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TeamSnap | Multiple Roles | Remote (US Only) | Full-time | https://teamsnap.com

TeamSnap is hiring for multiple positions to join our remote-first team. We work every day to simplify the lives of players, coaches, parents, and sports organizations by taking the headache out of organizing sports.

Engineers at TeamSnap are critical to our technical and product innovation. We build applications and services with Ruby, Elixir, React, TypeSript, Go[lang], Swift, Kotlin, MySQL, RabbitMQ, Docker, Kubernetes, Firebase, and Google Cloud. On the Full Stack side, “T-shaped” developers are encouraged.

Open technical roles:

- Senior Android Engineer

- Senior Data Engineer

- Senior iOS Engineer

- Senior Software Engineer (BE/Fullstack)

- Software Engineer

We also have a number of non-technical roles available as well!

View all roles here: https://jobs.lever.co/teamsnap/?lever-via=0u_uZ-k-Wh&lever-s...

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