

If you subscribe to topics with dumb synchronization algorithms that just copy everything they see and don't check a web of trust, then yeah you could still get floods of data that saturate whatever resources you've allocated to that topic, but that would quickly become a useless topic, so just unsubscribe and pick smarter topics next time.

In summary, push the routing problem to the application layer.

Different data is going to have different needs. Map tiles need to stay near the parts of the planet that they describe. Information about how to mitigate a harm needs to be near the audience that might be harmed. Manuals need to be in the hands of people who are interested in the objects that they describe. Menu and open hours data needs to be near the restaurants with those menus and hours, or to nodes whose owners like that kind of food...

The goal is to converge on a particular distribution of data across nodes, not to get any one piece of data to any one particular node. No requests, and no handling data that you haven't opted into handling by subscribing to that topic.

I suppose you might conceive of the synchronization process as a series of requests, but they don't propagate anywhere. For each datum you either already have it, you decide to take it, or you decide to leave it.

> But that's request/response, because you're requesting blocks.

It doesn't matter.

> - The peer carries any topics they're interested in

How do you implement it? Do you have a human manually looking over each message and marking the interesting ones? Heck, it's likely that everything is encrypted anyway!

> So some content may get shared between the devices, but nobody requested it. The event source was the arrival of the peer. You might also recheck periodically, supposing they stick around for a while.

So you get 10^12 anonymous peers arriving at your node. How do you filter them?

The node operator subscribes their node to topics, so yeah that part is manual, and that's how the humans express their interest. You might have to update it every now and then if one topic is killing your battery or your hard drive or you just don't care anymore. The data which that topic governs is handled by the synchronization function which runs periodically without supervision.

Whether some or all of the data is encrypted is an application level detail. At the network layer you just call the function provided by the app/topic and it tells you whether to accept or ignore a datum, and which datum to delete if the storage quota for that topic is full. Lots of things don't need encryption (e.g. map tiles). Or if there's some kind of trust structure in place, the node may have keys necessary for doing the decryption--it's not like you're carrying data for apps besides those you're participating in.

As for the peer filtering thing, peer-discovery and synchronization would happen in time slots. So if it happens for 30 seconds each time and this app in particular gets 30% of that, then I guess you spend 10 seconds trying to see if any of those 10^12 peers are worth synchronizing with. Maybe you're checking to see if they're n hops away on your web of trust for that topic or something like that, it would depend on the case. But I don't see how this case has anything to do with mesh networking: all forms of communication are susceptible to DOS of some kind or another. The best we can do is limit the blast radius and maybe raise it to the user so they can handle the adversary out of band.

> either you have to have a central controlling authority for addressing, or an adversary can just flood your network

False dichotomy. IIRC reticulum does something like an inverse TTL, so packets have priority based on how local they are.

Nope. It's fundamental.

The problem is in the _addressing_. How do you find the packet's next hop?

Not sure about reticulum but Yggdrasil uses a hybrid spanning tree and dht to guess based off dht and uses key weight to failover to the spanning tree.

No, Reticulum does not require a blockchain. My understanding is that Reticulum solves this by allowing network redundancy.

So what happens if I create a node, then create 10 trillion addresses and send a message to every one of them?

blockchain can be cheap (power, compute etc) and not crap. Doesn't mean every project that builds with it takes that into consideration.

If you've picked mesh networking, then you care about partition tolerance. But blockchains prioritize consistency. So I think using blockchains on mesh networks puts you in a disadvantaged situation re: the CAP theorem. There's got to be a way which better aligns the application layer with the constraints of the physical layer.

> blockchain can be cheap (power, compute etc) and not crap.

No. All blockchain is crap, no exceptions are fundamentally possible. The reality reflects that rather starkly.

By "blockchain" I mean a system with a distributed consesus via proof-of-work or proof-of-stake.

So it stops being a blockchain if the criteria for adding a block is based on something else? Or do you intend to update your definition to incorporate other consensus mechanisms as they emerge?

