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That's not how I read it:

“Through a partnership with Microsoft, Kroger plans to place cameras at its digital displays, which will use facial recognition tools to determine the gender and age of a customer captured on camera and present them with personalized offers and advertisements on the EDGE Shelf.”

Then in the next paragraph:

“EDGE will allow Kroger to use customer data to build personalized profiles of each customer … quickly updating and displaying the customer’s maximum willingness to pay on the digital price tag—a corporate profiteering capability that would be impossible using a mere paper price tag,” they wrote.

That's exactly dynamic pricing save that the driver is not external factors (weather, proximity to Thanksgiving) and the price is not universal. It's adjusting the displayed price of an item based on the identity of the person looking at it to target a specific price to an identified consumer. A very fine-grained value of 'dynamic'.

It was this line here that says dynamic pricing is happening now, but other sources say only the digital labels have been deployed.

>Since its introduction in 2018, Kroger’s dynamic pricing strategy has expanded to 500 of its nearly 3,000 stores.

That's not what they're actually doing though. It's what two senators up for re-election this year claim they could do.

OK fair.

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