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Should I use JWTs for authentication tokens? (ploetzli.ch)
577 points by pantalaimon 8 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 405 comments

"Just use the normal session mechanism that comes with your web framework and that you were using before someone told you that Google uses jwt. It has stood the test of time and is probably fine."

You don't need to be Facebook or Google to have more than one service in your infrastructure that needs to authenticate a user's existing session without forcing the user to log in again. Sharing the session across multiple services is its own distributed systems problem with numerous security implications to be aware of and bearer tokens might be a good alternative.

If all you have is a single monolith web app that is the identity provider, makes all authentication decisions etc then yes, you don't need JWTs probably. There is a huge gap between that and being Google/Facebook.

Apart from that, Google and Facebook don't even use JWTs between the browser and backends after the initial login but actually do have some sort of distributed session concept last time I checked.

> You don't need to be Facebook or Google to have more than one service in your infrastructure that needs to authenticate a user's existing session without forcing the user to log in again.

Thank you. This middle ground between hyperscaler infrastructure and super simple web apps is where most of my career has been spent, yet the recent trend is to pretend like there are only two possible extremes: You’re either Facebook or you’re not doing anything complicated.

It has an unfortunate second order effect of convincing people that as soon as they encounter something more complicated than a simple web app, they need to adopt everything the hyperscalers do to solve it.

I wish we could spend more time discussing the middle ground rather than pretending it’s some sort of war between super simple or ultra complex.

I still don't think people in the middle need JWTs.

If we're talking about a web session, time-limited randomly-generated session tokens that are stored in a DB still work fine. If you really need it, put a caching layer (memcached or redis or valkey or whatever) in front of it. Yes, then you've created cache invalidation problems for yourself, but it's still less annoying than JWT.

If we're talking about authenticating API requests, long-lived randomly-generated auth tokens stored in a database work fine, generally. (But allow your users to create more than one, and make rotation and revocation easy. Depending on your application, allowing your users to scope the tokens can also be a good thing to do.) Again, put a caching layer in front of your database once you get to the scale where you need it. You probably won't need it for a while if you're sending your reads to read-only replicas.

(Source: worked at Twilio for 10 years; we definitely eventually ran into scaling problems around our user/auth DB, and our initial one-auth-token-is-all-you-need setup was terrible for users, but these problems were fixed over time. Twilio does use JWTs for some things, but IMO that was unnecessary, and they created more headaches than they solved.)

I'm not saying no one ever needs JWTs, but I think they're needed in far fewer circumstances than most people think, even people who agree that JWTs should be looked upon with some skepticism. If you need to be able to log people out or invalidate sessions or disable accounts, then JWTs are going to create problems that are annoying to solve.

(One possibly-interesting solution for JWT-using systems that I haven't tried anywhere is to do the reverse: don't cache your user/auth database, but have a distributed cache of JWTs that have been revoked. The nice thing about JWTs is that they expire, so you can sweep your cache and drop tokens that have expired every night or whenever. Not sure how well this would work in practice, but maybe it's effective. One big problem is that now your caching layer needs to be fail-closed, whereas in a system where you're caching your user/auth DB, a caching layer failure can fall back to the user/auth DB... though that may melt it, of course. I also feel like it's easier to write logic bugs around "if this record is not found, allow" rather than "if this record is not found, deny".)

"If we're talking about a web session, time-limited randomly-generated session tokens that are stored in a DB still work fine. If you really need it, put a caching layer (memcached or redis or valkey or whatever) in front of it. Yes, then you've created cache invalidation problems for yourself, but it's still less annoying than JWT."

You just (somewhat handwavingly) described what Google and Facebook are doing. You might not need to build this globally highly available distributed session store, JWTs might be an ok solution for your use case too (because you are not Google or Facebook) - or not. It depends on what your requirements are. AuthN across services is somewhat complex in any case, I don't think there is an easy way around it without making tradeoffs somewhere. JWTs are a great tool to consider here.

> If we're talking about a web session, time-limited randomly-generated session tokens that are stored in a DB still work fine

This works fine for a single service but you’re replying to a thread about the middle ground of multiple services. It’s an anti pattern to have every service talk to the same database just to authenticate every request.

By the time you add a caching layer you’re truly better off using an off the shelf oidc id provider and validating the id token claims.

In my experience for medium sized services it’s still better to have everything talk to the same authentication database.

Postgres has insanely good read performance. Most companies and services are never going to reach the scale where any of this matters, and developer time is usually the more precious resource.

My advice is always, don’t get your dev team bogged down supporting all this complicated JWT stuff (token revocation, blacklisting, refresh, etc) when you are not Facebook scale / don’t have concrete data showing your service really truly needs it.

Alternatively, just don't worry about token revocation and all that complicated stuff? So you have a window of 5 minutes (or whatever your access token expiry is) that you can't revoke - is that a big deal?

A simple JWT implementation isn't that complicated, but you have to accept some limitations.

If it only adds disadvantages, better not to use it though.


For mostly-read flow like authentication, a centralized database can scale really well. You don't even need postgres for that.

If you have mutable state, JWT can't help you anyway.

JWT start make sense only when you are doing other hyperscaler stuffs and you can reuse part of those architecture

Funny, people used systems like JWT in the late 1990s. Back then you couldn’t really trust the session mechanism in your language because inevitably these had bugs and would toss your cookies for “no reason at all”.

I was inspired by https://philip.greenspun.com/panda/ circa 2001 to develop a complete user management framework based on that kind of cookie which had the advantage over other systems that the “authentication module” it took to get authentication working in a new language was maybe 40-100 lines of code. Software like PHPNuke that combined second or third rate implementations of apps all in the same codebase was the dominant paradigm then, the idea that you could pick “best of breed” applications no matter what language you were using was radical and different.

I used the framework for 10+ projects, some of which got 350,000+ active users. As an open source project it was a complete wash. Nobody got interested in user management frameworks (as opposed to writing your own buggy, insecure and hard-to-use auth system in a hurry) until around 2011 or so when frameworks based on external services all of a sudden popped up like mushrooms. Seemed like the feature I was missing was “needs to depend on an external service that will get shut down with the vendor gets acquired”

> It’s an anti pattern to have every service talk to the same database just to authenticate every request.


