Wasn't expecting my question to hit top of HN. I guess I'll give some context for why I asked it.
I work in quantum error correction, and was trying to collect interesting and quantitative examples of repetition codes being used implicitly in classical systems. Stuff like DRAM storing a 0 or 1 via the presence or absence of 40K electrons [1], undersea cables sending X photons per bit (don't know that one yet), some kind of number for a transistor switching (haven't even decided on the number for that one yet), etc.
A key reason quantum computing is so hard is that by default repetition makes things worse instead of better, because every repetition is another chance for an unintended measurement. So protecting a qubit tends to require special physical properties, like the energy gap of a superconductor, or complex error correction strategies like surface codes. A surface code can easily use 1000 physical qubits to store 1 logical qubit [2], and I wanted to contrast that with the sizes of implicit repetition codes used in classical computing.
Subsea cables don't use repetition codes (they are very much suboptimal), but typically use large overhead (20%) LDPC codes (as do satellite comms systems for that matter (the dvb-s2 standard is a good example). Generally to get anywhere close to Shannon we always need sophisticated coding.
Regarding the sensitivity of Subsea systems they are still significantly above 1 photon/bit, the highest sensitivity experiments have been done for optical space comms (look e.g. for the work from Mit Lincoln Labs, David Geisler, David Kaplan and Bryan Robinson are some of the people to look for.
I think you're picturing a different level of the network stack than I had in mind. Yes, above the physical level they will be explicitly using very sophisticated codes. But I think physically it is the case that messages are transmitted using pulses of photons, where a pulse will contain many photons and will lose ~5% of its photons per kilometer when travelling through fiber (which is why amplifiers are needed along the way). In this case the "repetition code" is the number of photons in a pulse.
But we are classical, so I think it's wrong (or at least confusing) to talk about the many photons as repetition codes. Then we might as well start to call all classical phenomena repetition codes. Also how would you define SNR when doing this?
Repetition codes have a very clearly defined meaning in communication theory, using them to mean something else is very confusing.
> Then we might as well start to call all classical phenomena repetition codes
All classical phenomena are repetition codes (e.g., https://arxiv.org/abs/0903.5082 ). And this is perfectly compatible with the meaning in communication theory, except that the symbols we're talking about are the states of the fundamental physical degrees of freedom.
In the exact same sense, the von Neumann entropy of a density matrix is the Shannon entropy of its spectrum, and no one says "we shouldn't call that the Shannon entropy because Shannon originally intended to apply it to macroscopic signals on a communication line".
I think what they mean is that classical systems use more than a single packet of energy to represent a state. Our “digital systems” are actually analog systems in saturation states. Each time you want to set a bit in memory, you need enough energy to fill up a capacitor (or similar related concept) which is far more than a single electron. This methodology from the viewpoint of quantum systems is repetition/redundancy which provides robustness against stray electrons (eg: from induced current/interference.)
As we build systems that require less power, we are also building systems that use less electrons to represent a single bit.
Another fun tidbit in this space comes down to signal propagation in a lossy medium: we don’t actually use square waves for our clocks since a square wave is composed of many different frequencies. Since different frequencies propagate at different speeds, a square wave looks less and less like a square and also uses more power than a simple sine wave. If you remember your Fourier/Laplace knowledge, you probably remember that a sine is a single frequency and thus it will be coherent through a conductor and use the least amount of power to generate.
Edit: I’m talking about electrons here but the concept of many packets for a single state extends to most of our communication channels today … eg radio communications like we see to/from Voyager.
Some people suggest that digital computing and neural networks are a bit fit, and that would should be using analog devices.
That sounds very appealing at first. But we have (at least) two problems:
First, our transistors dissipate almost no energy when they are either 'fully open' or 'fully closed'. Because either there's approximately no current, or approximately no resistance. Holding them partially open, like you'd do in analog processing, would produce a lot of heat.
The second problem: electrons are discrete, and thanks to miniaturisation and faster and faster clockspeeds, we are actually getting into realms where that makes a difference. So either you have to accept that the maximum resolution of activation of your analog neuron is fairly small (perhaps 10 bits or so?), which is not that much better than using your transistors in binary only; or you'll have to use much larger transistors in your neural chips.
Both problems together mean that analog computing for neural networks isn't really competitive with digital computing. (Outside of some very niche applications, perhaps.)
I think all of your points are valid. I also think that we have optimized heavily for this state of technology. If we figured out that analog computing was somehow superior in a big way, I bet we would find ways of reducing power etc in analog designs.
One way that analog computing would be really neat for neural networks is in speed. The way it might not be so great is in reliability (or repeatability, specifically.) Analog systems are more susceptible to noise as well as variation from fabrication processes. Running things at saturation makes them easier to design, test and mass produce.
Specifically to the point of the comparatively low reliability / high variation of analog systems: an interesting property of neural nets is that they can be robust relative to noise when trained with the same type of noise witnessed under inference.
Whether or not speed/etc. would be better in the digital vs. analog design-space, it's an interesting thing to consider that neural nets can automatically account for the encoding-medium's variability. This perhaps makes neural solutions a good fit for low power analog media which otherwise aren't useful for classical computing.
> This insight captures the essence of Quantum Darwin-
ism: Only states that produce multiple informational off-
spring – multiple imprints on the environment – can be
found out from small fragments of E. The origin of the
emergent classicality is then not just survival of the fittest
states (the idea already captured by einselection), but
their ability to “procreate”, to deposit multiple records
– copies of themselves – throughout E
Basically, quantum information is unknown. All possible classical states are mixed together. Once you measure it, it decoheres into a classical system, where all measurements are highly correlated -- some states exist, and others don't exist. A quantum coin flip is heads or tails on top, and tails or heads on bottom. But once you measure it, it all decoheres at once. You get a classical coin flip, that is hrads on top and tails on bottom, or vice versa. You can't get heads on top, and tails or heads on bottom unsettled for a second bit of information.
