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Some scammer "founder" invented a "job" to pick my brain while pretending to be hiring. Absolute liar. One of those customer/feedback chat widgets with video call features.

Same thing happened to me. We had an “interview” and then ghosted me. Shortly after, his product was Sherlocked and I was ecstatic.

The startup was ServiceBell. It was a feature company in a crowded market with little defensibility. They're still around.

It's easy to get rich quick in business when you're dishonest for a short time, but it's slightly more difficult to be honest, trustworthy, and not a pathological liar. Karma, reputation, and the law eventually catch up with shady people who didn't learn anything about the social contract from their parents.

> Karma, reputation, and the law eventually catch up with shady people who didn't learn anything about the social contract from their parents.

This is comforting to believe but I'm not sure reality aligns with that.

You're making a snap value judgement that offers no value. Perhaps you should keep your disrespectful comments about other people to yourself.

Sorry, I’m not really sure what part of my comment is disrespectful other than you may disagree with it. Reality certainly doesn’t align with the assertion that eventually justice is metered out to people doing bad things. Do you have evidence that it does?


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