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I wouldn’t say it’s philosophy so much as a split in what you think the goal of physics is. Is the goal to create the most accurate models or to understand how the universe actually works?

The notion that we can fully understand how the universe works may be a overly optimistic belief. There's no inherent reason to assume the universe is structured in a way that human brains can comprehend. Even if we are fortunate enough to have a universe that is understandable by humans in principle, there is no guarantee that a falsifiable theory that explains everything exist. Some people assume that we could eventually formulate a theory of everything or have a complete understanding of QM, but there is no scientific evidence to support this belief. All we have are equations, like the Schrödinger equation, which provide accurate predictions of physical phenomena.

You are describing philosophy:

because we can’t measure the goals anywhere in the universe; the universe (in the form of humans) has to decide with its consciousness what is more valuable (this is philosophy).

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