I certainly found code-CAD to be a useful bridge from abstract coder thinking to more concrete 3D thinking. It's liberating, and obviously it's potentially enormously valuable for parametric customisation.
But now I feel the sketch-and-constraints 3D CAD approach is more natural, even though I am still clumsy with 3D apps. It's also much, much faster once you know what tools are available to you.
So I find it difficult to believe that most non-coders would see code-CAD as superior.
It's at odds with the visualisations people use when working by hand with wood or metal, for example. It wasn't until I had to model a Leica M bayonet that I really grasped that CAD packages are to some extent built around analogues of real-world tools.
But now I feel the sketch-and-constraints 3D CAD approach is more natural, even though I am still clumsy with 3D apps. It's also much, much faster once you know what tools are available to you.
So I find it difficult to believe that most non-coders would see code-CAD as superior.
It's at odds with the visualisations people use when working by hand with wood or metal, for example. It wasn't until I had to model a Leica M bayonet that I really grasped that CAD packages are to some extent built around analogues of real-world tools.