The same message is written twice, on the top and the bottom of the coin. You can look at the top of coin or the bottom and get the same result. If the top of the coin melts, you can still read the result of the flip from the bottom.
All the objective classical facts out there (e.g., the location of the moon, the existence of the dinosaurs, what I ate for breakfast) are recorded in many degrees of freedom (e.g., the photons scattered off the moon, the dinosaur bones, and the microscopic bits of bagel in the trash). By the no-cloning theorem, quantum information cannot be amplified, so this necessarily means the information we can access is classical. But these classical facts are the exception rather than the rule, as far as the full arena of quantum mechanics is concerned. There are always many more degrees of freedom that are not redundantly recorded, for the simple fact that you need to use one degrees of freedom to record another.
Even if the world were fundamentally classical (which it's not), the only things you could actually know about it would be the tiny subset that is amplified to macroscopic scales, necessarily producing many records in, if nothing else, the many atoms in the neurons in your brain.
Oh, you can have multiple layers of error correcting coding.
Eg Google stores data internally with something like Reed-Solomon error correction, but they typically have two independent copies.
So they have repetition code at the classical nano-scale, then Reed-Solomon error correction at the next level, and at the highest level they apply repetition again.
There's nothing confusing about this, as long as you are careful to make sure that your listener knows which level you are talking about.
> Repetition codes have a very clearly defined meaning in communication theory, using them to mean something else is very confusing.
OP used them exactly with the orthodox meaning as far as I can tell.
Yeah, I agree it's unusual to describe "increased brightness" as "bigger distance repetition code". But I think it'll be a useful analogy in context, and I'd of course explain that.
> Stuff like DRAM storing a 0 or 1 via the presence or absence of 40K electrons
I'd assume that these days it's a couple of orders of magnitude fewer than that (the cited source is from 1996). Incidentally, 40k e- is roughly the capacity of a single electron well ("pixel") in a modern CMOS image sensor [1] – but those 40k electrons are able to represent a signal of up to ~14 bits, around 10k distinct luminance values, depending on temperature and other noise sources.
I worked in quantum optics for a while. Our DARPA grant once had the "mission" to see how many bits of information could be theoretically crammed into 1 photon. It turns out to be an uninteresting question because you can theoretically cram infinite bits into one photon, encoded in the relative timing of the photon in a pulse train, limited only by the dispersion of your medium (in space, effectively zero).
Even dispersion is a boring question because it is possible to reverse dispersion by sending the light through a parametric amplifier to conjugate the phases and then running it through the dispersion medium a second time locally.
I believe that a classical radio receiver is measuring a coherent state. This is a much lower level notion than people normally think about in QEC since the physical DoF are usually already fixed (and assumed to be a qubit!) in QEC. The closest analogue might be different choices of qubit encodings in a bosonic code.
In general, I'm not sure that the classical information theory toolkit allows us to compare a coherent state with some average occupation number N to say, M (not necessarily coherent) states with average occupation number N' such that N' * M = N. For example, you could use a state that is definitely not "classical" / a coherent state or you could use photon number resolving measurements.
A tangential remark: The classical information theory field uses this notion of "energy per bit" to be able to compare more universally between information transmission schemes. So they would ask something like "How many bits can I transmit with X bandwidth and Y transmission power?"
Isn't sending more than one photon always "repetition" in that sense? Classical systems probably don't do that because of the engineering complexity of sending a single photon at a time -- we had oscillators and switches, not single photon emitters.
> Isn't sending more than one photon always "repetition" in that sense?
Yes. But regardless of whether its feasible to send single quanta in any given circumstance, the redundant nature of the signals is key to understanding its much higher degree of robustness relative to quantum signals.
And to be clear, you can absolutely send a classical signal with individual quanta.
> by default repetition makes things worse instead of better
Can you elaborate on this a bit? My intuition is that, by default, statistical models benefit from larger N. But I have no experience in quantum physics.
It's because unintended measurement is a type of error in a quantum computer. Like, if an electron passing near your qubit would get pushed left if your qubit was 0 and right if was 1, then you will see errors when electrons pass by. Repeating the 0 or 1 a thousand times just means there's 1000x more places that electrons passing by would cause a problem. That kind of redundancy makes that kind of error mechanism worse instead of better.
There are ways of repeating quantum information that protect against accidental measurement errors. For example, if your logical 0 is |000> + |110> + |011> + |101> and your logical 1 is |111> + |001> + |100> + |010> then can recover from one accidental measurement. And there are more complex states that protect against both bitflip errors and accidental measurements simultaneously. They're just more complicated to describe (and implement!) than "use 0000000 instead of 0 and 1111111 instead of 1".
Classical systems: You measure some state, with the measurement containing some error. Averaging the measurement error usually gets closer to the actual value.
Quantum systems: Your measurement influences/can influence the state, which can cause an error in the state itself. Multiple measurements means more possible influence.
Yeah that's roughly it. In classical computers all errors can be simplified as being bit flip errors (0 instead of 1, 1 instead of 0). Like, power loss is a lot of bit flip errors that happened to target the bits that should have been 1. In quantum computers this simplification does not work, there is another type of error called a phase flip. Measurements cause phase flip errors. You can exchange the phase flip and bit flip bases by using a gate called the Hadamard gate. So if you surround measurements with Hadamard gates, you will see bit flip errors. The existence of gates like Hadamard is what makes it possible to see these kinds of things at all, and correspondingly its availability can be thought of as the thing that makes a quantum computer a quantum computer, instead of a classical computer.
If there's interference, could you do something like when using 7 repetition for each bit, take whatever 5 of 7 is, e.g. 1111100 is 1 and 1100000 is 0.
It actually depends how this sentence is intended. There exist quantum repetition codes: the Shor code is the simplest example that uses 9 physical qubits per logical qubit. Since the information is quantum it needs majority voting over two independent bases (hence 3x3=9 qubits to encode a logical one).