Do you want to expand on that? Because having a single point of failure certainly seems like a horrible practice when that single point goes down.

You’re already talking to stateful systems to do anything meaningful. A in-memory cache on top of session retrieval is so trivial and adds so few microseconds that it’s imperceptible even at large volumes of traffic.

If you’re having trouble with that, you’ve got bigger issues. Any regular work queries will take longer, and so it’s not even a meaningful area of concern if you broke down a request from end to end on a flame graph.

> You’re already talking to stateful systems to do anything meaningful.

Yeah, so? They don’t have to be talking to the same system, and in fact it was literally what you called bullshit to originally.

> If you’re having trouble with that, you’ve got bigger issues.

That does absolutely nothing to changing the fact that a SPoF is still an anti-pattern that should be avoided.

For that matter…

> A in-memory cache on top of session retrieval is so trivial and adds so few microseconds that it’s imperceptible even at large volumes of traffic.

Also does absolutely nothing to change that fact. You have done nothing to actually elaborate on why it’s totally not a horrendous idea to have everything communicate to the same database. Just because there’s a caching layer does not mean that fresh data wouldn’t be available if a SPoF goes down, which, once again, is the whole point here.

> That does absolutely nothing to changing the fact that a SPoF is still an anti-pattern that should be avoided.

This statement that doesn't mean anything.

You keep on saying this without actually backing it up with anything.

If you want people to believe what you say, you have to actually explain why you think something. Just saying it does not somehow make it true.

Stop talking, you're annoying.

He isn't. It's certainly annoying to see someone continually dodge supporting a claim they made though.

What an incredibly impolite way to respond to someone who is trying to tease out the point you continually failed to make.

Be better.

As you point out, in most use cases a random token will be fine and it all comes down to how and where it is stored.

But that also means that you can have JWTs that are used as "random token" for most of your app, cost to produce them isn't high, and only make use of the additional capacities for instance when

- when you want to check signatures (e.g. reject before hitting your application layer)

- store non sensitive base64 data that you want before restoring the session

Creating and handling JWT is only as costly and complicated as you want it to be, so there's IMHO enough flexibility to have light use with very few penalities for it.

You don’t need jwts to pass internal permissions. We don’t, but we still extract claims from a jwt token at the beginning of a user flow. Then later we only use the claims to determine which resource a user has access to.

It’s not necessarily easier than just passing the jwt, but with our internal setups where when you first pass through the authorisation system, our traffic on your behalf is secure it doesn’t really warrant a reason to decode your token multiple times rather than simply passing your access permission claims.

We do still pass your jwt between isolated “products” where your access request doesn’t pass through dapr, but rather back through our central access gateway and then into the other “product”. A product is basically a collection of related services which are restricted to be a business component. Like a range of services which handles our solar plants, and another business component which handles our investment portfolios, and so on.

> But allow your users to create more than one, and make rotation and revocation easy

It's shocking how often this advice isn't followed. We often see it with non-tech companies who nonetheless deliver services over the internet.

"have a distributed cache of JWTs that have been revoked. The nice thing about JWTs is that they expire, so you can sweep your cache and drop tokens that have expired every night or whenever."

Every cache has TTL, so you just set the TTL of the entry to the expiration date of the token you are caching. No need for nightly cleanups.

I'm not sure cache was the right word in the parent post-- you don't want to use a cache (at least one with LRU/bounded size) to store revocation without a backing store, or else the revocation could get pushed out of the cache and become ineffective. The backing store (likely a DB) would require such cleanups once the revocation record is no longer relevant.

Potentially you take both at once: use something like DynamoDB as the storage layer that also supports TTL natively.

I would challenge your assumption. Unless you absolutely need to have 100% durable, consistent revocations for some reasons, something like memcached is perfect here as the worst case scenario in case of a failure is a slight, temporary degradation in security without any visible user impact or operations nightmare (ie restoring backups). This assumes that your token lifetime is reasonably short (at least for access tokens), refresh tokens are a different story but only need to be tracked at the authn service, not globally.

If the revocation use case is soft, then totally fair. But if the application is potentially dangerous and the user says "Sign out all devices", I think that should be a deterministically successful operation. Similarly, if there is a compromised account in an organization, I'd like to be confident that revoking all credentials was successful.

Revocation of tokens can be done for a simple logout operation, in which case the stakes are low, but more often it is the "pull the fire alarm and get that user out", and in that case it should be reliable.

> don't cache your user/auth database, but have a distributed cache of JWTs that have been revoked

My understanding was that this is the ENTIRE benefit of JWTs (over plain session token): they allow you go from a allowlist to a blocklist, which is more efficient at really large scales because you only have to store expired sessions (until their time-limit expires) rather than every session).

And if you're not doing this then there's no point in using JWTs (which will be the case for most people).

Are there any other benefits I'm missing?

> you only have to store expired sessions (until their time-limit expires) rather than every session).

I don’t know of any companies that even do this. As far as I know, most use cases store nothing, except for of course the client storing the response.

Honestly, do you even need support for revoke? If you have a token whose lifetime can be measured in 2-3 minutes, I don't think the abuse potential is huge, especially when some other security measures are in place.

Thing is, token refresh service can be stateless, but adding a revoke service basically kills JWTs main advantage, since every time we check its validity, we need a query to see if its been revoked.

Revocation is needed because you want to disable access to an intruder in the very second you detect unauthorized access using a stolen token. Same for certain kinds of banned users who must lose access immediately.

But since such a revocation list is going to be short (usually 0 entries, dozens at worst), it's trivial to replicate across all the auth service nodes (which can as well be worker nodes) or keep it in Redis replicated per DC, with sub-millisecond lookup times.

Things get harder if you want a feature like logging out other sessions, or just an explicit logout on a shared computer (think about business settings: stores, pharmacies, post offices), you may have to have larger revocation lists. This may still not be a problem: a million tokens is a few dozen megabytes, again, a per-DC replicated Redis cluster would handle it trivially and very cheaply.

