I ordered automated cat feeders and had bought the “honey guaridan [sic]” which is a Chinese knockoff when I thought I was buying “HoneyGuardian” brand automated cat feeders.
This is blatant behavior on the part of sellers and Amazon turns a blind-eye to it.
I didn’t learn my lesson either.
I ordered seat covers, and what came was a misspelled Chinese knockoff brand instead of the name brand I thought I was ordering.
I can’t trust purchases made on Amazon and I have an eye for detail. They got me twice. I don’t know how non-detail oriented folks keep from it happening.
> I ordered automated cat feeders and had bought the “honey guaridan [sic]” which is a Chinese knockoff when I thought I was buying “HoneyGuardian” brand automated cat feeders.
I have to admit that's hilarious, but I'm pretty sure HoneyGuarDIan (correct spelling) too is a Chinese company, based in Shenzhen.[1] Edit: Actually I'm increasingly convinced HoneyGuarDIan and HoneyGuarIDan are the exact same company: take a closer look at the URL https://www.honeyguardian.com/pages/honeyguaridan-app and compare the second-level domain name with the last part of the URL pathname! Maybe it wasn't a knockoff after all :-D
This is blatant behavior on the part of sellers and Amazon turns a blind-eye to it.
I didn’t learn my lesson either.
I ordered seat covers, and what came was a misspelled Chinese knockoff brand instead of the name brand I thought I was ordering.
I can’t trust purchases made on Amazon and I have an eye for detail. They got me twice. I don’t know how non-detail oriented folks keep from it happening.