A note on USB-C, to augment the article's note: Wire the CC pins to appropriate resistors, or it probably won't work!
And a note on the differential routing and impedance: For USB 2.0, it's not a big deal. Keep the traces of similar length, and reasonably direct. Probably next to each other. You probably don't need to worry about fine-tuning the length and trace widths, impedance control, RF best practices etc. Just connect the nets.
480MBit/s is fast enough that you do need to worry about best practices and impedance matching within 10% or so. Many MCUs will also need series resistors between the USB PHY pins and the connector.
Will you need to respin a board because you needed to use a 20 mil trace instead of 24 mil? Probably not. All things considered, laying out a USB 2.0 differential pair is pretty low stakes. But you should still try and do it right - it's good practice.
And a note on the differential routing and impedance: For USB 2.0, it's not a big deal. Keep the traces of similar length, and reasonably direct. Probably next to each other. You probably don't need to worry about fine-tuning the length and trace widths, impedance control, RF best practices etc. Just connect the nets.