I still feel like the need for revocation kills the simplicity of JWT and thus the reason for its existence.

I'm of a more gradual opinion regarding this - say you operate a movie streaming service and control access to movies via JWT. It's not a problem if an attacker has access for two more minutes than intended.

If you are talking to a single client, I think checking the remote IP address and encoding it in the token might work to see if the token is not stolen, but don't quote me on that.

It's a complicated problem. I don't see why it should have a simple solution.

> Revocation is needed because you want to disable access to an intruder in the very second you detect

I get that this has conceptual appeal, but I doubt this makes any difference in real life. Unless you have some very sophisticated infrastructure, it takes many minutes to discover the issue and then many more minutes even to decide what to do about it. A few extra minutes to cut off access is probably not going to make a big difference one way or another.

An intruder might be not a sophisticated black hat hacker. It could be somebody who picked up an unlocked phone or keyboard.

When I had a chance to design a token-based authn/authz system, we had two types of tokens, general access (with hours of expiration, mostly read-only access) and privileged access, with expiration time set to a minute or so. All auto-refreshed on use, all separately revokable.

Sure, but isn't it still going to take you N minutes/hours/days to discover the violation? Does it make a material difference that you can revoke access this hot second as opposed to up-to-5-minutes when the token expires?

Seems to me that for most applications, the irrevocable 5-minute token seems "good enough".

All you really need for revocation in a revocation service are two fields: user id + inb (issued not before) and a bloom filter.

To revoke a token:

1. issue a new token to the revoker that is issued at current time (if business rules require revoker to be logged in).

2. set user inb to current time - 1 second with a TTL of longest issue * 1.5.

3. Add user to bloom filter.

4. upload bloom filter to s3, every service downloads this every 5 minutes.

5. Then on request, check bloom filter. If the user id is in the bloom filter, check with revocation service that inb > issued time.

This is probably less than five hundred lines of code and pretty easy to maintain.

Often overlooked middle-ground that vastly simplifies your revocation logic: Just have a single field "not-issued-before" timestamp assigned to each user account. Instead of revoking a single token, you have a "log out from all devices" logic - i.e. you revoke all tokens at once based on their "iat" claim (issued at). No need for revocation lists alltogether, you just make sure any tokens "iat" is never before the "not-issued-before" associated with the user. Sure, this is not as perfect UX as being able to revoke individual tokens, but token revocation in generall is something only a fraction of your uses is ever going to need.

Yeah, this works very well. A nice "log me out of everywhere, including this device" link is often all you need on the settings page.

It also makes e2e testing very easy since you should be logged out after pushing that button.

No you don't, thats why i.e. even big players like Amazon with their AWS Cognito service (OAuth/OpenID Connect) don't even support revoking access tokens (only refresh tokens).

How about invalidate the user’s refresh token and the public signing key, which forces everyone to refresh and then logs out the hacked account. If it’s really serious, lock the account before doing this so the user can’t login again.

But yeah, if you have a revoke service, might as well just use session keys.

Edit: typo

Why not just stick your auth token in the cache. It's supposed to expire anyways.

Back in the day we used memcached for our primary store for all sorts of ephemeral things. Including user sessions.

Items are evicted from caches all the time for non-expired reasons. Memcached, in particular has "slabs" (spaces for objects of a certain size) and once those slabs are full, items are evicted to make space for new items.

> I still don't think people in the middle need JWTs.

Actual current example: Small company acquired another with a complementary product, but on an entirely different tech-stack and cloud-hosting.

Product owners want customers logged into Service X to be able to follow a link to Service Y and not log in again, and vice-versa.

>If we're talking about a web session, time-limited randomly-generated session tokens that are stored in a DB still work fine.

How is this better than JWT if we have 30 microservices called from front-end?

You have to be pretty big before "store the session information in Redis" doesn't work anymore.

And most of these session mechanisms are easy to work with as middleware in common web app frameworks making it pretty simple to stick with simpler sessions if everyone can get to the session store. Everyone way over complicates authn and sometimes barely even think about authorization. I have seen many a web app with poor JWTs implementation and abusable authz get broken. Sometimes the apps warranted the JWT implementation but it is a lot harder than many devs think.

That was a battle I fought with some developer consultancy not long ago. I won't tell the whole story, but I will say that if you have issue with JWT tokens that are too big due to the number of groups each user have, you probably do need to use JWTs and you are most definitely doing it wrong and should educate yourself or bring a consultant who at least get the difference between authentication and authorization.

I made a lot of money in my life because I knew the difference. Oh and XSS, paid the bills for a couple decades :)

Or just have infrastructure that needs to validate the session in different parts of the continent (world).

As far as system load sure. Not so much uptime.. keeping your session in Redis creates a single point of failure. HA/Clustered Redis exists but definitely has some associated complexity.

or you have crappy code that can only handle a dozen RPS. [facepalm]

I mean, if anything this just means that session storage won't be your bottleneck.

>Thank you. This middle ground between hyperscaler infrastructure and super simple web apps is where most of my career has been spent, yet the recent trend is to pretend like there are only two possible extremes: You’re either Facebook or you’re not doing anything complicated.

100% this. I am tired of you don't need microservices, you don't need JWT, you don't need Kubernetes, you don't need ElasticSearch, you don't need IAM, you don't need Redis, you don't need Mongo and everything should stay in one SQL database.

Things are being used not because they exist, because people want to be fancy or because they don't have something better to do. Things are being used because they solve problems and do so with least effort possible.

"Things are being used because they solve problems and do so with least effort possible" in an ideal world sure in the real world there are many factors that influence technical decisions often having nothing to do with actual problem being solved

Having worked at many places over the last 30 years, yes, there is definitely "resume-driven development" where people pick something they want to put on their resume to solve a problem regardless of its suitability to the task in hand.

There's also "blinker-driven development" where people pick the solution based on their own personal set of hammers rather than, again, something more suitable.

