Your comments feel like you want a reddit style battle of wits. You throw words like ignorant around rather freely. I downvote these comments because they lower the tone of the discussion. We're not here to talk about each other or feel smarter than others.. Well I'm not.
I don't give a flying fuck about your feelings or your opinions about my comments, just as you should not about mine. i am a free man. you should try to be one too. we can talk to each other, but that does not mean that either of us has to believe or be convinced by what the other person says. is this not fuckingly blindlingly obvious to you?
if not, you have a serious perception problem.
yes, I do throw around words, just like anyone else, but not freely, instead, I do that after at least some thought, which I do not see happening in the people whom I replied to, nor in your comment above.