Given that this graph was completely unsourced and the tweet sounded like it was trying to be inflammatory, I went out and tried to find the actual source of this.
More interesting would be to choose between fossil fuel and nuclear baseload generation, and also mention the yearly millions of deaths due to fossil fuel air pollution, versus maybe a dozen from nuclear accidents.
I mean, women tend to be greener and more social, politically. Opponents of nuclear power tend to be green and/or social. Typical case of a venn-diagram, no?
If we can laydown undersea internet cables all across the world, surely the nuclear power plants can be someplace else and energy generated can be transferred.
Securing nuclear power is a pain and US oscillates between far left and far right. France is the nuclear power horse of Europe and supply the excess power all around.
Apparently it was a survey carried out by "morning consult" [], however the links seem to be quite broken. However, it was also discussed in this Vox article [], which actually talks about why that might be the case.
TL;DR, according to the article there is a divide in how white men and other groups assess risk