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That's not at all what I said, but you sort of proved my point for me - voters aren't willing or able to take the time to understand the issues or the nuance involved with each one, much less every issue.

just look at switzerland. They have direct democracy and they don't have a problem with corruption at all. Why you wouldn't want that?

Polictians are a thing for the history books.

Also: In Switzerland, you don't HAVE TO vote. You can vote. It's optional. It works. Just open your mind, man.

Switzerland does not have direct democracy like you propose. They have a referendum system with up to four votes a year. California has the same system. That was in fact the system I was talking about in my first comment, that I spend a day researching for each vote and then everyone just does what I tell them because they trust me. I'm basically a politician for six people.

It has its pros and cons. For example in Switzerland it caused the veto of a much needed infrastructure project. In California it leads to nearly all of the state's budget being allocated by law without any flexibility for emergencies.

And Switzerland still has political parties. They are the ones that write most of the referendums.

It is the same in the US (the right, not obligation, to vote). It is a good thing but there is a fair but of social pressure to vote here. I hear people talk about voting for people be cause they are better that the other guy.

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