You might be making the mistake of thinking that quantum mechanics runs on probabilities, which work in the way you are used to, when in fact it runs on amplitudes, which work quite differently.
I think the point is the model though - if a system's behavior can be modeled/described classically, it's a bit silly to to call it a "quantum" system in the same way that it's reductive to say Biology is just applied particle physics. Sure, but that's not a very useful level of abstraction.
If you want to understand the transition between a fundamental theory and its effective description in some limiting regime, you need to be able to describe a system in the limiting regime using the fundamental theory. It's not "silly" to talk about an atom having a gravitational field even if it's unmeasurably small (currently).
Lol, so you've got a working theory to bridge the quantum and classical worlds? That is, you've figured out how to make general relativity and quantum mechanics emerge from a more fundamental theory? Somebody get this person a Nobel!
We're at the phase where we know the world is quantum, but we also simply don't have the ability to bridge that set of observable phenomena to what we know about macroscopic things. That's what makes this exercise "silly".
No need to be sarcastic. We are trying to develop ideas and have a conversation
We are not trying to prove who is right and who is wrong
Regardless of whatever the mainstream agreement in physics might be regarding a preferred model for reality, everyone experiences reality directly, without any need for science or math. And they can express those experiences and ideas in their own way
If you don’t agree with someone else’s ideas, please just explain why politely, and also maybe even try to understand their point of view. What would things look like if they were actually right? How might theirs be a good idea?
I'm not trying to be mean, it just struck me as kind of a funny position.
"If you want to understand the transition between a fundamental theory and its effective description in some limiting regime, you need to be able to describe a system in the limiting regime using the fundamental theory"
Like, that's well and good, but in general we just can't do that without hand-waving, period. This is true all over the place (biology/physics, psychology/neuroscience/physics). It's sort of true, but not in a useful way.
What does that even mean, and how is it a response to my point that choosing an appropriate level of abstraction for the problem at hand is a good idea?
> in general we just can't [describe a system in the limiting regime using the fundamental theory] without hand-waving, period...It's sort of true, but not in a useful way.
And I am saying that it in fact can be done, and has been done, in physics and math in a very non-hand-waving way. One can show rigorously when a certain abstractions is accurate.
Well... sure, but I think you're still almost purposely missing the point. Take this example - can we prove that a system of differential equations emerges in a meaningful way from discrete systems? Yes, obviously. That's a far cry from the OP's "if you think about it, all things are quantum", which is where this thread started and what I'm talking about.
It also illustrates the actual point pretty well - when you have a good set of differential equations that describe observed phenomena, that higher level of abstraction gives MORE insight into the processes at play, even when we know that it emerges from something more fundamental. Only when that model is a poor approximation do we need to appeal to the more fundamental regime (or when that fundamental regime is what we're studying).
If you think that fact that levels of abstraction give insight is a rebuttal to the OP, you don't under what he's doing. Understanding how the fundamental theory reduces to the abstraction (1) allows you to precisely know the limits of the abstraction and (2) allows you to port knowledge you have about one side to the other.
Like, this comment of your is a great example of the sort of confusion that arises when you don't understand the non-relativistic limit:
> Lol, so you've got a working theory to bridge the quantum and classical worlds? That is, you've figured out how to make general relativity and quantum mechanics emerge from a more fundamental theory?
You're confusing the quantum-classical transition with the quantum-gravity to classical-gravity transition. (People understood the relativistic-Galilean transition before they understood the QFT-classical-field-theoy transition.)
if we consider "quantum" to mean our quantum theory, at the level of general relativity, gravity is not a quantum system. and the qualifier "yet" is also not known.
I wonder very much about that statement. So far it is not merging into one theory. Hence one may try to help the OP every physical system if zoom in will be better modelled asking the quantum …
But quantum field actually is a universe model like GR and hence you have this issue of sort of action in a distance by superimposition.
Thanks for asking it. Thanks too to the person that provided the thorough answer.
After reading that answer - seeing all the math equations and physics that cover several disciplines - I wonder how some people can just hand-wave "science" away as a conspiracy to fool the masses. They clearly have little idea the amount of knowledge that works together to get answers questions like this.
I meant the message bits carried by the emission, but you're right, the way things are done, more bits are prepared at first, to make the message more resilient against noise, and only then all the bits are modulated onto the EM emission. So while not all emitted bits do come correctly, all data bits can be reconstructed.
Which makes me wonder, whether this way of achieving resilience against changes along the way is necessary. Maybe the data bits can be modulated directly onto analog current, and error resilience can be achieved by remodulating it on the analog level. Then, the emission would have as many bits as there are in the message, error-resilience (modulating, demodulating) would be done strictly using analog electric circuits.
By adding additional degrees of freedom in the transmission through 'analog modulation' you increase the transmission rate. This is certainly possible, for example FM is more robust than AM, but at the expense of bandwidth. In the presence of a thermal (Gaussian) limited noise model, the Shannon capacity always applies regardless of the modulation.
Actually the limit predicted by Shannon can be significantly beaten, because Shannon assumes gaussian noise, but if we use photon counting receivers we need to use a poisson distribution. This is the Gordon-Holevo limit.
To beat Shannon you need PPM formats and photon counters (single photon detectors).
One can do significantly better than the numbers from voyager in the article using optics even without photon cpunting. Our group has shown 1 photon/bit at 10 Gbit/s [1] but others have shown even higher sensitivity (albeit at much lower data rates).
The Deep Space Optical Communication (Dsoc) between earth and the psyche spacecraft uses large-M PPM for this reason! This mission is currently ongoing.
They send optical pulses in one of up to 128 possible time slots, thereby carrying 7 bits each. And each optical pulse on earth may only be received by 5-10 photons.
Can’t you calculate the CRLB for any given distribution if you wanted? That’s what my lab did for microscopy anyway. Saying you’re beating the Shannon limit is like saying you’re beating the second law of thermodynamics to me.. but I could be wrong.