(There's loads of these though - e.g. "optimisation-driven development" where the solution MUST GO BRRRRR even if the problem could be fixed by Frank typing in "Yes" once a week. "GOF-driven development" where everything has to rigidly fit into a GOF pattern regardless of whether it actually does. "Go-driven development" where everything has to be a interface and you end up reading a method called Validate which calls an interface method Validate which calls an interface method Validate which calls an interface method Validate and you wake up screaming every morning because why just wtf why please help me pleasehelp)

If I'd find myself in a place where they do "GOF-driven development" or "Go-driven development" I'd search for another job ASAP.

I don't say what you describe doesn't happen, but it's my impression that most people try to adopt solutions that minimize costs and development time (which also translates to money). 99% of the time it's not "do the best thing to satisfy solve this problem" but it's "solve this problem as fast as possible, without adding additional costs and using as few developers as possible".

> "solve this problem as fast as possible, without adding additional costs and using as few developers as possible"

Agree with that but from my experience that's more like 20% of the time. The rest is the various kinds of bullshit development where people are padding resumes, having boss's pet hobby horse forced on them, latest shiny flimflam, etc.

(A decent chunk of that 30 years has been contracting and that tends to be at places with problems which might be biasing my sample set.)

Well in big orgs people get shuffled around teams so even if you joined a team that is aligned with the way you feel things should be done you might end up in totally different env. after a period of time.

> there is definitely "resume-driven development" where people pick something they want to put on their resume to solve a problem regardless of its suitability to the task in hand.

Or people in this industry are geeks and curious and like to try new stuff and technologies just for fun?

That's the case for the majority of people I've worked with.

> like to try new stuff and technologies just for fun?

Sure but do that at home or on POCs. Not on production code.

I can't afford to have an H100 at home.

chuckle ... how far did you go into the validate rabbit hole

Thankfully it was only 3 interfaces down.

The whole codebase is riddled with the same kind of layering but we do now have guidance about doing stuff like that ("DON'T") and a plan to simplify some of the worst offenders (like the multi-layer `Validate` hell hole.)

> everything should stay in one SQL database.

At least on different schemas.

That and don't let one concern access data from another, or you'll have to coordinate schema changes between those different concerns.

JWT's really can span this middle ground. They're helpful in answering the who-are-you question without resorting to elaborate db work. Even middle-ground monoliths are often deployed across more than one independently operating web server (say, JVM processes) and JWT's ensure that each server answers the who-are-you question with the same answer - the code is the same, and although the process space is different on each web server, the answer is the same. So chained requests, with API.REQ.1 to Server 1 and API.REQ.2 to Server 2 will actually work. Maybe session mechanics will work, but what if you don't actually have a session and just a bunch of API requests?

Querying a database for a session id isn’t elaborate work. It’s also trivial because as TFA mentioned, literally every major web framework ecosystem with has a solution for this.

God, how hard is SELECT * WHERE …, seriously.

You need to share a session across websites? Wow! Connect to the database holding the sessions.


Ever heard of speed of light? If you really think that "just connect to the same db" was an easy solution to the problem you describe in the general sense then you haven't done so in a moderately complex system yet. It can be a good solution for a very limited set of circumstances, but that's about it.

It’s bullshit. A majority of high volume systems can do this just fine. This is just engineering wank.

Standard solution is query a session table on from a single location, and once you actually start to need to trim request time, it’s not even the first place you look.

Assumptions you are making:

* everything is located physically close together (good luck reading from a DB table in Singapore from a service in Europe for every request)

* you have few enough client services that want to do this that the number of db connections does not become a problem (this is 100 by default for Postgres, you might need to tune this or deploy proxies, etc)

* high availability is already taken care of (you don't want that one DB server to bring down everything in case of a failure)

several comments up this branch we were talking about middle ground, remember

Yes. It's super common for SaaS companies that are <1% the size of Google to have infrastructure in multiple regions.

It's not a trend. Those on the extreme ends of the spectrum are always the most vocal.

Specially since the middle is way larger than people think.

This is a perfect example of "it depends" being the right answer.

Should a project use sessions or JWTs? One isn't right or wrong, it all depends on the context of the project.

I mean, to be fair, the article literally calls out a fairly reasonable checklist.

Do you maintain a database of JWT session tokens for refresh and revoke?

Do you have a real session that you load for every user every request anyway?

If the answer is 'yes', then the answer to 'use JWT' isn't 'it depends'.

It's no.

The author here seems to be arguing that you should effectively never use JWTs. That, in my opinion, is a mistake.

JWTs have absolutely been over-hyped for the last 8-10 years, but they do have a use and you don't have to be at the scale of Google for it to be the right approach.

Software isn't as simple as creating a checklist of a few basic categories and saying there is always a right or wrong answer. The answer should be "it depends" because there are many more factors at play when deciding something as fundamental as authentication and authorization.

JWTs has been both overhyped and overused, by myself as well. But after working with JWT authentication for so long, it felt very strange to go back to sessions stored in a database. Suddenly every service we have needs a db connection setup to go verify the sessions. No more stateless and authenticated services. But I still agree JWTs have been overused. One of the things I have used it for that I found the most useful is probably just storing some smaller pieces of signed state during parts of a data transfer, like just bridging between two systems or in-and-out of a browser without needing to setup a database.

Ok, then show us an example scenario where using JWTs makes sense, while the author's checklist says it doesn't.

I may not have been clear there. I'm not saying the author's list is wrong, I'm saying its incomplete.

For starters, the blog post leads with the premise that the answer is always "No". Even ignoring that as playful banter, the checklist is way to broad to be universally true.

> You wanted to implement log-out, so now you’re keeping an allowlist of valid JWTs, or a denylist of revoked JWTs. To check this you hit the database on each request.

> You need to be able to block users entirely, so you check a “user active” flag in the database. You hit the database on each request.

> You need additional relationships between the user object and other objects in the database. You hit the database on each request.

> Your service does anything at all with data in the database. You hit the database on each request.

These all assume that I authorization data and that the user data lives in the same database. I may store my own user object with a unique ID that references an authenticated user, while the author flow is actually managed by an entirely different service (whether first party or third party). I also may have my user data stored in a separate database, say for legacy reasons or data security/integrity requirements. Not every database is crested equal, its totally possible that one database is a better fit for user data while a totally different database is needed for application data.

