The number of golden visas may be relatively small to affect prices on themselves (around 20.000 for Portugal in the last ~10y [1]). But I would bet that there is a connection between golden visas and the rise in the numbers of AirBnB properties.
The golden visa is just a fast and convenient way to get a foothold in the country and do further investments. And what would these investments be? Probably AirBnBs...
This is supported by data presented in [1]: >90% of golden visa holders acquired it via real estate investments. Now, would anyone pour their life's savings in a single property investment in a far away land? I would say no. So these golden visa holders are probably very well-off and they will continue "investing" in real estate, and expecting returns on their investment. Which translates to more AirBnBs.
The golden visa is just a fast and convenient way to get a foothold in the country and do further investments. And what would these investments be? Probably AirBnBs...
This is supported by data presented in [1]: >90% of golden visa holders acquired it via real estate investments. Now, would anyone pour their life's savings in a single property investment in a far away land? I would say no. So these golden visa holders are probably very well-off and they will continue "investing" in real estate, and expecting returns on their investment. Which translates to more AirBnBs.