You are correct. People often say "Shannon limit" (the general case) when they are really referring to the "Shannon-Hartley Limit" (the simplified case of an additive white Gaussian noise channel).
For example, MIMO appears to "break" the Shannon-Hartley limit because it does exceed the theoretical AWGN capacity for a simple channel. However, when you apply Shannon's theory to reformulate the problem for the case of a multipath channel with defined mutual coupling, you find that there is a higher limit you are still bounded by.
I often wondered why MIMO was such an investigated topic. It would make sense if the Shannon limit is higher for this channel. Is there a foundational paper or review that shows this?
Shannon theory assumes Gaussian noise, however in the very low power regime that's just not true. I agree it's unintuitive. Have a look at the Gordon paper I posted earlier.
Very interesting, I studied telecommunications and I thought the Shannon limit was the absolute limit. I wonder now if this Gordon Holevo limit is applicable for "traditional" telecommunications (like 5G) as opposed to photon counting a deep space probe
As also explained in the conclusion of the paper linked by you, "photon-counting" detectors are possible only when the energy of one photon is high enough, which happens only for infrared light or for higher frequencies.
"Photon-counting" methods cannot be implemented at frequencies so low as used in 5G networks or in any other traditional radio communications.
Weird, it works for me. You can use any of the other published links in the sibling comments. The name of the paper is "Quantum Limits in Optical Communications" by Banaszek
I am not sure if you can use 1 photon per bit because (as I understand) emitting and capturing photons is a probabilistic process and when you have 1 photon, there is a probability that it will not be captured by an antenna, but rather will be reflected or will turn into heat. Or am I wrong here?
In principle, you can send more than one photon per bit on average. Photons have a lot of ways they can encode additional bits, eg frequency, polarisation, timing.
As an example, assume every photon can encode 10 bits without losses, but you lose 10% of your photons. Then with a clever error correcting code you can encode just shy of 9 bits per photon.
You can think of the error correcting code 'smearing' 9 * n bits of information over 10 * n photos, and as long as you collect 0.9 * n photons, you can recover the 9 * n bits of information.
It's the same reason your CD still plays, even if you scratch it. In fact, you can glue a paper strip of about 1 cm width on the bottom of your CD, and it'll still play just fine. Go wider, and it won't, because you'll be exceeding the error correcting capacity of the code they are using for CDs.
*typo: you can send more than one bit per photon on average
I'm very curious to learn more about 1cm, what is the math behind it? Do you speak about classical music CD with ±700mb of capacity? I was always fascinating by ability of old super scratched optical disks still functioning without problems.
> I'm very curious to learn more about 1cm, what is the math behind it?
So I actually got that from a cool math talk I attended about 20 years ago. At the end the professor had a cool demonstration where he glued paper strips of various sizes radially on the CD, and exactly as the math he spend an hour explaining predicted, the CD player could cope with up to a 1cm width strip, but no more.
In a nutshell, you arrive at the 1cm like this: you can look up what proportion of 'wrong' bits the CD's coding can correct and other overhead. Then you look up the circumference of a CD (about 28 cm), then you do some multiplication, and figure out that you can lose about 1cm out of every 28cm, and still be able to correct.
Most of the interesting math happens at the first step of 'what proportion of errors can the music CD correct?' and more interestingly 'how does the CD player do that?'
> I was always fascinating by ability of old super scratched optical disks still functioning without problems.
Keep in mind that CD-ROMs have one additional layer of coding on top of what music CDs have. That's because if a bit error slips through the error correction chances are it still won't be audible to the human ear for music, but software might still crash with a single wrong bit.
> Do you speak about classical music CD with ±700mb of capacity?
Yes, that's because that's what I heard the talk about. I am sure more modern formats also have interesting error correction, but I don't know what they use and how much you could cover up.
Is there some fundamental limit to the number of bits per photon that can be communicated via EM radiation? I think it does not exist, because photons aren't all equal, we can use very high frequency and X-ray quantum can probably carry much more information than RF quantum.
this is called the Shannon limit. To discern signal from noise, a minimum sample rate of 2x the frequency of the signal is required. A signal is something that can be turned on or off to send a bit.
Higher frequencies can carry more data as you infer but the engineering challenges of designing transmitters and receivers create tradeoffs in practical systems.
Can individual photons be measured for polarization and phase or is there a similar limit that requires more than one photon to do so? I suppose both are relative to some previous polarization or phase?
Polarization can be measured using polarization filter and light detector, but it is destructive in the usual sense of quantum theory. That is, if the detector after polarization filter clicks, we know the EM field had non-zero component in the direction of the filter, but we do not find out the other components it had before entering the filter.
I guess not without a minimum bound on the communication speed.
If you have a way to reliably transmit N bits in time T using P photons, you can transmit N+1 bits in time 2 * T using also P photons. What you would do to transmit X0,X1,...Xn is:
- During the first time slot of duration T, transmit X1,... Xn if X0 = 0 and 0 otherwise (assuming absence of photons is one of the symbols, which we can label 0)
- During the second time slot of duration T, transmit 0 if X0=0 and X1,... Xn otherwise
This only uses P photons to transmit one more bit, but it takes twice as long. So if you're allowed to take all the time that you want to transmit, and have really good clocks, I guess that theoretically this is unbounded.
Send three photons A B C. They arrive at times ta, tb, tc. Compute fraction (tc - tb) / (tb - ta). This can encode any positive real number with arbitrary precision. But clearly you need either very precise measurements or send the photons at a very slow rate.
Special relativity will give limits on how aligned the clocks can be (which should be a function of the distance between the clocks). So there will be precision limits.
Unless the clocks are accelerating, that shouldn't change the ratio between the two time differences, right? If the two ends have a constant velocity relative to each other, then each should perceive the other as being off by a fixed rate.