Coming up with a list of broad scenarios and claiming that if you check any one there is never a reason to pick JWTs over sessions is misguided and overly simplistic. Context always matters.

edit: formatting

>These all assume that I authorization data and that the user data lives in the same database

Please tell us how the following assumes that authorization data and user data lives in the same database:

"You wanted to implement log-out, so now you’re keeping an allowlist of valid JWTs, or a denylist of revoked JWTs. To check this you hit the database on each request."

It doesn't have to assume that, again because context matters.

If authorization data is stored outside my database, I may not store anything related to that user other than their unique ID. I may not know anything about the JWTs because a middleware talking to the external authorization service authorizes a request before I ever query my database.

I could also store valid JWTs in my own database or in a caching layer, say with redis for quick access. There's nothing wrong with that, but without more details on what someone is building and what it needs to be designed for there is no absolute right or wrong answer.

I don't see how anything you said would refute OPs premise, that if you want proper logout [1] in your app, you can't use JWTs without constantly querying whether a particular JWT should be accepted or not, from which it follows that this query mechanism may as well be a traditional database with a "sessions" table.

How you organize your data, your services, your middleware, etc. does not change this the slightest, hence are irrelevant.


[1] proper logout is instant (this invalidates the "just use a JWT with short timeout!" argument), and prevents session stealing (this invalidates the "just throw away your JWT to logout" argument)

> may as well be a traditional database with a "sessions" table.

Isn't that kind of the point though? I'm not saying JWTs are a better answer for logout, only that JWTs can still support logout and they both similarly require a database transaction.

If logout can work either way, and in all likelihood logout isn't a performance concern as long as its secure, you may have other use cases and requirements in an app that do make JWTs a better fit.

I still don't understand how the argument here can be that there are no cases for JWTs, or that the list of "its" in the original article can be bulletproof no matter what else is going on in a project. That's unnecessarily absolute and leaves no wiggle room for competing priorities and constraints.

>I'm not saying JWTs are a better answer for logout, only that JWTs can still support logout and they both similarly require a database transaction.

Because the whole selling point of JWTs was that they eliminate this database transaction!!!

As soon as you have logout, your JWTs degrade to nothing but a unique byte sequence that you need to check in the DB whether it's still valid or not. You may as well use unique JPEGs or MP3 files to identify your sessions - it would work just as well (and it would be equally stupid).

In fact, in the presence of logout, JWTs are worse than opaque session tokens, because careless programmers developing a new microservice might see that it's a JWT and be tempted to just check the signature and the expiration without consulting the auth database for revocations, thus leaving that microservice accessible with compromised tokens.

Ah okay, so that was just the wrong selling point! JWTs can* avoid a database query if the data isn't super important, like if you just want to tack on some session context and aren't worried about invalidating it manually. Session tokens are just a unique ID, there is some value in wrapping up data inside the token like a JWT. That just isn't always suitable.

For authentication and authorization there isn't much benefit, but that doesn't make one right and one wrong. They can be useful in certain author scenarios, like if you're using an external author service.

If the argument here is simply that JWTs aren't a huge benefit in auth, sure that's fine. I just don't agree that that means they should never be used for auth or that they are universally worse for auth in all scenarios and applications.

Bearer tokens are simple until you have to invalidate them. Then you get all the complexity of both solutions.

It's pretty rare to have more then 1 client facing API even for large apps. Whether it's a monolith, an API gateway, Apollo federation or whatever.

What you do to authenticate between the BFF (for lack of a better name) and other services is a different matter.

Agree, and he even mentions in the article "If you process less than 10k requests per second, you’re not Google nor are you Facebook."

There is a huuuuuge gap between services handling 10k req/s and Google/Facebook.

I think one big upside with JWT that he doesn't mention is that if you have some services geographically distributed, then having decentralized auth with JWTs is quite nice without having to geographically distribute you auth backend system.

So, yes, if you have a monolith or services colocated, or have some kind of monolothic API layer, then no, perhaps JWT does not make sense. But for a lot of distributed services, having JWTs makes perfect sense.

And you don't have to introduce JWT revocation for logout, if you have short token expirations, you can accept the risk of token leakage. If the token is valid for like 30 seconds or 1 minute, you would probably never be able to notice that a token has been leaked anyway.

As per the JWT spec: “ Finally, note that it is an application decision which algorithms may be used in a given context. Even if a JWT can be successfully validated, unless the algorithms used in the JWT are acceptable to the application, it SHOULD reject the JWT.”

There is no reason you can’t keep a list of valid “session” identifiers and check the JWT is valid against that as part of verification. Then the only state you need to store server-side is the identifier. You get the exact same benefits of server-based session stores without needing to store the entire session on the server - just the identifier.

> Sharing the session across multiple services is its own distributed systems problem with numerous security implications to be aware of and bearer tokens might be a good alternative.

JWT makes it possible to distribute the same access token across multiple systems, but so do stateful tokens. The security implications when you're using JWT for this solution are much higher than with database tokens. Let's look at this for a moment:

JWT Security Issues:

- Inherent design issues (alg=none, algorithm confusion, weak ciphers like RSA)

- Cannot be revoked.

- Key rotation and distribution is necessary to keep token safe over a long period of time

- Claim parsing needs to be standardized and enforced correctly in all services (otherwise impersonation is possible)

Database Tokens Security Issues:

- Timing Attacks against B-Tree indexes [1]

- Giving direct access to the database to all microservices is risky

The security issues with databases are ridiculously easy to solve: To prevent timing attacks, you can just use a hash table index, split the token into a search-key part and a constant-time-compare part or add an HMAC to your token. To prevent direct access to the database by all your microservices, you just wrap it with an API the verifies tokens.

The JWT security issues are much harder to solve. To prevent misconfiguration or misuse and standardize the way claims are used across your organization, you probably need to write your own library or deploy an API gateway. To counter the lack of revocation support, you either need to use very short lived access tokens (so your refresh token DB will still get a lot of hits and you would still need to deal with all the scaling issues) or set up a distributed revocation service (not easy at all). Setting up seamless key rotation also requires additional infrastructure that is not part of the hundreds of JWT libraries out there.

