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I own the hand-held variant (IIRC the https://snapklik.com/en-ca/product/sontiy-brass-handheld-bid...). Think of it as a (very) specialized hand-held shower that's connected to (and easily within reach of someone sitting on) my toilet. Close friends of mine have a washlet integrated system that I've used before.

I backed a Boaty kickstarter (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/boaty/the-boaty-kit-a-n...) a few years ago; though those close friends of mine use regular (though _clearly_ marked) washcloths.

I also happen to be a guy, so what I'm about to say applies only to my #2 process -- so no direct experience with ladies' #1 or any concern about cross-contamination by water running to the frontal anatomy (though my research back then mentioned that shouldn't be a bigger concern than without these items).

1. Within a few attempts you get very good at aiming (blind) and keeping only the inside of your bum cheeks wet. With the handheld want it's "all in the wrist", with the integrated system you get to do a silly little hip dance for 5 seconds and move on your with life.

2. It immediately joins and is flushed with the rest of your deposit. I do dry my cheeks with the boaty towels, and find it particularly pleasant and clean, at least comparatively to the previous decades of my life. So "with the spraying water?" yes, overwhelmingly, and "into the laundry machine?" trace amounts for sure, but emphasis on trace amounts.

Hope this helps, I'm also a _fanatical convert_ of this new process.

Oh, one note against the sontiy brass handheld whatever.

It was a gigantic pain in the ass to attach to the toilet, mostly because said toilet is in a recessed alcove in my bathroom.

Though it's been a delight to use ever since.

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