I don't think compressed sensing is really extracting more information than Shannon, it simply exploits the fact that the signal we are interested in is sparse so we don't need to sample "everything". But this is somewhat outside my area of expertise so my understanding could be wrong.
Maybe I’m mixing Shannon’s limit with the sampling rate imposed by the Nyquist-Shannon Sampling theorem
> Around 2004, Emmanuel Candès, Justin Romberg, Terence Tao, and David Donoho proved that given knowledge about a signal's sparsity, the signal may be reconstructed with even fewer samples than the sampling theorem requires.[4][5] This idea is the basis of compressed sensing
> However, if further restrictions are imposed on the signal, then the Nyquist criterion may no longer be a necessary condition.
A non-trivial example of exploiting extra assumptions about the signal is given by the recent field of compressed sensing, which allows for full reconstruction with a sub-Nyquist sampling rate. Specifically, this applies to signals that are sparse (or compressible) in some domain
In so many words, Shannon gave a proof showing that in general the sample rate of a digital sensor puts an upper bound on the frequency of any signal that sensor is able to detect.
Unlike the Nyquist-Shannon theory, compressed sensing is not generally applicable: it requires a sparse signal.
As with many other optimization techniques, it’s a trade off between soundness and completeness.
that is not correct. digital sensors detect frequencies above the nyquist limit all the time, which is why they need an analog antialiasing filter in front of them. what they can't do is distinguish them from baseband aliases
you could just as correctly say 'nyquist-shannon theory is not generally applicable; it requires a bandlimited signal' (which is why compressed sensing doesn't violate it)
Thank you for the clarification, great point about the importance of distinguishing the acts of "detecting" and "making sense of" some signal/data/information
Consider the simple example of frequency aliasing. If you sample a 3.2MHz sine wave at a 1MHz sample rate, it looks the same as a 0.2MHz wave. But if you know a priori that the signal only has frequency components between 3 and 3.5 MHz, then you know the 0.2MHz you are measuring is actually 3.2MHz - you can fully reconstruct the original signal even though you are not sampling it fast enough.
Interestingly, in a philosophical way, you might never be able to know the “original signal”, since any signal can also technically be the alias of an infinite number of other signals, including the one used for sampling
For anyone who is interested in the ultimate limits to communications the seminal paper by Jim Gordon is quite easy to understand even without a physics degree (unlike the Holevo paper IMO). He was incredibly good at writing in an accessible manner (apart from probably being the person who most deserved a Nobel prize but didn't get it).
The overwhelming loss in this calculation is from the antenna’s radiated energy spreading out over a larger and larger area (despite the directional “gain” factor).
I’m wondering: would a probe launched today instead employ a laser to communicate? This would seem to offer many orders of magnitude improvement in the directionality of the signal.
The main challenge is the earth to probe comms for distant probes, since the earth is often very close (in an angular sense) to the sun from the probes perspective, and the sun gives out a lot of black body radiation.
However, due to the shape of the black body radiation curve, the sun gives out relatively less microwave radiation than it does visible light, which might outweigh the advantages of more directionality given by using a laser.
The big dish antennas do use ruby masers, but not to transmit. The maser is used as the LNA on the receive side. Check out the picture on page 41 of the pdf, clearly this a flux capacitor, mislabeled to deceive us ;)
Not having thought this through before, I see now that while a transmit maser may have efficiency advantages, it may not improve directionality relative to a standard parabolic radio transmitter. All methods of producing microwaves will have basically the same diffraction-limited gain for a given “aperture” (dish) size. That darn uncertainty principle! (However, an optical laser would still give way better directionality.)
Further, we're good at building really big radio transceivers here on Earth, we don't have nearly the same technical experience with lasers of that scale.
Presumably though it would be useful to have a high bandwidth link back to earth even if we had to use conventional microwave transmitters to send data back.
We want to download high resolution images/spectrographs whereas we only want to upload code/instructions.
Interesting about the JPL program and I’m amazed this prototype was only launched last year! Apparently the answer to comms laser use is “not yet but soon”.
Its certainly exiting that we'll have laser based communication in the near future. its like all ingredients for interplanetary missions are slowly coming together. all we're missing now is a very high specific impulse engine that could push the several tons for human habitation to another planet.
All space agencies have optical comms in their road maps. Largely they are thinking about inter satellite communications (the atmosphere causes significant issues when going back to earth). So the main application is to have some relay satellite that can then transmit to earth via RF. The application is not mainly deep space ropes but Leo or meo satellites, the typically only have very short transit times over the ground stations, so can't get all their measurement data down. By using e.g. a geo relay they can transmit lots of data optically and the geo relay can more slowly transmit the data to earth until the leo satellite comes back in view.
I'm curious about the feasibility of combining the two problems of propulsion alway from Earth and communication with Earth into beam-powered propulsion aimed directly at Earth, pulsed for use as communication.
Probably infeasible for several reasons (only useful when accelerating DIRECTLY away from Earth, incoming light to power spaceship is probably coming from the sun and therefore likely also in the directly of Earth, so net zero acceleration at best from firing the photons back towards the sun), but it'd be pretty neat.
Assuming you don't need fast steering, is a 3.7m transmitter array doing beamforming really better than a 3.7m dish transmitting at the same power?
My intuition would have been that you are better off using a fairly standard transceiver and spending your engineering budget either increasing power or getting a bigger dish (either by launching on a wider rocket or with a folding design).
Lasers might interesting for the downlink, but receiving a laser signal on the probe sounds difficult (earth is pretty bright).
The array doing beamforming can be spread out much farther. If the DSN were being built now, I'd think its antennas would look more like the Square Kilometer Array.
Diffraction scales inversely proportional to wavelength so you gain significantly by going to optics, i.e. you can use a much smaller aperature in optics.