Seems to me that a more useful definition would abstract out the consensus model such that a blockchain is essentially a merkle-linked-list together with some function for determining which of two candidate next-blocks will be the actual one, but without getting too specific for what that function is... just because there's so much potential for variation there.

> just because there's so much potential for variation there.

There really isn't. Either you expend some resource to make it expensive to attack or you stake some resource so you have something to lose to prove you're not a bad actor. I've never seen anything more creative than this.

Or you participate in some activity which provides a service, like filecoin. Or you get somebody's approval of the block's contents, like in a permissioned blockchain.

I think we'll also see something where you do key-signing parties all at the same time as a way of providing sybil resistance. Or proof of having voted on whatever it is (the outcome of the vote would then go into the block).

Stake and work are just the easy ones to implement because they don't even try to be simultaneously useful.

Personally I'm not very excited about blockchains because I think global consistency is overkill for pretty much everything, and is in many cases harmful. But it's hard to take anyone seriously who classifies a technology as by-definition-useless. Its current forms are weak enough to defeat at face value, no need for propaganda.

As for the future ones... Maybe they be useful, we'll see.

Hm, thanks for the argument, I guess I'm turning it into semantics; filecoin and "permissioned block chains" sound more like reputation / web of trust systems. So to me it only becomes blockchain when there's some consensus mechanism not based on people making choices (because then we're just back to having a DB with auth...)

It's a little different than a DB with auth. They have to make those choices in the clear, and they have to follow whatever rules are enforced by the protocol while they do it.

Unlike a DB with auth, if the process is trustworthy then the people don't have to be. Can such a thing exist? I dunno, but there's no evidence yet that it can't, and golly it would be cool if it did.

"Permissioned blockchains" are basically isomorphic to git repositories. They certainly are useful, but they aren't "blockchains" in the regular sense.

Well... git repositories with only one branch. But yeah, I'd argue that such things are blockchains in ever sense that matters. Or should we go ask the permissioned blockchains start calling themselves permissioned merkle linked lists?

POW doesn’t have to be useless work. It can be useful work, so that mining actually creates a value tied to off chain economic systems. Then you have something that actually has value, and you can then use POS to give validators both a correct incentive alignment and a way to get paid for their work. Hybrid value backed POW for token creation with POS for validation creates a really good system for digital assets.

Sadly, extant systems for this are few because generating real value is actually challenging.

> It can be useful work

It can be in theory, but in practice there are no tasks that fit the definition. All attempts to use something like protein folding ended up in failure.

>no tasks….

Umm, I don’t think that’s true at all.

Digital content platform, for example, is a perfect task to generate outside value. Data storage is another example with many chains in that category thriving. Database is another, gpu compute/render, lots of useful tasks. You are basically saying that computational resources cannot be used to do valuable work, which is a premise that I think is questionable at best.

You don’t see a lot of hype around these projects because they aren’t intended to be speculative- teams in this space try to avoid wild speculation driven value cycles, because it is damaging to their economic models.

> Digital content platform, for example, is a perfect task to generate outside value.

Yep. Storing CSAM materials against your will is great. Maybe interspersed with pirated movies. To add insult to injury, it's also not reliable enough for archival purposes for important data.

So far, I haven't seen any actually useful proof-of-work schemes that truly benefit the society.

There are lots of other approaches - IOTA DAG, HashGraph, Ripple Consensus Process etc.

I am not a fan of blockchains, though. They are overkill for most uses. But here is an example of a non-blockchain system that doesn’t even require global consensus:


Also check out the Autonomi network

It's not really going to work. Without a centralizing consensus, any such scheme is vulnerable to be drowned in forks.

A malicious notary network can simply flood the ledger with conflicting views. So clients will have to somehow find a set of notaries that is the "best".

Proof-of-stake means that there's effectively a vote on the set of "reliable" agents, and proof-of-work works because the malicious notaries can't outrace everyone else.

Sorry, but you're not exactly an expert on this. There is a huge body of literature that says otherwise, and reference implementations.