It's really easy to get a JWT solution that just works and scales easily, but if you really care about security — especially if you care about security! — JWTs are not necessarily easier than stateful tokens. They're probably harder.

> Apart from that, Google and Facebook don't even use JWTs between the browser and backends after the initial login but actually do have some sort of distributed session concept last time I checked.

Last time I checked (which was today for Google), neither Google, nor Facebook is using JWT for their access or refresh tokens. The only place I saw JWT with the ID Token in their Open ID Connect Flow, and they can't really avoid that even if their wanted, since this is mandated by the spec.

Facebook and Google don't need JWT. Scaling and distributing a read-only token database to handle a large amount of traffic is easier — not harder! — for these companies. Stateless tokens can be useful for them in certain scenarios, but even then, if you're at Google or Facebook's scale, why would you opt for JWT over an in-house format that is smaller, faster and suffers from less vulnerabilities?

[1] https://www.usenix.org/legacy/event/woot07/tech/full_papers/...

I don't think keys need to be distributed per se, rather made available at a URL that can be served by the same service that issues the tokens? You could call that distribution, but that's probably not what you meant. I agree that a lot can go wrong, but isn't that also true for home growing a distributed database tokens solution (I surely have seen some monsters in the wild). So can't the problems with both solutions be mitigated using some good libraries?

"Made available at a URL" is one possible distribution mechanism, yes. But this only works for asymmetric keys. If you publish symmetric keys (e.g. for HS256) at a shared URL... Well, now everyone can get these keys and forge tokens to their heart's content.

Even with asymmetric tokens and a key distribution URL, you still have to make sure the clients periodically update their list of keys — this is not something you get built-in with every JWT library. And you still have to setup a mechanism for generating the keys and distributing them between the various instances of your auth server. This is not so hard nowadays with cloud KMS services, but setting up this solution on our own infra was quite painful.

> I agree that a lot can go wrong, but isn't that also true for home growing a distributed database tokens solution (I surely have seen some monsters in the wild). So can't the problems with both solutions be mitigated using some good libraries?

My point is not that a database solution is without its own issues. At my $DayJob we're also using a mix of stateful and stateless tokens (with distributed revocation lists) and we had to deal with issues with both of them. But stateful tokens on a database rarely suffer from security issues — the issues we had were always related to scalability and performance. The mitigations for these issues are also different: they almost always have to do with optimizing the infrastructure (scaling out the database, adding a cache) rather than using a library. In fact, when we use stateful tokens in a distributed scenario (and I'm sure this is true for almost everyone out there), all token handling is centralized in the auth service, so libraries are not strictly necessary. At most, client libraries would be very thin wrapper around HTTP API calls.

Why would there be any relationship between user sessions and microservices? Are you exposing them directly to the internet?

Have you ever wondered why you don't have to login when you go from photos.google.com to docs.google.com?

Just use elasticcache for sessions duh. Its a very very old pattern.

Okay I'll bite...

This post doesn't seem to address microservice architectures at all? For me, this is the primary reason to use JWT's -- so you can pass authentication ("claims", or whatever you want to call them) through your chain of microservice service-to-service calls. If you don't have microservices then there's much less reason to use JWT's.

I'm not saying the article is a strawman exactly, but it does seem to miss the primary use case of JWT's. At least, the way I've used them in anger.

Also, the "JWT's can be insecure if you use the wrong library or configure them incorrectly" argument, while having some points, seems to me more of an argument that you should really do due diligence on any libraries you use for security. The better JWT libraries are not insecure by default.

I wouldn't use JWT's if I were making a monolith, but there are lots of companies who (for better or worse) use microservices.

> so you can pass authentication ("claims", or whatever you want to call them) through your chain of microservice service-to-service calls.

This is a misconception about so called zero trust. You can't "just" pass the same token to someone else. They can use it to impersonate or misuse the token later. While you are going to say that "my microservices will not impersonate users because to each other, they are all trusted," you have run directly into the difference between trusted and zero trust.

The audience and scope claims exist to address that problem. Provided that RPs reject JWTs issued for other audiences than themselves there’s no security weakness here.

This is why JWTs are used in OIDC (e.g. “Sign-in with Google”: any website can use it, and it doesn’t make Google’s own security weaker.

I’ll concede that small, but important, details like these are not readily understood by those following some tutorial off some coding-camp content-farm (or worse: using a shared-secret for signing tokens instead of asymmetric cryptography, ugh) - and that’s also where we see the vulnerabilities. OAuth2+OIDC is very hard to grok.

> (or worse: using a shared-secret for signing tokens instead of asymmetric cryptography, ugh)

What’s so terrible about that? Several security engineers I trust favor designs with symmetric crypto, e.g. Fly.io https://fly.io/blog/macaroons-escalated-quickly/ and Facebook https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/413.pdf

It limits your ability to compartmentalize your infrastructure, establish security perimeters, and provide defense-in-depth against vulnerabilities in your dependencies.

> The audience and scope claims exist to address that problem. Provided that RPs reject JWTs issued for other audiences than themselves there’s no security weakness here.

My interpretation is that the audience and scope claims, as other features like nonce, are in place to prevent tokens from being intercepted and misused, not to facilitate passing tokens around.

Don’t see how those prevent tokens from being misused? They just prevent anyone from issuing tokens as you. Not by themselves, but if you implement your server correctly.

> Don’t see how those prevent tokens from being misused?

The purpose of a nonce is to explicitly prevent the token from being reused.

The purpose of the other claims is to prevent them from being accepted (and used) in calls to other services.

If you implement your server correctly, each instance of each service is a principal which goes through auth flows independently and uses its own tokens.

There is no token sharing.

Large companies have fallen into this trap [1]. So you are right that aud addresses the problem, but it's widespread enough to question if it really affects just coding camp content farms. Hard to grok is probably possibly in some way a design flaw.

[1] https://salt.security/blog/oh-auth-abusing-oauth-to-take-ove...

It's also why we use DPoP for serious stuff.

I hadn’t heard of DPoP until this mention. Please tell us more. Google tells me it is Demonstrating Proof of Possession, but is it supported by any products?

