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> One of the peculiarities of my development environment was that I ran all my code against the production database.

Hahaha. I still see this being done today every now and then.

> The CEO leaned across the table, got in my face, and said, "this, is a monumental fuck up. You're gonna cost us millions in revenue". His co-founder (remotely present via Skype) chimed in "you're lucky to still be here".

this type of leadership needs to be put on blast. 2010 or 2024, doesn’t matter.

If it’s going to cost “millions in revenue”, then maybe it would have been prudent to invest time in proper data access controls, proper backups, and rollback procedures.

Absolutely incompetent leadership should never be hired ever again. There should be a public blacklist so I don’t make the mistake of ever working with such idiocy.

The only people ever “fired” should be leadership. Unless the intent is on purpose in which you should be subject to jail time

Yeah, this is the lesson learned, why are they working in production?? This is rule one, even in small startups. This is the real mistake and the head of development (or who ever allowed this to happen) should have been fired.

They let you stay after costing them millions in revenue then? Doesn't sound like the worst leadership to me?

It sounds like they know they fucked up, but blamed their employee to avoid taking responsibility. Whether or not they chose to terminate the scapegoat is irrelevant to determining that they're bad leaders.

Oh please. It's shared blame, not no blame.

The provess needs to improve but the query didn't run itself, leaving the person in their position but giving them what sounds like a light chewing out isn't a sign of bad leadership.

I think the correct thing to do no matter the scale of the fuck up is you, as the person doing the confronting, admit to what you did wrong that led to this outcome, as well as addressing what they did.

They didn't do that, and they threw around "you" a lot at an "us" problem. That's bad leadership.

Leading by example means readily admitting to your own faults and acknowledging that the team has a shared responsibility for outcomes.

They “let you stay” after saying to your face you’ve done “a monumental fuck up” and are “lucky to still be [there]”. That is shit leadership. It reveals they will hold a grudge about that event which the employee won’t ever live down and is likely to impair their growth in the company. After that event one should start looking for a new job.

Blaming the employee means you can emotionally extort them for the rest of their tenure and use them to balance out the raise pool.

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