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One of the arguments I’ve heard is that it is unsanitary. It makes no sense to me because the argument I have is that, if you accidentally tripped, fell in poo and got some on your face, would you feel comfortable wiping it with a napkin and walk around for the rest of the day? Or would you wash your face with soap?

But most bidets don't use soap? Such that I don't really know that this is at all comparable?

I'll also note that appeals to "did you fall in poo" are farcical and somewhat ignore the fact that most people don't bathe/shower every day. A practice that is surprisingly common in the US. (I gave a quick attempt to see these stats across all nations. Didn't find anything that looked good for comparisons.)

I'm personally not opposed to bidets. I also don't know that I expect to see a lot of benefit, though? Would love to know why our poo habits require so much more work than most animals seem to require.

> Would love to know why our poo habits require so much more work than most animals seem to require.

I can't speak for all animals, but at least for the dogs and cats that have been in my life, I suspect a large part of it is that we can't / don't lick our own butts (and even if we could... I suspect we'd prefer the extra work)

I mean, they certainly clean in that way. But that is more comparable to bathing/showering for us. In general, my pets have to be sick if they are getting poo stuck to them. I can't think of many exceptions to that?

Even our long hair cats typically do not have feces stuck to them.

> Would love to know why our poo habits require so much more work than most animals seem to require.

We also wear clothes.

I don't know how that changes how much poo sticks to our butts?

Honest, genuine question: What about water dripping on the noozle? This is my main reservation with it haha.

Most of the bidets--even super cheap basic ones--have a mode where they can flow water over the nozzle to clean it off. Regardless: if you shoot clean water through the nozzle you are momentarily maybe going to send dirty water at your already dirty body--so, no biggie--but then the water is going to run out of stuff to carry with it, and help clean you.

What water? It depends on what model you get.

On the cheaper models, the nozzle is always there, so yeah it'll be another surface that needs to be cleaned.

On the more expensive models, the nozzle is in a separate chamber until it is being utilized, and has a separate mechanism for spraying / cleaning itself. That makes it a lot less of a cleaning burden.

Toto washlets have a function to automatically clean the wand/nozzel. I expect others do as well.

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