"Agentic" is a term of art from psychology that's diffused into common usage. It dates back to the 1970s, primarily associated with Albert Bandura, the guy behind the Bobo doll experiment.
From ChatGPT: Other examples include "heuristic," "cognitive dissonance," "meta-cognition," "self-actualization," "self-efficacy," "locus of control," and "archetype."
Thanks. Interesting! I see "Agentic state" is one where an "individual perceives themselves as an agent of the authority figure and is willing to carry out their commands, even if it goes against their own moral code". That's ironic as most LLMs have such strong safety training that it's almost impossible to get them to enter such a state.
From ChatGPT: Other examples include "heuristic," "cognitive dissonance," "meta-cognition," "self-actualization," "self-efficacy," "locus of control," and "archetype."