An interesting thing about photons (which may not be true, I just enjoy this stuff amateurishly, that is, without the effort or rigor to actually understand it.) is that they might not exist. the em field is not quantized, or at least is not quantized at the level of photons. A "photon" only exists where the em field interacts with matter, where the electrons that create the disturbance can only pulse in discrete levels.
Not that this changes anything, we can only detect or create light with matter. but it does make me curious about single photon experiments and what they are actually measuring.
Existence is a difficult concept for something moving at the speed of light.
Light follows a null geodesic through space-time with zero (space-time) length and no proper time. Past, future, and causality have no meaning to a photon. We think of photons travelling through space because our symmetry is broken, we have mass, and we and experience time and space.
Observers like us will see light follow the same world-line from its source to its target. It cannot interact with anything else, and some might say it was only ever emitted so that it could interact with its target.
So from a certain point of view the “existence” of a photon is entirely bound up in its interaction with source and target, and it’s not really useful to speak of it in other terms. The quantised interaction is the photon.
Isn't that simply the principle of particle-wave duality? When particle/wave in field X interacts with field X, it behaves like a wave, but interactions with other fields are quantised.
Thanks for the link. I never conceptualized photons outside of the visual spectrum so the headline made me take a step back and get nerd sniped in the process.
One thing that seems missing to me is that while the probe might send 160 bits/sec of useful data, those bits are not sent directly as such[1]:
The TMU encodes the high rate data stream with a convolutional code having constraint length of 7 and a symbol rate equal to twice the bit rate (k=7, r=1/2).
So the effective symbol rate is 320 baud[2], and thus a factor of two should be included in the calculations from what I can gather.
Note that the error correction was changed after Jupiter to use Reed-Solomon[3] (255,223) to lower the effective bit error rate, so effectively I guess the data rate is more like 140 bps.
For the "photons per bit" question, the useful throughput of 140 bps is the only thing that matters.
For the "how many photons are needed" question, I agree that 320 baud (i.e., the effective analog bandwidth of 320 Hz) should have been used for the Shannon-Hartley calculations.
It looks like a pretty reasonable order of magnitude estimate to me. Energy arguments tend to be quite neat for that because if the efficiency is at all reasonable they constrain things well with fairly simple calculations. The antenna directionality is also reasonably well understood and characterised. The exact noise level discussed later on is probably where things get a bit more uncertain (but aren't directly needed to answer the question).
Wow, I never thought about how Voyager communicates with Earth. But now I wonder: if Voyager just sends photons towards the Earth, at the receiving end how are we recognizing which photons are coming from Voyager and how is the "signal" decoded?
Two main reasons for recognizing the photons:
They have a specific frequency, 8.3GHz in this example. It's like tuning an FM radio to a station.
The photons are coming from a specific direction.
As to how they are decoded, you'll need to understand some modulation techniques.
Super interesting! But I feel like there is a bit of a conclusion missing for me.
So 1500 Photons hit the receiver per bit send, but this is obviously way to few to keep processing the signal and it will just be drowned out by noise? Where do we go from here? Does voyager repeat its signal gazillions of times so we can average out the noise on our end? Where can I find more information on what is done with these few photons?
That’s because his results are about pure information (and in the limit for infinite string lengths), so sooner or later some hardware will hit onto those limits or tend to them.
On some level he's a victim of his own success. He invents information theory in the same paper that proves the most interesting results, so who else will work on it?
Even the practical work was done surprisingly early. I have a book on error correcting codes from the 1950s and it's missing very little (Most notably trellis codes and LDPC; the former being invented in the '70s and the latter in 1963).
You know, I never really thought of lower wavelengths than light as being carried by photons, but I suppose it's all EM. Antennas are technically just really red light bulbs.
This is true enough, though remember that material properties change dramatically when you start moving through wavelengths by orders of magnitude. Silicon is transparent in the mid-infrared, which is what makes silicon photonics possible [1]
Not my field, but assuming transmitting hardware (including beam forming) is constant and that atmosphere can mostly be ignored (see comments about it usually being a non-impact in the transmission frequencies), two approaches would suggest:
1. Increase the effective receiving dish size, to capture more of the signal. Essentially, this would be effective in direct proportion to beam spread (the more beam spread, the bigger dish you can use to capture signal).
In practice, this would use multiple geographically-displaced dishes to construct a virtually-larger dish, to allow for better noise-cancellation magic (and at lower cost than one huge dish). I believe the deep space network (DSN) already does this? Edit: It certainly has arrayed antennae [0], though not sure how many are Voyager-tasked.
2. Increase the resilience of the signal, via encoding. The math is talking about bits and photons, but not encoded information. By trading lower bit-efficiency for increased error tolerance (i.e. including redundant information) we can extract a coherent signal even accounting for losses.
Someone please point out if I'm wrong, but afaik the Shannon–Hartley limit speaks to "lower" in the physical stack than error coding. I.e. one can layer arbitrary error coding on top of it to push limits (at the expense of rate)?
If the above understanding is correct, is there a way to calculate maximum signal distance assuming a theoretically maximally efficient error coding (is that a thing?) ? Or is that distance effectively infinite, assuming you're willing to accept an increasingly slow bit receiving rate?
> The uplink carrier frequency of Voyager 1 is 2114.676697 MHz and 2113.312500 MHz for Voyager 2. The uplink carrier can be modulated with command and/or ranging data. Commands are 16-bps, Manchester-encoded, biphase-modulated onto a 512 HZ square wave subcarrier.
Note that "16 bps" while the system runs at 160 bps. This suggests that the data is repeated ten times and xor'ed with a clock running at 10 HZ.
While there's no VOY set up now, https://eyes.nasa.gov/dsn/dsn.html will occasionally show it. When that happens, you will likely see two set up for it. I've not seen them set up across multiple facilities - the facilities are 120° apart and only one has a spacecraft above the horizon for any given length of time.