You don't NEED "a centralizing consensus". IOTA did have one, called a "governor". And now they also did away with it.

I had a discussion with the CTO of Ripple (back then their chief cryptographer) David Schwartz about this exact issue in 2018, when I was also connecting with Leslie Lamport and others in the industry to discuss why and how global consensus was even needed


You can also read this post here: https://community.intercoin.app/t/intercoin-technology-recov...

At the end of the post, it links to the mathematical results on arxiv if you're interested: https://arxiv.org/pdf/0802.0832v1

> Sorry, but you're not exactly an expert on this. There is a huge body of literature that says otherwise, and reference implementations.

Yep, and none of them managed to solve the issue of resiliency without some kind of a stake.

From your own link:

> Intercoin’s ledger technology requires the sender to endorse a transaction after a supermajority of validators have approved it.

> Validators periodically check one another with “proof of resource” techniques.

Basically, it just moves the problem of validating individual transactions to validating the set of trusted notaries via proof-of-stake.

Just another rehash of crapcoin bullshit.

There is no “the set” of trusted notaries

Each coin has a few notaries — not the majority of the network. Did you even glance at all at the arxiv paper?

Yes. How do you find a notary that is not malicious?

A malicious subnetwork of notaries can flood it with bogus transactions. To prevent that, you have to make sure that transactions can't happen without a significant expenditure of real-world resources.

That's not true. Notaries shouldn't be able to flood a network at all. Each participant in the network is supposed to stop accepting messages from a malicious participant. It's one strike and you're out.

That's what Proof of Corruption is about, in our technology, for instance.

Every participant has to sign their claims. If a participant signs two contradictory claims, this Proof of Corruption can be gossipped and the participant is excluded.

In distributed systems, 99% of the time you have finality, but 1% of the time you may have a conflict due to race conditions or corrupt nodes, etc. Blockchains take the unfortunately brute force approach of gathering all the conflicts / ambiguities into one or another consistent chain of transactions, and then "duking it out" with a lot of expensive "stake" or "work" or whatever. But it doesn't have to be that way. The end-users are ultimately the ones to either endorse a transaction or not, there is no reason to have the network be the source of truth for the remaining 1%, there are hugely diminishing returns from all that waste of electricity. So even the double-spend problem can be solved without blockchains.

But even without this, in other decentralized architectures such as the PTN (Permissionless Timestamping Network) I linked you to above (https://intercoin.app/technology.pdf) there is no blockchain, no consensus, just nodes talking to each other and data structures accruing in eventually-consistent ways. And the nodes can just as easily stop listening to you and forwarding your messages.

Similarly in the SAFE network. Even the routing is done in a way that the routing info is deleted after one hop, so you can't DDOS the network the way you can a regular IP / BGP network or even a regular DHT (such as Bittorrent's Mainline DHT). Because the nodes will just refuse to pass on your message. Every node expends only the resources it is prepared to, and nothing more. This idea of "flooding" or "DDOS"ing is more of a legacy idea due to the federated systems we have today, like email and DNS (where the whole world can spam a person's email, and you play cat-and-mouse).

Again, blockchain is a tiny part of this space of decentralized networks. You can have CRDTs syncing, or you can have append-only logs such as Hypercore (now called Holepunch / Pears) or you can have Freenet (the new one, I interviewed the founder a couple years ago when it was still called Locutus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBtyNIqZios) you can have Secure Scuttlebutt, or Nostr etc. etc. etc.

> The end-users are ultimately the ones to either endorse a transaction or not, there is no reason to have the network be the source of truth for the remaining 1%

> And the nodes can just as easily stop listening to you and forwarding your messages.

You're describing a willingness to incorporate a respect for user consent/participation into the design of your protocol. I think that most people who are enthusiastic about blockchains are not willing to do that.

It's not a technology thing, it's a power thing. They don't want coordination of this kind to be compatible with per-transaction user consent, because if it is, then any system which preserves that consent will be more legitimate than their thing which doesn't, and that's bad for their investors/investments.

