You're very right! Luckily, we can resolve the vulnerability in this instance, although it's a challenging problem to resolve in general webapps.
The technical explanation for our issue is that the client-side Javascript in our webapp is trusted. To quote the late Ross Anderson [0, pg. 13], "a trusted system or component is one whose failure can break the security policy." In this case, our security policy is that the server must not be capable of viewing our screenshots. Our goal is to make that trusted Javascript more trustworthy: that is, closer to a system that can't fail.
We're at an advantage in this case: there's an open-source application on GitHub with eyeballs[1] on it that users must run on their endpoint machines. Given that we already have source-available local code running, we could instead serve the UI from the local Go application and use CORS[2] to permit access to the remote server. If the local application is trustworthy, and we're only sending data (not fetching remote Javascript), then the local client UI is trustworthy and won't steal your keys. If users run binaries directly from 1fps (as opposed to building from source), then you would want some multi-party verification that those binaries correspond directly to the associated source [3].
Protonmail is almost surprising: it's supposed to be end-to-end encrypted, but it's not end-to-end encrypted in the presence of a malicious server. If, say, a government order compelled Protonmail to deploy a backdoor only when a particular client visited the site, most users would be unaffected and the likelihood of discovery would be low.
It seems the answer is "no" --- am I right to understand it that way?
Another attempt at compression: use a native app to serve Javascript for the web app so you don't have to trust any server
I don't mean to skip anything, it's just not clear to me how related some of it is, and if it's lengthy just because it is, or because I'm missing something thats very significant (ex. cite + name + page # to help say "something we trust is something we rely on", link to Wikipedia as source for "eyeballs make bugs shallow"
Links are just for reference, but the gist is: serve the webapp from the Go binary instead. The end-user already has to trust the Go binary, and if they need to they can look at the code once and confirm it's not vulnerable. I prefer this to browser extensions because the audit trail process from source to browser extension is less clear; even for open-source browser extensions, I still have to trust the author to not add code that isn't in the repository.
The technical explanation for our issue is that the client-side Javascript in our webapp is trusted. To quote the late Ross Anderson [0, pg. 13], "a trusted system or component is one whose failure can break the security policy." In this case, our security policy is that the server must not be capable of viewing our screenshots. Our goal is to make that trusted Javascript more trustworthy: that is, closer to a system that can't fail.
We're at an advantage in this case: there's an open-source application on GitHub with eyeballs[1] on it that users must run on their endpoint machines. Given that we already have source-available local code running, we could instead serve the UI from the local Go application and use CORS[2] to permit access to the remote server. If the local application is trustworthy, and we're only sending data (not fetching remote Javascript), then the local client UI is trustworthy and won't steal your keys. If users run binaries directly from 1fps (as opposed to building from source), then you would want some multi-party verification that those binaries correspond directly to the associated source [3].
Protonmail is almost surprising: it's supposed to be end-to-end encrypted, but it's not end-to-end encrypted in the presence of a malicious server. If, say, a government order compelled Protonmail to deploy a backdoor only when a particular client visited the site, most users would be unaffected and the likelihood of discovery would be low.