At the Moon's surface, the beam is about 6.5 kilometers (4.0 mi) wide[24][i] and scientists liken the task of aiming the beam to using a rifle to hit a moving dime 3 kilometers (1.9 mi) away. The reflected light is too weak to see with the human eye. Out of a pulse of 3×10^17 photons aimed at the reflector, only about 1–5 are received back on Earth, even under good conditions. They can be identified as originating from the laser because the laser is highly monochromatic.
While there's no signal there, we're still looking at very sensitive equipment.
There's another major factor. I suppose it falls under the encoding. Frequency stability. In a certain sense, having an extremely precise oscillator at both the receiver and the transmitter, is the same thing as just having a better more frequency-stable antenna, or less noise in the channel (because you know what the signal you're listening for should look like).
I'm no physicist here so take this with a major grain of salt. I think the limit might ultimately arise from the uncertainty principle? Eventually the signal becomes so weak that measuring it, overwhelms the signal. This is why the receiver of space telescopes is cooled down with liquid helium. The thermally-generated background RF noise (black bodies radiate right down into the radio spectrum) would drown everything else out otherwise.
Along those lines, while I'm still not quite sure where the limit is, things become discrete at the micro level, and the smallest possible physical state change appears to be discrete in nature: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landauer%27s_principle Enough work physically must occur to induce a state change of some kind at the receiver, or no communication can occur. (But this interpretation is disputed!)
Coding counters the uncertainty principle by allowing multiple measurements, which can then be averaged. Thant counters the contribution of random noise.
There are practical signals we use every day that are "below the noise floor" before we decode them.
So while there is an ultimate limit of the maximum coding rate for a given signal-to-noise ratio, this is expressed in terms of a data rate (i.e. bits per second). If you're fine with lowering your data rate, there is no fundamental theoretical limit, as far as I understand.
TIL from another comment that the Shannon limit assumes Gaussian noise so it's not actually always the theoretical limit.
You can't work around the Shannon limit by using encoding. It's the theoretical information content limit. But you can keep reducing the bandwidth and one way of doing that is adding error correction. So intuitively I'd say yes to your question, the distance can go to infinity as long as you're willing to accept an increasingly low receive bit rate. What's less clear to me is whether error correction on its own can be used to approach the Shannon limit for a given S/N ratio - I think the answer is no because you're not able to use the entire underlying bandwidth. But you can still extract a digital signal from noise given enough of a signal...
Of course that would mean sending (a) giant receiver dish(es) in the general direction a probe is sent. On the flip side, if using a single relay it could travel at roughly 1/2 the speed of the probe.
Note that signal strength weakens with distance^2. So if eg. you'd have 2 relays (1/3 and 2/3 between Earth & the probe), each relay would receive 9x stronger signal.
No doubt the 'logistics' (trajectory, gravity assist options, mission cost etc) make this impractical. But it is an option.
That'd be really cool! And definitely helped by the fact that you'd only need to head out at a fraction of Voyagers speeds to get the benefit.
There's some details on the Voyager gravity-assist mechanics here [0], but you'd also need the escape trajectory to be pointed in the Voyager direction which would further constrain...
That said, Earth-Jupiter-Saturn alignments don't seem that rare (on a decades scale).
If the current number of photons per bit is 1500 and the effective limit at 8.3GHz is 25, that is a factor of 60.
With each doubling of distance the number decreases by the inverse square law, so with the current setup we'd have a maximum distance of log2(60) = 5.9 times the current distance (about 163 astronomical units (AU)) which is 961 AU.
In comparison, the closest star to our sun, Proxima Centauri, is 268774 AU away!
Which means we would need something 268774/961 ~= 280 times SQUARED = 78222 times more sensitive than the current setup at the Shannon limit to communicate with it if it managed to get that far.
Maybe multiple receiving antennas could be used, spaced widely apart (e.g. one on Earth, one on the moon, one in orbit somewhere); each would receive some signal affected by noise, but the noise would be different for each (such as the atmosphere affecting only the on-ground antenna). Also given that we know the precise location of the transmitter, we can work-out the exact phase difference between the antennas. Some digital post-processing would combine the raw signal+noise from the multiple receivers and extract the signal.
In fact, I assume that at this distance, even a very narrow signal would spread wide enough to illuminate more than just the Earth diameter.
> So what does that conclusion mean about when the probe will be so far away that we are below the Shannon limit?
I think the practical limit right now is that the Voyagers are losing power.
"The radioisotope thermoelectric generator on each spacecraft puts out 4 watts less each year. [...] The two Voyager spacecraft could remain in the range of the Deep Space Network through about 2036, depending on how much power the spacecraft still have to transmit a signal back to Earth."
I guess we could just program Voyager 1 to lower the data bitrate, adding more redundancy / error correction. I think there's no real limit to how far it could get if we keep doing that.
> And can we beat the Shannon limit somehow, eg collect for longer
If you turn on a faucet for longer, you're not beating the "gallon limit" of the system. The limit is not a fixed number, it's directly based on how much you do to improve the signal.
And they have already slowed down the transmission speed repeatedly.
There's not a lot of appetite for that, though. the 70m receiver is already one of the largest ever built, and for most use cases it's looking better to use an array of smaller ones. Which works fine for receiving but not so much for transmitting (while there are multiple sites in the world capable of receiving from voyager 2, there's only one dish which can actually transmit to it)
(I recall seeing a video on that dish, and the director seemed confident there was enough noise margin left that voyager's power would fail before they lost contact with it)
I am confused. I thought photons were just visible light but I guess these little buggers are everywhere. Also very surprised voyager is using 2.3ghz, that's crazy saturated on earth due to wifi. How these engineers make this all work, is magic to me.
Photons are just the quanta or particles of electromagnetic radiation, of which visible light is a small portion of the overall spectrum. So you can have photons of microwaves as well, such as in this case. Or photons of X-rays or gamma rays or infrared light or ultraviolet light or whatever. It’s pretty wild actually just how small a section of the EM spectrum our eyes are sensitive to!
