Why do people always assume anything he says isn't why he does what he does? He's repeatedly stated why he cares. It's rather frustrating. Like assume good faith please.
Which year of promising "FSD later this year/end of year" do we stop assuming good faith and recognize that maybe Musk has dug himself into his own hole when it comes to assuming good faith about his statements?
Kinda like "I have evidence that Vern Unsworth is a pedophile"? Should we have assumed good faith there, too?
> Which year of promising "FSD later this year/end of year" do we stop assuming good faith and recognize that maybe Musk has dug himself into his own hole when it comes to assuming good faith about his statements?
I take it as that is what he actually thinks. He is perpetually bad, exceptionally so, at judging the time things will take to complete. He's not actively lying. He actually thinks that. Once you assume that, you start to get a better understanding of why he operates the way he does. He's naive to a fault.
> Kinda like "I have evidence that Vern Unsworth is a pedophile"? Should we have assumed good faith there, too?
(First off, that's not a direct quote, he never said that.) That's not an engineering topic so I'm not going to stake my reputation on it, but my default assumption would be the same, he actually thought that, as silly as it seems. He had a preconceived notion, unfounded or not, that any old white man who retired to that area of the world was more than likely to be that type of person.
Of course the origin of that dirt seeking effort was that he was upset with the guy for doing personal attacks on him personally and also on the efforts of the SpaceX employees which he almost considers as extensions of himself. So he considered that he must be a bad person (as only a bad person would have attacked what he was trying to do), in multiple ways, so he went trying to find what other ways he was a bad person.
The lengths you go to just paint Elon as this innocent, naive guy.
The man who says "he knows more about manufacturing than anybody on this planet at this point" is actually, hilariously bad at making estimates. Tesla has even said in filings that "statements from Elon are visionary in nature and do not reflect an engineering reality" (to the DMV).
As for Unsworth, that doesn't stand up to the smell test:
If he actually believed that "old white men who retired to that area are more likely to be that type of person" he wouldn't have tried to peddle the "it doesn't mean anything, it's just a common insult that people in South Africa use .
> Musk’s attorneys argued that the tweet was not a statement of fact, but an insult.
So which is it, he believed it, or he didn't believe it?
> Of course the origin of that dirt seeking effort was that he was upset with the guy for doing personal attacks on him personally and also on the efforts of the SpaceX employees which he almost considers as extensions of himself.
This is horrific victim blaming, and a distortion of things. Musk said that he was bringing a team to Thailand to offer assistance. He was told that the sub wasn't a workable idea. But four days later, he arrived anywhere with it, and grandstanded in front of the media that his team and their idea was being ignored.
Unsworth never said anything about the SpaceX employees or their efforts. In fact what he said to CNN was that he viewed it as a "PR stunt":
> Are you willing to apologize to Mr Musk for saying that it was just a PR stunt?
and when pushed, he said that "Musk should stick the submarine where it hurts" when the discussion was on the media furore at the rescue site.
> So he considered that he must be a bad person (as only a bad person would have attacked what he was trying to do), in multiple ways, so he went trying to find what other ways he was a bad person.
This isn't reasonable, as you try to paint it to be. It's the actions of an utter sociopath.
Reasonable isn't taking a negative remark about you and making comments that you know will be picked up around the world, hiring a private investigator after you make them to try to supply proof.
And this isn't new for Musk. We all remember Paul Pelosi's "secret gay lover" was the one that attacked him with a hammer? That's what Musk truly believed too, there, I'm sure, so it was only reasonable that he broadcast that...