DPoP described in RFC9449 - you can see from the RFC number it's quite new. I don't think there's wide support for it, but at least Okta supports it[1] and I think Auth0 are also working on adding DPoP.

Is it good? I'm not a fan. To use DPoP safely (without replay attacks), you need to add server-side nonces ("nonce") and client-generated nonces ("jti", great and definitely not confusing terminology there).

You need to make sure client-generated nonces are only used once, which requires setting up... wait for it... A database! And if you'll be using DPoP in a distributed manner, with access tokens then, well, a database shared across all services. And this is not an easy-to-scale read-oriented database like you'd have to use for stateful tokens. No, this is a database that requires an equal number of reads and writes (assuming you're not under a DDoS attack): for each DPoP validation, you'd need to read the nonce and then add it to the database. You'd also need to implement some sort of TTL mechanism to prevent the database from growing forever and implement strong rate limitation across all services to prevent very easy DDoS.

It seems like the main driving motivation behind DPoP is to mitigate the cost of refresh tokens being exfiltrated from public clients using XSS attacks, but I believe it is too cumbersome to be used securely as a general mechanism for safe token delegation that prevents "pass-the-token" attacks.

[1] https://developer.okta.com/docs/guides/dpop/nonoktaresources...

I agree that DPoP - especially the nonce - is quite complex, but I don't think it's as bad as you make out.

Proof tokens can only be used for a narrow window of time (seconds to minutes), so you just need a cache of recently seen token identifiers (jtis) to do replay detection. And proof tokens are bound to an endpoint with the htm and htu claims. They can't be used across services, so I don't see a need for that replay cache to be shared across all services.

The main issue for us was not the size of the cache, but distributing a guaranteed single-use cache (CP in CAP theorem) across multiple regions and handling traffic from all microservices that can read the token (we have hundreds and plan to support thousands, so I admit our case is quite extreme).

Please note that I am talking about using DPoP to verify _every_ request, not just a token refresh request (where OAuth 2.1 is setting DPoP as an alternative to issuing a new refresh token and revoking the old one). When using DPoP for every request, the amount of client-generated nonces ("jti"s) is quite high, since you need a new one for every request.

And yes, you can rely on "htu" to distinguish between services and have a separate nonce cache for every service, but this would require deploying and maintaining additional infrastructure for every service. Depending on your organization this may or may not be an issue, but this is a big issue for us.

What did we decide on instead? Request Signature and Mutual TLS binding (RFC 8705) where possible. Request Signatures without nonces do not work well for repeatable requests (like the Refresh Token Grant), but this is not our use case.

DPoP is an OAuth extension that defends against token replay by sender constraining tokens. It is a new-ish spec, but support is pretty widespread already. It's used in a lot of European banking that has pretty strict security requirements, and it's supported by some of the big cloud identity providers as well as the OAuth framework I work on, IdentityServer. We have sample code and docs etc on our blog: https://blog.duendesoftware.com/posts/20230504_dpop/

It's a new proposed standard. Where I work (in healthcare in Europe) we have it as a requirement for any new APIs we offer public access to. We have our own auth service, but looks like Okta already offers DPoP.

> This is a misconception about so called zero trust. You can't "just" pass the same token to someone else. They can use it to impersonate or misuse the token later.

Put another way, JWTs used as bearer tokens have vulnerable to intra-audience replay attacks.

While this is true for many zero trust architectures, but you don't have to build zero trust architectures this way. Simply have the token commit to a public key of a signing key held by the identity, then you can do Proof-of-Possession and remove these replay attacks. This is the direction zero trust is headed. For instance AWS is slowly moving toward this with sigV4A. Most zero trust solutions aren't there yet.

Bearer tokens are vulnerable to man-in-the-middle impersonation.

It's right in the name.

Anyway, zero trust architecture are wildly overrated and used in way more places than they should. But the entire thread is correct in that you can't build them with bearer tokens.

Man-in-the-middle impersonation is not the biggest threat because TLS 1.3 does a decent job of protecting the token in transit. The biggest issue is the endpoints:

1. The client that holds the token can't use an HSM or SSM to protect the token because they need to transmit it. Thus a compromise of the client via an XSS or Malware, results in the token leaking.

2. The server that receives the token, might be compromised and they can replay the token to other servers or leak it accidentally e.g., with a log file or to an analytics service.

Both of these problems go away if you uses OpenPubkey or Verifiable Credentials with JWTs. The JWT is now a public value, and the client holds a signing key.

1. The client can protect the signing key with an HSM or SSM (modern web browsers grant javascript access to a SSM).

2. The server only receives the JWT (now a public value) and a signature specific to that server. They don't have any secrets to protect.

> But the entire thread is correct in that you can't build them with bearer tokens.

You can and people do, but it is far better to use proof of possession JWTs than bearer JWTs. Even better to use JWS instead of JWTs so you can make use of multiple JWS signers (a JWT is a type of JWS, but a JWS with more than one signer can not be a JWT).

User X’s web browser calls Server A which makes a web service request to Server B that needs to authenticate that user X is making the call.

What types of tokens do you suggest in each case?

To pitch my own project, OpenPubkey[0], it is designed for exactly this use case. OpenPubkey let's you add a public key to an ID Token (JWT) without needing any change at the IDP.

1. Alice generates an ephemeral key pair (if she is using a browser she can generate the key pair as a "non-extractable key"[1]).

2. Alice gets ID Token issued by Google that commits to their public key,

3. Alice signs her API request data to Service A and sends her ID Token to Service A.

4. Service A checks the ID Token (JWT) is issued by Google and that the identity (alice@gmail.com) is authorized to make this API call, then it extracts Alice's public key from the ID Token and verifies the signature on the data in the API call. Then it passes the signed data to Service B.

5. Service B verifies everything again including that the data is validly signed by Alice. Service B could then write this data and its cryptographic prominence into the database.

Technically OpenPubkey uses a JWS, but it is a JWS composed of a JWT (ID Token) with additional signatures. OpenPubkey signed messages, like the ones passed via the API are also JWS.