Photons and waves both model electromagnetism. Photons are just the quantization of electromagnetic radiation, where E=hv. This is the whole idea of wave-particle duality. We often describe radio frequencies with waves because they act more like waves than particles (Diffraction, spherical propagation, have an easily measureable wavelength)
Nope. It's one of those things that can take a bit to get used to, but everything on the electromagnetic spectrum is just light in the general sense. The only difference between radio-waves, x-rays, infra-red and (human) visible light is the frequency/wavelength.
If the frequency is high enough then the waves of light can be detected by things as small as cells in the back of your eye, or the pixels in a camera sensor. If it is too low then you need much larger detectors.
Other animals have detectors for different frequencies/wavelengths, allowing them to see either infra-red (mosquitos) or ultraviolet (bees, butterflies etc).
What we call "visible light" is just the particular range that our eyes can detect (about 400 to 800THz). If we were the size of a planet, and our eye cells were the size of a radio-telescope dish we would be able to "see" in those wavelengths. In fact, when we see images taken by radio telescopes, those have been essentially pitch-shifted up to something we can see, like the reverse of what we do when listening for bat clicks (where the pitch is downshifted to our hearing range).
This makes me think of the dual slit experiment. Does the universe treat everything as a wave to save CPU cycles or something?
If we think of light as little balls (at our size i think that would make sense). If we were much bigger, we would think of these longer waves as balls too?
Wave-particle duality/quantum mechanics have different interpretations, but since "the math works" and there's nothing better, thats what they go with.
One way of thinking of it - everything is a wave until you make a measurement. Then you get a "collapse" (localization) of the wavefunction. Which leads to the question of why the wave function collapses - i.e. how does nature know we want to make a measurement.
Which leads to all sorts of crazy ideas like the simulation hypothesis. Which is not a scientific theory, because you can't falsify it, but even very educated people like Neil DeGrasse Tyson have remarked on it.
WiFi is at 2.4 GHz. LTE band 30, satellite radio (XM/Sirius) and aeronautical telemetry all exist between the deep space downlink at 2290 to 2300 MHz and WiFi at 2400 MHz.
What a lovely question. The estimate is 10-100 photons/bit (minimum).
If you’re curious about how many bits a single photon can carry, in controlled settings (tabletop quantum optics) a single photon can carry log(n) bits where n is the size of the state space of the photon, which theoretically is infinite and in practice it can reach into the hundreds/thousands.
No, the estimate is around 750 or 200 photons/bit received, depending on the transmission frequency. The answer to the question is B, not C. Your numbers are the estimated minimum needed, not the actual amount received, which is what the question was asking.
Visible light is different, because each photon has a lot more energy than in the 2.3GHz range. Your average decent consumer-level camera has a sensor that can nominally just about detect single photons some proportion of the time (as in, some of them bounce off instead of being detected) though it can't technically count them. The graininess on digital camera images is more from the Poisson noise of the incoming photons than it is from the applied noise of the sensor itself.
This makes me wonder, are the bits = the power turned on for exactly 1/320th sec, every 1/160th sec? Or is the power on/power off ratio something different? Does it vary by protocol? What are the pros and cons?
Without looking up what kind of encoding and modulation they are using, I would assume that they are sending a continuous sine wave at the carrier frequency that has the bits - probably after encoding the raw data bits with some error correction code - modulated onto it by changing frequency, amplitude, phase, or a combination of them depending on the value of each bit or group of bits.
The fact that we can communicate with Voyager, and in both directions, blows my mind. It's completely counter-intuitive.
At least for Voyager->earth we can use giant radio telescopes to detect the faint signal, but how do we manage to focus on those few hundreds of photons per bit coming from a pinpoint source a light day away?!
In the earth->Voyager direction it seems even less intuitive - sure we can broadcast a powerful signal, but it's being received by a 12' wide antenna 15 billion miles away. WTF?
I guess radio communications in general is magic, a bit like (in nature of counter-intuition) quantum entanglement of particles arbitrarily far apart. It seems there is something deeply wrong about our mental models of space and time.
Per the article we lose 99.9% of the photons sent.
The antenna is as directional as possible but with a similar dish you could pick up the signal on the Moon at this point I expect (probably a smaller dish given the lack of atmospheric noise)
Equally we're broadcasting to the area of space Voyager's in. We're not able to to target it to the dish - 12' isn't the DSOC accuracy - it's the size required to pick up enough data given the signal diffusion.
I just wanted to chime in with a reminder that though Voyager 1 is speeding away from Sol at a constant velocity because of the Earth's revolution around the sun it can be up to ±1 AU closer or further away, depending on the time of the year.
This article is for Voyager 2, but the issue is the same. For a brief moment every year we actually get closer to Voyager 1, then we pivot away in our revolution around the sun and the distance between Earth and Voyager 1 or 2 increases sharply. So distance, when plotted over time, looks like a wobbly line.
That's how many are sent by Voyager. Only about 1500 or 400 photons per bit are actually received by the radio dish (depending on which frequency is being used).
I work in quantum error correction, and was trying to collect interesting and quantitative examples of repetition codes being used implicitly in classical systems. Stuff like DRAM storing a 0 or 1 via the presence or absence of 40K electrons [1], undersea cables sending X photons per bit (don't know that one yet), some kind of number for a transistor switching (haven't even decided on the number for that one yet), etc.
A key reason quantum computing is so hard is that by default repetition makes things worse instead of better, because every repetition is another chance for an unintended measurement. So protecting a qubit tends to require special physical properties, like the energy gap of a superconductor, or complex error correction strategies like surface codes. A surface code can easily use 1000 physical qubits to store 1 logical qubit [2], and I wanted to contrast that with the sizes of implicit repetition codes used in classical computing.
1: https://web.mit.edu/rec/www/dramfaq/DRAMFAQ.html
2: https://arxiv.org/abs/1208.0928