Conversely, it's hard to find investors if you're building something that leaves users with enough freedom to insulate themselves against a particular remote influence (such as the investor), which is why the blockchain people have a bit of a head start here.

Well yes, what you say has some basis in truth.

Blockchain's early applications have been derailed by greed and stupid applications like meme coins and rug-pulls. Instead of leveraging the power of smart contract factories using the Factory Pattern, teams started releasing one-off contracts, and others gambling with them. This led to zero-sum games at best, and negative-sum at worse (for contracts with bugs or rugpulls). Compare something like UniSwap (which is a factory) to a random contract based on "SafeMoon" or "EverRise". The UniSwap pools all have the same trusted, audited, battle-tested code. It's the kind of stuff I am a fan of.

I've written about it here: https://community.intercoin.app/t/intercoin-smart-contract-s...

Going further, many COMPLETELY NON-BLOCKCHAIN enterprises, like FTX and Celsius, ruined the good name of Web3 even further, which is around Smart Contracts. Think of it like the Web2 tech bros and VCs trying to make a buck around Web3. YC-funded companies like OpenSea have been better actors, but many wallets etc. ended up using them and gateways like Infura as the source of truth, almost obviating the need for Web3.

Having said all that... I've been discussing this more on the applications and UX level. Users always have the power to switch away to a fork of something, and migrate away from an ecosystem. But a good ecosystem can "earn" its lock-in by giving them stuff they want. That's what happened with all the centralized Web2 platforms undergoing "enshittification" due to the profit motive.

So yeah, capitalism and greed have derailed a lot of Web3, but in a different way than Web2. It's why I built https://intercoin.org/applications . Look at https://intercoin.org/deck.pdf for what Web3 COULD be like. We call it Web5 to get away from the morass which is Web3.

Now, back in 2018 when I started it, I was planning to build a post-blockchain network, and I still do. It's going to be called Intercloud (a portmanteau of two words like BlockChain). But besides blockchain, there are HashGraph, IOTA DAG and others.

So yes, blockchains have a head start mostly due to the profit motive. Same with centralized Web2 social networks. You don't see HN being against those very much, but they are vehemently against Web3. I consider Web2 to have been completely ruined by megalomaniacal tech bros and VCs out for profit, and society at large has been harmed by it. Here is the diagnosis and the solution:


(Over the last decade, I have spent the majority of my own resources, without VC, building an alternative open system. I've been sort of marvelling at how actively some HN users are against it, and often knee-jerk trying to downvote it because it contains words like "decentralization" and it can interoperate with Web3... but I am confident that once it goes mainstream, suddenly some people will look back on all my posts and finally get it).

I'm afraid you're redefining what a blockchain is. A blockchain is a distributed ledger. Distributed ledgers are an application of distributed conensus, which is a truly interesting field within computer science.

You’re being downvoted because you’re making sweeping unsupported assertions, likely based on an ideological opposition to blockhain.

I am guessing it has to do with anger at FTX and other negligent participants in the wider “crypto” ecosystem that has very little to do with blockchains. But that is a “non sequitur” (Latin for “it does not follow).

If I am wrong in my assumptions and you have an actual argument supporting your assertions about “all blockchains” being crap, please do elaborate on the substance.

The reality is: blockchain has failed in EVERY area it's been tried, except for illegal/unregulated payments.

Assets tracking? Failed. Interbank settlements? Failed. NFT and art? Spectacularly failed (wanna an NFT for that spectacle?).

Reticulum uses absolutely no blockchain. It uses a fairly novel routing strategy with something called announces.

Read this page to learn more about it: https://reticulum.network/manual/understanding.html

TL;DR it only flood routes packets that tell the network the location of a node; each node stores the “next hop” to get to every other node on the network. Everything else is routed along a single path determined by those “next hops.”

What stops me from flooding the network with 10^12 of fake addresses?

The intended solution seems to be a 2% bandwidth limit for announcements and a preference for lower hop-counts to keep your flooding local.

