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I am not going to fact-check your sludge for you.

> fact check

That's funny, because I was using forum debates as LLM reference precisely in order to reduce errors. People usually debunk stupid articles, the discussion is often centered on fact checking. A LLM referencing a HN/reddit thread is more informed than one reading the source material.

There is a fundamental conflict of interest in press. It costs money to run a newspaper, and then you just give it away for free? No, you use it to push propaganda and generally to manipulate. Forums have become the last defense for actual readers. We trust other people will be more aligned with our interests than who wrote the article.

I trust my forum mates more than press, and LLM gives a nice veneer to the text. No wonder people attach "reddit" to searches, they want the same thing. The actual press is feeding us the real slop. LLMs are doing a service to turn threads into a nice reading format. Might become the only "press" we trust in the future.

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