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But I assume with market pricing there are some pretty volatile swings depending on wind/sun especially outside of summer?

I don't have market pricing here in Spain, I have fixed per kWh pricing only. I prefer this because I hate the min-maxing and figuring out cheap hours etc. I just want to use my energy when it suits my life, I don't want to rearrange my life around it. But the people that are totally into that love it because it allows them to save cost. I really don't care.

See this: https://www.endesa.com/en/catalog/light/one/one-luz (the "Energy Term" is the kWh price - pre tax but the tax has just been dropped to 10%, so it's even less than 14 cents now!)

I think you have to get market pricing if you have solar panels but most people don't bother especially because that market pricing makes them totally cost-ineffective. Also, I live in an apartment anyway where I can't even have them if I wanted to.

Yep. But it is still cheaper around the year than "old-style" providers with fixed or per-month prices. I could pay 100 euro/month for electricity (for everything but hot water and warming) and gas (for hot water and warming of house, double-contour gas boiler) in summer and 250/month in winter, but typical "fixed-price" contract is 200-210/month for my house each month no matter what.

And fixed part of these 100-250 Euro (like grid maintenance, which doesn't depend on consumption) is rather large, something about 75 Euro/month, so in summer I'm paying almost only for grid :)

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