There's a FAQ item on this: https://github.com/markqvist/Reticulum/wiki/Frequently-Asked...

Why is the lower limit on bps? If there is interference for 5 seconds and my hardware can't get signal, will it drop the packet? Ideally it wouldn't.

Oh that's so funny that is a real thing I thought it was a joke about the fictional reticulum computer network from the Neal Stephenson novel Anathem.

I'm starting to look at the latency tolerance components of the protocol, once it supports sneakernet as a transport, it will be perfect.

edit: nvmd, looks like it is set at a global level not a link level

> once it supports sneakernet as a transport, it will be perfect.

Sneakernet transport has a wide array of definitions, but my favorite part about NomadNet and Sideband is the fact you can print paper QR code messages and have a recipient or LXMF propagation node scan them and have your message delivered. I have a $13 thermal printer I was able to get messages printed with.

The concept is interesting, but a problem is communicating with others who use iOS/iPadOS devices. They typically can't use this kind of app, because of limitations imposed by the OS[1]. Then, because of networking effects, it becomes very difficult for most people to use.

[1] https://forums.developer.apple.com/forums/thread/685525

Sideband, another LXMF/Reticulum client, has an IOS beta here: https://github.com/markqvist/Reticulum/discussions/307 (currently the TestFlight link is https://testflight.apple.com/join/ftgW9n0Z but that might change in the future).

Of course it has issues running the in the background, but there are possible solutions to this, like having Reticulum run entirely on an RNode, and it is being worked on somewhat actively.

MFW people somehow feel like there is any guarantee of privacy when typing on a touchscreen keyboard on an android or IOS device…

If you want actual privacy you need to run a keyboard/ terminal running bare-metal code for capturing and displaying text, encryption, and sending the encrypted packet over your reticulum client as an encrypted blob.

This could be a hardwired serial or Bluetooth, for example. Or you could run a separate MCU to handle networking and protocols. The important thing is to run verified code on bare metal with no binary blobs, and that the encrypted payload should be the only thing sent to the network node, preferably over a TTL serial link between the terminal controller and the network controller.

How does Nomadnet/Reticulum compare to yggdrasil, ipfs, nostr, or even scuttlebot?

It’s hard to compare things that are so different like that, but I will try.

Scuttlebutt: Reticulum is a network stack for routing data in real time, not a decentralized social network.

Nostr: See Scuttlebutt

IPFS: Reticulum transfers data, it does not store it (though some protocols that work over Reticulum like LXMF optionally have functionality that allows for temporary message storage)

Yggdrasil is the closest analog to Reticulum you mentioned, but unfortunately from a cursory search I could not find any details about how it works. I can see that it currently works only over IPv6 (with IPv4 tunnels of some kind), unlike Reticulum which works over anything.

I suggest at least reading http://reticulum.network/manual/understanding.html to see how Reticulum works, if you are interested.

Just some quick, possibly uninformed, usability comments based on a quick glance...

Puts the number used as identity (address) up front in a way that the user can understand what it means. So better than most. Combining that identity with trust in a dialog seems to be relatively understandable. Having a category other than trusted and untrusted (unknown) is a good idea but is not immediately understandable. The user of course would have to be instructed to know exactly what "trust" means in this context.

The user doesn't need to know that they are using Curve25519. Just that some sort of encryption has been achieved.

Hex for the identity number is the worst possible choice of base. Either decimal which is quite familiar for identifying things or base32 for shorter numbers. The identity number should be consistently displayed in some helpful grouping (4 groups of 5?).

Super exciting to read about this! Building an off-grid mesh is the central premise of my scifi novel 'Mesh.' https://inkican.com/mesh-middle-grade-scifi-thriller/

This reminds me of Meshtastic, but I suppose Nomad is for PCs while Meshtastic is for microcontrollers.


Reticulum works on microcontrollers. The rnode firmware that works on meshtastic boards https://markqvist.github.io/Reticulum/manual/hardware.html

RNode is a transceiver program installed on a LoRa board to allow Sideband, Meshtastic, etc. to connect to a Reticulum network over LoRa.

