I had to build a queue implementation not too long ago. We used t2.nano for our benchmarks as well. Your results are in-line with ours pre-optimizations (except we are using nats jetstream for queuing).
I’d also recommend reducing the number of threads as that can increase performance on single-processor machines (context switching will kill you). Try to find the sweet spot (for us, it was 2x-4x the number of cpus to threads, at least, for our workload).
If you are using go, it kinda sucks at single-cpu things, and if you detect that you have a single core, you can lock a go-routine to a thread and that sometimes helps.
Also, try to batch sends (aka, for-loop) to attempt to saturate the send-side so by the time you come back with your next batch they’re still messages sitting in a network buffer somewhere. For example, we have a channel that wakes up our sender, then we honest-to-god wait like 60ms in the hopes there will be more than one message to pick up — and there usually is in production.
These are great suggestions. Today every db write is indeed wrapped in a mutex. The two optimizations I am experimenting with are:
1. When new messages are inserted, immediately append to a file on disk. Then, in batch, insert to SQLite.
2. When dequeuing messages, keep n message IDs in memory as a ready queue, and then keep dequeued message IDs in another list. Those can be served immediately (using a SELECT which is fast) and then updating messages to the dequeued status can happen in batch.
For 1. We went with a per-routine bytes.Buffer that was batch "inserted" every x milliseconds or n messages. However, we don't care if we lose some messages on a crash. For integrity, some queues are set to 0ms, 1msg because we don't want to lose anything, but when it is ok that messages are lost, this is great for perf.
For 2. you could probably do something like this:
-- Select the oldest pending message
SELECT id, message FROM queue WHERE status = 'pending' ORDER BY created_at ASC LIMIT 100;
-- Mark messages as 'processing'
UPDATE queue SET status = 'processing' WHERE created_at < ?; -- assuming created_at is monotonic
Basically, select a batch and then abuse the ordering properties to batch mark them. Then all messages in your select you can dispatch evenly to sender threads. Sender threads can then signal a buffered channel that they've completed/failed, and the database can be updated. At startup, you can just SELECT where status = 'processing' and recover.
This is a pretty decent translation of how ours works.
I’d also recommend reducing the number of threads as that can increase performance on single-processor machines (context switching will kill you). Try to find the sweet spot (for us, it was 2x-4x the number of cpus to threads, at least, for our workload).
If you are using go, it kinda sucks at single-cpu things, and if you detect that you have a single core, you can lock a go-routine to a thread and that sometimes helps.
Also, try to batch sends (aka, for-loop) to attempt to saturate the send-side so by the time you come back with your next batch they’re still messages sitting in a network buffer somewhere. For example, we have a channel that wakes up our sender, then we honest-to-god wait like 60ms in the hopes there will be more than one message to pick up — and there usually is in production.