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Complaining people have been suggesting it for a long time. They seem to be of the "anyone who doesn't agree with me is obviously either stupid or evil" type.

I'm with you, though, that it feels more possible than it ever has before. If it does actually happen, it's going to be a huge change. The Supreme Court will no longer have any believable claim of being unpartisan, and democratic norms will be broken in a much broader way than ever before (barring January 6).

So if it happens, take note. America after that won't be what it was before it.

There are so many things happening in America in just the past 6 years that it’s nothing like anything that has happened in existence - each year.

I have never seen an insurrection in America. Legislators in the American Capital had to be evacuated not from an invading army, but people with some plan to overthrow them. Trump alone is so dense with examples of “wont be the same” that I can only think of fractals when I try and list the things that have happened.

I'm guessing you're quite young?

The US went through a civil war. A President was impeached. The US was defeated in a war in Asia. We had race riots every few weeks. National leaders were assassinated with alarming regularity.

The idea that the last few years have been "nothing like anything that has happened in existence" seems quite naive.

> Legislators in the American Capital had to be evacuated not from an invading army

And some even claimed to be there who weren't for political points.

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