I think you’re looking for the C++ implementation of Reticulum made specifically for microcontrollers instead: https://github.com/attermann/microReticulum_Firmware https://github.com/attermann/microReticulum

I searched around and couldn't find anything, has this been audited?

> Nomad Network is beta software, and should be considered as such. While it has been built with cryptography best-practices very foremost in mind, it has not been externally security audited, and there could very well be privacy-breaking bugs. If you want to help out, or help sponsor an audit, please do get in touch.

At this point, unless you want to pay for it or drive the fundraiser, I don't think it is reasonable to expect non-commercial products to be audited formally.

Some FAQs for those who are interested in the Reticulum Network Stack:


It covers questions like:

- How is Reticulum different from Insert System Here?

- What's the legality of the system?

- What's to stop someone from flooding the network?

And many others.

How is this better than Briar? https://briarproject.org/ comes with quite a pedigree

Briar is a standalone messaging application while NomadNet is designed to work with the Reticulum Network Stack (https://reticulum.network), which is a complete alternative to TCP/IP

Such a thing is my dream for a long time now. A new type of "phone" that is charged via sun/hand crank, communicating entirely over radio, running a distributed mesh network. Applications and data are both decentralized, in the same way as Freenet. 30-year nominal lifespan. Perfect post-Collapse personal communications and compute device for masses. Seems they figured out the communication protocol part.

It's an exciting dream.

Even better than hand crank or solar would be miniature nuclear batteries that run for a decade or two.

Can't wait for those to become available commercially.

uses https://github.com/markqvist/Reticulum

> Coordination-less globally unique addressing and identification

> Fully self-configuring multi-hop routing

> Unforgeable packet delivery confirmations

> Initiator anonymity

So the noisiest protocol ever with zero flood protection? Anyone knows better than my superficial hot take? But I doubt they solved those problems for real, that would be real news and academic progress.

generally speaking, networks that support anonymity have much better flood protection than things like tcp/ip. ccn routers won't send you any data packets you haven't sent an interest packet for; i'm guessing reticulum works similarly

What prevents an adversary from flooding the network with interest packets?

that's an obviously good question to ask, and i'm not sure what the answer is. the original ccn work by van jacobson et al. doesn't really attempt any security. one obvious thing to try is for a router to rate-limit its forwarding of the interest packets coming in on any one port, especially if it has a lot of active interest packets from that port already (in ndn systems the router has to remember where interest packets came from so that it can forward any answering data packets out the right port, so this doesn't require maintaining any extra data.) but i don't know if existing ndn work tackles this problem or what approaches have been found to work

Sure; but distributed mesh networks feel like another area where Sybil Attacks [1] can rear their ugly heads. This is a fundamentally hard problem to solve in all distributed systems without a coordinating authority.

The blockchain approach basically bootstraps said authority, and comes with tons of additional baggage. It's the only one I'm aware of that has real countermeasures to Sybil attacks though (in a sense; 51% attacks can also look a lot like a Sybil attack with the right glasses on)

1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sybil_attack


i agree about the blockchain, though now possibly there are multiple viable approaches under that rubric now that ethereum has abandoned pow

there are a lot of possible approaches to the problem, though

hashcash for announcing new destinations is one possible measure

reserving most of the bandwidth for established connections to which both parties are indicating their continuing enthusiastic consent is another, and one which the circuit-switched pstn does implicitly, which is why your phone calls wouldn't drop or skip when there was a commercial break in prime-time tv. reticulum seems to do this by reserving 97% of bandwidth for non-announcement traffic, though i might be misunderstanding

