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Saying Goodbye to ICQ (process-one.net)
13 points by zaik 8 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I still remember my UIN from 28 years ago, which I stopped using about 23 or 24 years ago. Amazing that I can remember that number but can't tell you where my keys are half the time.

I also remember my number, it's weirdly sticky in my mind. I had no idea ICQ was still operating.

It's weird how often we switch to, and how much companies compete with, different messaging services that fulfill more or less the same functionality as this app did a long time ago.

This is a blast from the past. What a crazy place the early internet was. I remember just striking up random conversations with random people with ICQ. My friends and I used it a lot. AOL's acquisition and changes killed it for us. It pushed us all over to IRC.

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