you want to solve this you give a monetary benefit to people who traffic break, a methodology of driving to create buffers in "time-space" that remove brake lights from areas and allow the flow to speed up.
Merely having an annoying alarm won't do it, if anything, i figure it would cause more road rage, because it's something that feels like its out of your control. My 2023 subaru has adaptive cruise control, and you can set the follow distance, and even the furthest follow distance feels too close in traffic. When i would do traffic breaking while driving rush hour in Los Angeles county, i'd maintain 3 car lengths whenever possible between me and the car in front, for example.
The best place to traffic break is in the "slow lanes", if you have enough people doing it the ingress/egress traffic can merge without causing issues and more efficiently, which eases traffic. The second place traffic breaking helps immensely is when there's interchanges to other freeways, you traffic break in the lane that "ends" for the other direction, so that people who wait until the last minute for whatever reason don't have to cut anyone off to merge which reduces the brake lights in that area.
i don't have any videos of me doing this, as "dash cams" weren't really a thing when i was doing it in L.A.; i suppose i could record some video the next time i'm in a populated area like DFW or NOLA
Merely having an annoying alarm won't do it, if anything, i figure it would cause more road rage, because it's something that feels like its out of your control. My 2023 subaru has adaptive cruise control, and you can set the follow distance, and even the furthest follow distance feels too close in traffic. When i would do traffic breaking while driving rush hour in Los Angeles county, i'd maintain 3 car lengths whenever possible between me and the car in front, for example.
The best place to traffic break is in the "slow lanes", if you have enough people doing it the ingress/egress traffic can merge without causing issues and more efficiently, which eases traffic. The second place traffic breaking helps immensely is when there's interchanges to other freeways, you traffic break in the lane that "ends" for the other direction, so that people who wait until the last minute for whatever reason don't have to cut anyone off to merge which reduces the brake lights in that area.
i don't have any videos of me doing this, as "dash cams" weren't really a thing when i was doing it in L.A.; i suppose i could record some video the next time i'm in a populated area like DFW or NOLA