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Mass tech exodus from coastal cities (geekwire.com)
9 points by Bluestein 40 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Full title is "Redfin’s Glenn Kelman predicts a mass tech exodus from coastal cities"

Article is from 2017. Seven years ago. I'm pretty sure that things didn't work out like he said. It would be interesting to hear how the 150M fund worked out for the flyover people.

Title should include “(2017)”

I never understand why the people who come up with these theories seem to believe the rest of the world doesn’t exist.

If people are willing to uproot their lives to save $200k in housing, why wouldn’t they be willing to save $500k and move abroad, and frankly save a lot more earning USD but living in a much LCOL country.

> why wouldn’t they be willing to save $500k and move abroad, and frankly save a lot more earning USD but living in a much LCOL country

Because countries with that much of a lower cost of living often also have a lower standard of living too

Also if you are overseas you do make it more difficult for yourself to access USD paying jobs, especially paying at rates you want

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