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Update, I thought of a way to express the parent comment here:

0 + 0 = 0, substituting literal values, dropping the units, for some convoluted overloading of the operator '+'. My TSH (thyroid test) came back from the lab without units this, I guess I'm modernizing.

0 dB S/N + 0 bytes originating information = 0 bytes transmitted (arguably error free to be fair).

Contrast this with P. Graham's comment last year "Why would I want anyone to fail?" on Twitter, which (I'm not a fanboi of Graham or Shannon or Turing, just an admirer of their work), was the most information transmitted to me over any medium, with any S/N that year. Perhaps we should revisit the basis of Shannon's work, in light of what we have learned from the Internet--Einstein wasn't afraid of arguing with Newton. :)


Hmm..took my brain several orders of magnitude longer to warm up than a 6L6 power tube.

AI suggested that I was being generous with my 0 dB S/N for social media, it should be -∞ dB. Good catch.

It also didn't like my unit compatibility (reminding me of the utility of unit analysis), but remember that my '+' is overloaded--most programmers would probably write:

    int plus_ungood(int bytes, double SNR);
dropping the units. Of course we programmers also add geometric points together without dividing, which is mathematical no-no too.

I guess I'll put this on my TODO list for a fun project--"Relativistic Shannon: A Critique of Pure Reason on Social Media":

    Einstein wasn't afraid of arguing across time with Newton, nor should we be afraid of arguing with Shannon.  Arguing on social media, well that's a different thing altogether....[continues for 7000 pages]
I did learn what semantic density was without AI's help, postulating that it would be involved (viz Graham above) using my alarmingly down-trending cognitive abilities.

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