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As somebody who tried to pick up Python after hearing there was one way to do everything…the installation and environment management experience was a train wreck.

Glad to hear it’s getting better finally.

What you heard is from the Zen of Python, a short text meant to express core ideas behind the design of the Python language. You can read it by typing `import this` in the Python interpreter. The exact sentence is:

    There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.
This sentence was coined as an answer to a catch phrase that was used to describe the Perl programming language: There Is More Than One Way To Do It. Giving programmers more freedom to express themselves in different ways was presented as a good thing by the Perl community.

Python was partly marketed as a replacement for Perl and the sentence from the Zen of Python expresses a difference from Perl. The idea is that having different ways to do things leads to confusion and code that is harder to maintain, problems that Perl was supposed to incur according to its critics.

The sentence was true to a certain extent when it came to the Python language. It don't think it has ever been true for the Python ecosystem. For example, during the early 2000s, there were a plethora of web back-end frameworks for Python. As the Python language has since gained a lot of features, I'm not even sure that this is true for the language itself.

Regarding package management, this has always been a weak point of the Python ecosystem. Python developers often make jokes between themselves about that. Unfortunately, I would be very surprised if this project was to put an end to this issue.

Despite all this, I encourage you to learn Python because it's a very interesting and powerful language with an extremely rich ecosystem. Yes, there are many ways to do the same thing with it. But on the other hand, there is a way to do pretty much anything with it.

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