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This looks quite nice, thank you for releasing it open source. Also neat to see a real Flutter app in the wild, this seems like a great use case for it. Would love to read your experience building something polished across ios/android on Flutter.

One note as I signed up for an account is that the email verification went to gmails spam. Probably nothing to be done about that but mentioning it.

I would also add an "authy" option when importing that just goes to an explanation of why it isn't possible and steps you can take to create new tokens etc.

In any case, well done and thank you!

Thank you!

Apps like Auth are a great fit for Flutter, where desktop support is nice to have. We're also using Flutter for our Photos[1] app, and it has served us well so far. Wherever necessary (cryptography, ML, transcoding, ...), we use a bridge to communicate with the native layer, and Flutter becomes a presentation layer of sorts.

Reg. Gmail marking our verification emails going to spam, we aren't sure what the issue is. We migrated from Zoho to SES recently hoping to fix this, but that has not helped. If anyone here understands email deliverability, please do share your thoughts, we'd be grateful!

We've a migration guide from Authy here[2]. They make it difficult, but it's possible.

[1]: https://ente.io

[2]: https://help.ente.io/auth/migration-guides/authy/

Reg. Gmail marking Ente verification emails as spam and showing the "Similar messages were used to steal people's personal information" warning.

Not an engineer/experienced with email deliverability, but, I _did_ feel something off when I received the Email verification code email (which too was marked as spam by Gmail). Thoughts/observations:

1. The email body is very minimal, which could be a good thing, but, > it did not have the usual trust markers/indicators - no brand logo or name at the top, > a generic envelope/letter icon/image as the largest visual item in the message > just a single "Use this code to verify your email address" line in the message body (except the "ente.io" link at the footer)

2. I did a quick comparison between the Ente verification code emails and some recent verification code emails from other products (Backblaze, Google, Instagram, IBM Security..) > none of them were as barebones/non-descript like the Ente emails. > They had descriptive text that provided a bit of context ("you recently signed up for an account at XYZ with PQR email address, and this code is required to...") > They had the brand identity (Name / Logo) prominently somewhere in the beginning of the message > AND most of them had the company name, registered address, and contact details in the footer. (Adds accountbility/trust?). Some even had links to privacy and support pages.

3. I believe you must have already explored the BIMI, VMC route for the "gmail blue tick".

Thanks for sharing these!

BIMI + VMC seems like an expensive workaround, we'll first experiment with your first two recommendations. We'll also have to figure out a way to reset the score with Gmail. Hopefully they haven't penalized the whole domain, and a new from-address will do it.

Thanks again for taking the time out to share your thoughts, really appreciate it! :)

The migration guides dont work as of the hack as they all rely on desktop tools which used the api that script kiddies used to dump that list of 33m phone numbers. Any updated guides?

If you have an Android phone (even if just an old one you don't use anymore, or a cheap one you're willing to buy) and you're willing to root it and wipe all data on it, you can:

1. Unlock the bootloader (if not already done) (this will wipe your device)

2. Install Authy on it and log into your Authy account

3. Root your device (I used Magisk https://github.com/topjohnwu/Magisk)

4. Once rooted, you can access the Authy app data and extract the TOTP secrets, then import them into a different app (there's a script to make this easier here https://gist.github.com/gboudreau/94bb0c11a6209c82418d01a59d..., but you can also just go exploring manually in the root file system and find the Authy storage file)

It was somewhat of a pain in the ass to do this, but Authy really annoyed me with how difficult they make it to migrate off of their bullshit, so it was worth it to me to finally be able to delete their app after extracting the secrets this way.

That's unfortunate, thanks for letting me know.

I'm currently unable to find a straight forward way of getting data out of Authy, will bump up this thread when I do.

Ah, so _that’s_ why the ente photos app feels so “off” - it’s using flutter.

I’ve tried the app a few times over the last couple of years and had a dislike of the UI because it did not _feel_ right, like it was slow or something. I can’t say exactly what.

It is almost certainly because it is using flutter rather than native DOM elements.

(I’ve been keeping track of ente but never quite made the jump - not solely due to the UI though!)

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