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We live in a reductionist world. that's not going to change. The other commenter is right, the only way out is better tooling.

I can't tell the fake people from the real ones anymore, much less accurately judge information quality. That's the cesspool that ad-driven internet created and here we are, no exit in sight.

I've worked with many organizations in crisis and on the way out. There comes a time that everybody knows they're in the endgame, but they march on anyway. People's actions become a bit like those in a Potemkin Village. The end days of the Soviet Union was like that.

To me, the tools we're going to need to go forward have frack-all to do with coding. Small trust groups of real people, incremental sharing, overlapping interests and groups, devices that do one and only one things at a time (so that you and your social group can help you monitor your usage to optimize). We know these things work for humans. We've been doing them thousands of years.

Probably not a popular thing to say on HN, but these are the tools we need to move forward as a species. Tech can certainly help, but it can never even come close to replacing the shared social/evolutionary experience we all have baked in.

I'm positive long-term about tech and progress, but just like any other massive change in tooling, we need to cut out the bullshit and re-adapt social norms. We've done this kind of thing many times before and hopefully we'll continue to do so.

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