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I think you underestimate both the value and importance of individual action by users.

The best tools for preventing tragedies of the commons are collective and individual desire to do so. Taking action and paying personal costs are incredibly important.

On the flip side, it is extremely difficult to force change top down without people willing to lead by example.

Looks at any place with nice commons and they are maintained though widespread desire to do so by individuals. Japan isn't free a litter due to harsh fines, regulatory action, and policing.

One method of individuals coming together as a collective is called forming a government.

One method of individuals expressing their collective desire in that structure is called making laws.

I dont disagree, both are meaningless without broad support for those laws.

Murder is extremely easy and has a 50% closure rate. Most enforcement rates are much lower.

If you dont convince the vast majority of people to do something, you wont be able to set meaningful policy, and you wont be able to enforce it.

My point is to put the primary emphasis on people doing something about it, and not hypocritically telling other people to do something about it.

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