the agorics 'digital silk road' paper from 01995 (unrelated to the later darknet market) describes another approach: include a source route and postage on every packet, with each network provider deducting however much postage it feels like deducting, and keeping track of bilateral account balances with each peer network (postage sent minus postage received). if the postage runs out, your packet gets lost, and the sender can choose to try resending it over the same route with more postage or routing it over a less expensive network. periodic cash settlement between network service providers zeroes out any persistent imbalance in cash sent and received: http://www.cap-lore.com/Agorics/Library/dsr.html. i don't think this has ever been implemented, though current nsp peering agreements do resemble it to some degree. the original paper suggested using eft for the periodic settlements, but nowadays you could very reasonably do it with something like ether

you can supplement the established-connection-prioritizing mechanism with a granovetter-diagram introducer mechanism: if alice has an established connection to bob, and bob has an established connection to carol, bob can dedicate some of his bandwidth on those two connections to passing messages between alice and carol. he can do this either completely at the application layer, with no support from lower layers of the network, like an irc server or turn server, or potentially with support from the network layer to find a more efficient and reliable route. (reticulum seems to support this; bob can pass alice's destination to carol or vice versa, which the manual seems to say eliminates the need for the announce mechanism, though i don't yet understand how the protocol works.) this allows bob to prioritize such connection requests using information that isn't available at the network layer, such as whether alice and/or carol have passed a captcha and/or are paying him, who they were introduced to him by, who they've introduced him to in the past, and what valuable data they've sent him. if bob repeatedly introduces alice to people she doesn't like talking to, she might cut off contact with bob, or at least look on his future introductions with a jaundiced eye and not allocate them much bandwidth

https://reticulum.network/manual/interfaces.html#announce-ra... The manual has some documentation on some of the rate limiting features built into RNS

how do you rate_limit with "anonymous initiation"?

one malicious peer can have as many sources as they want. don't even need a botnet of IPs.

The link you posted seem to guard against flood of sinks on the distributed routing, but there's no mention of source flooding.


fwiw, those seem to apply to only a single destination, and any node can sybil up as many destinations as it wants, right? `announce_cap` seems more relevant

is there a place where you've written down the threat model reticulum is intended to defend against? it's hard for me to evaluate its security measures without that context

I'm not sure there is a formal threat model yet (I'm not a maintainer), but there has been discussion regarding this topic. You can checkout the Github forum page (https://github.com/markqvist/Reticulum/discussions) and there is also an Element channel at #reticulum:matrix.org

The threat model would be highly dependent on the carrier used. For example, if you're using LoRa an adversary would be using far different methods of disruption when compared to a traditional overlay network.

thank you very much!

i think physical-layer disruption like lora jamming is kind of a separate consideration, but physical-layer traffic analysis might not be

i had misunderstood you to be saying that the second reticulum node ever was at your house, so i had assumed you were the author

how do you get routing then? what you described is p2p or opt-in routing, which doesn't align with the features i quoted there.

Super interesting to see this whole communications stack implemented in Python.

Functionally, this is something that should be in everyone's hands, wrapped in an app on all mobile and desktop platforms. I imagine it would be quite the challenge to make it so.

Hmm looks interesting. Too bad it is written in Python. So, few questions then. Can it be bootstraped completly offline? Also, what are node requirement for this? I mean, CPU and MEM. Can my P150 with 16MB RAM run it?

There is a work in progress C++ port called microReticulum that can run on hardware such as the ESP32 https://github.com/attermann/microReticulum

You mean like a cyrex 6x86? 0.0

No, I mean Intel Pentium 150MHz. I had Cyrix 6x86 CPU and I remember it was running hot.

Kudos keeping that running, just for fun I assume?

Mostly, Yeah.. But im reducing my stuff because im running out of space :)

I will keep my old Laptop running P3 633 and old Scovery desktop running P3 1000.

This looks interesting! Does anyone have any experience with this and meshtastic? I'm curious about pros/cons between the two

I wouldnt be surprised if in a few years such project would get criminalised

More likely to end up compromised but available - like Tor, where the NSA just runs a sufficient number of nodes to compromise the network.

Only if it can't be infiltrated, which is usually the preferred option.

Doesn't Firechat fit in this conversation, possibly some vague event behind the scenes that shuts anything like this down

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