A side issue, but since we’re on the subject of global tech being generally fscked: I’m currently on holiday in Italy and just discovered the entire archive.ph domain is blocked by the government, apparently due to kiddie porn. Shrug emoji…
There was a law passed that allows ISPs to block sites that host copyrighted content illegally. It's not just Italy, also the Netherlands and many other countries. You can still access it with a vpn or tor. Tor browser on the phone works fine for mobile carriers that block the sites.
Yes that seems to be the case - the blocking page is headed with "Ministero dell'Interno -
Dipartimento della Pubblica Sicurezza - Direzione Centrale per la Polizia Scientifica e la Sicurezza Cibernetica - Servizio Polizia Postale e Sicurezza Cibernetica" along with official looking government logos but text underneath (in Italian and English) talks about a collaboration between govt agencies and ISPs. From mobile cell service it was not blocked.
The text does however mention it's a specific measure against child pornography, not re-hosting copyright content.