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I've come across this library a lot but never used it. I did inherit a project that uses chakra-ui though and have very much enjoyed using it. This seems similar, has anyone used both and have a preference for one or the other?

I've always been afraid to use Ant because it's Chinese: https://github.com/ant-design

Not necessarily just because of CCP shenanigans, but also US ones (like if an administration suddenly decides to impose software import restrictions).

MUI is international (founded in France & UK: https://mui.com/about/), and Chakra is Nigerian (https://v2.chakra-ui.com/)

It saddens me that this matters in this day and age, but if you're adopting a UI kit for long-term corporate usage, it is worth considering...

I ended up moving away from Ant on a project a few years back. It frustrated me that troubleshooting with specific code snippets would often bring me to Chinese-only Github issues / etc.

Conversely, I've always wondered how the Chinese (or any non-native English speaker) feels about that... must be really hard to be a dev if you can't easily read & write help requests =/

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