Sometimes referred to as smilies, though IMO that word describes the 3ish character subset that look like a face at 90 degrees⁰, and predating emoji¹ by quite some time².
[0] Like :-)
[0] and many many others: ;-) :-( :-| :-p 8-) …
[1] the graphical alternatives
[2] first commonly used in the early 80s, even before my time online, where emoji turned up right at the end of the 90s
> Way back when, we used to call ASCII like ":)" smilies, didn't we? I'm so old I don't even remember clearly. x_x
I always thought that ~it's only called Champagne if it's from the Champagne region of France~ it's only called a smiley if it's smiling. But, according to (and as confirmed by, their progenitor Scott Fahlman gave :-( as a prototypical example, so what do I know?
And Windows actually has a library of them for easy insertion. It's part of the same interface as selecting emoji. Just hit Win+. (Win+{Period}) and switch to the ";-)" tab.