Incidentally, in the past few days I have been testing Android + Kaleido3 as a general purpose device, and Termux-X11.
Kaleido3 is very usable; the recent waveforms and correct dithering algorithms allow video consumption with limited compromise (the framerate is high). And yes, coding is very doable (Termux provided the compilers/interpreters).
Termux-X11 adds the ability to have your desktop Linux natively on the Android device (so you may not need to use E-Ink displays as part of monitor devices, but already directly as embedded in a tablet used as active computer).
Kaleido3 is very usable; the recent waveforms and correct dithering algorithms allow video consumption with limited compromise (the framerate is high). And yes, coding is very doable (Termux provided the compilers/interpreters).
Termux-X11 adds the ability to have your desktop Linux natively on the Android device (so you may not need to use E-Ink displays as part of monitor devices, but already directly as embedded in a tablet used as active computer).