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By what reasoning is RvW an abortion ban? It was a ban on abortion bans but that’s very different. The only restrictions Dobbs removed were those impeding bans. If you listened to the debate, Trump said pretty clearly he’s against late term abortions and if the right takes power next year a federal ban superseding local parties seems inevitable. So you have to jump through a lot of mental hoops to pretend like Dobbs was anything other than a step on the road to a full federal ban on abortions (first it’ll start at something like 16-24 weeks and gradually be shifted earlier and earlier and you’ll claim “well technically they didn’t ban abortions altogether”).

As for constitutional but not partisan, it was a 6-3 decision along ideological lines. And famously the criticism from the left of Roe v Wade was that it found protection in the wrong parts of the constitution - that it was based on privacy and physician rights instead of women’s rights. So you’d have to be willfully trying to deceive to paint this as a non-partisan issue.

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