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Meta comment: that’s the third comment I see this week with “quasi” emojis. Is this becoming a trend?


These are called kaomoji. More generally, emoticons.


Sometimes referred to as smilies, though IMO that word describes the 3ish character subset that look like a face at 90 degrees⁰, and predating emoji¹ by quite some time².


[0] Like :-)

[0] and many many others: ;-) :-( :-| :-p 8-) …

[1] the graphical alternatives

[2] first commonly used in the early 80s, even before my time online, where emoji turned up right at the end of the 90s

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

> (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

> o_o

> “quasi” emojis

Welp, if you need me I'll be shuffling my weary bones into a casket.

Way back when, we used to call ASCII like ":)" smilies, didn't we? I'm so old I don't even remember clearly. x_x

So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time...

> Way back when, we used to call ASCII like ":)" smilies, didn't we? I'm so old I don't even remember clearly. x_x

I always thought that ~it's only called Champagne if it's from the Champagne region of France~ it's only called a smiley if it's smiling. But, according to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emoticon (and as confirmed by http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~sef/sefSmiley.htm), their progenitor Scott Fahlman gave :-( as a prototypical example, so what do I know?

What is this part supposed to represent?

︵ ┻━┻

That's a table being flipped. The whole thing is the table-flip eastern-style emoticon (kaomoji).


They're called kaomoji https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaomoji (face-character)

And Windows actually has a library of them for easy insertion. It's part of the same interface as selecting emoji. Just hit Win+. (Win+{Period}) and switch to the ";-)" tab.

Again, you mean?

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