I'm working on a system where each service in the path adds their signatures to the signed message so you can cryptographically enforce that messages must pass through particular services and then check that at during the database write or read. Using signature aggregation, you don't get a linear increase in verification cost as the number of signatures increase. It doesn't seem to add much overhead to service meshes since they are already standing up and tearing down mTLS tunnels.

The main question to me is how much autonomy do you want to give to your services. There are cases in which you want services to query each other without those services having to prove that the call originated from a specific authorized user.

[0]: https://github.com/openpubkey/openpubkey

[1]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CryptoKey/e...

Well a lot of value in application architectures like this is, I want to give something access to my Google Calendar forever, to schedule tasks and read stuff, expressly without user intervention. Most people want token exchange - that an all-powerful user token gets exchanged for a token with the privileges specific to the service that holds onto it. I don't really want Google or Apple or whoever has, for idiosyncratic reasons, possession of a private key, to sign every request I make to Google Calendar, because they will inevitably revoke it sooner for obnoxious business reasons than any good security reason. And if I give a signing key to the service doing this deed for me, it's kind of redundant to an ordinary exchanged JWT.

Really the ergonomics are why this hasn't been adopted more readily. I wonder why it's possible to have OpenTelemetry inject a header into thousands of different APIs and services for dozens of programming languages, more or less flawlessly. But if I wanted to do this at process boundaries, and the content of my header was the result of a stateless function of the current value of the header (aka token exchange + destination service): you are shit out of luck. Ultimately platform providers like Google, Apple and Meta lose their power when people do this, so I feel like the most sophisticated and cranky agitators are more or less right that the user experience is subordinate to the S&P top 10's bottom line, not real security concerns.

The first case sounds more like a case for OAuth which doesn't have to use JWTs or digital signatures.

> I don't really want Google or Apple or whoever has, for idiosyncratic reasons, possession of a private key, to sign every request I make to Google Calendar, because they will inevitably revoke it sooner for obnoxious business reasons than any good security reason.

Can you provide more context on this? I would assume asymmetric signing keys are less likely to be revoked than say an HMAC key since an HMAC key must be securely stored at both the client and server whereas you can just put a asymmetric signing key in an HSM at the client and be done with it.

Which we have in modern computers and mobiles (the EU identity wallet concept is built around them).

I thought the EU wallet was using JWTs that attest to public key. You don't use them as bearer tokens, you use them as certificates and then do verifiable credential presentation via proof of possession and SD-JWTs.

If someone nefarious steals your <secret something> then yes you have problems, this isn’t anything unique to JWTs

It makes a pretty big difference whether you have to send the secret down the wire to prove you possess it (e.g. a JWT, unlike say a private key).

Even with microservices, you still have the invalidation problem. I guess you could use non-Jwt for external auth and jwt between the services, but then you lose the benefit of standardization (and still don't get full zero-trust). Or you could standardize on jwt, but then, invalidation problem again.

It's pretty rare in practice to be able to make authz decisions solely based on the information in JWT claims. Space in HTTP headers is limited and any moderately complex system will have a separate authz concept anyways that can be used to check for token invalidation.

Exactly. Learned this the hard way. JWT is good for “this token is legit and has XYZ role or group”, and letting it go to the next layer. The next layer should do some addition checking that token has legit claims on modifying a resource or taking other actions, however that might be.

Depends on your business. Most b2b companies probably don’t need to care about invalidation, at least not in the startup phase. For B2C it’s going to be more important. But ask yourself “why do I need to pre-emptively invalidate tokens?”

> If you don't have microservices then there's much less reason to use JWT's.

Fair point. This post assumes a single database which opaque tokens can be mapped to. That said, a lot of smaller webapps are and should be monoliths.

Side question, anyone knows where the phrase "used in anger" comes from? I know it means using something in production but where does it come from?

Is it about battlefield and such?

I've always heard it as a shorter alternative to "holy hell this tool is horrible but I'm unaware of an alternative, or cannot apply an alternative solution."

No, it's a military term. Firing a cannon in anger for instance means firing at the enemy, rather than in training.

Are you sure? I have never interpreted it this way and it is the first way I hear this interpretation.

My understanding: To use something "for real" on an actual project, not just toy around with it. (What you use can be good or bad, expression doesn't say)

My interpretation has always been the same as mceachen's, but other comments in this sub-thread have thought me I am wrong and your understanding is correct. Today I learned.

For what it's worth[0]:

> If you do something in anger, you do it in a real or important situation as it is intended to be done, rather than just learning or hearing about it

[0] https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/in-anger

It’s military based isn’t it? First time you use a weapon “in anger” is to test its effectiveness in real world conflict

Yes it’s an old britishism - comes from “shots fired in anger” (as opposed to training)

I don't think it necessarily means using it in production but rather using it on some non-trivial capacity that exposes you to it's various complexities and nuances such that you have more than just a surface level understanding. That probably coincides with using things in production a lot of the time, but that's not strictly necessary.

> doesn't seem to address microservice architectures at all

Or just, you know, service architectures. Most microservice architectures I've seen go way too far down the route of breaking up services and their infrastructure to an impractical level. But all you need in order to make JWTs really useful is two federated services. This happens all the time, often in the course of some partnership, acquisition, or just an organizational structure meant to decouple 2+ teams from each other.

Based on their mention of a single framework connecting to a single database, OP seems to have never moved past the point of developing a single service. Which is fine! It makes things simpler for sure, and you can get very far with that. But they are then dispensing advice about things they don't seem to know much about.

Yeah I agree, but I think this post is for those cases where this design might be inappropriate, mainly monoliths with single dbs.

I disagree with the whole "you're not Google/FB"/"over arbitary RPS" logic though. If the design makes sense then it makes sense, end of story. Just understand it.. lol

Same applies to non-micro service architectures.

JWT's are perfectly fine if you don't care about session revocation and their simplicity is an asset. They're easy to work with and lots of library code is available in pretty much any language. The validation mistakes of the past have at this point been rectified.

Not needing a DB connection to verify means you don't need to plumb a DB credentials or identity based auth into your service - simple.

Being able to decode it to see its contents really aids debugging, you don't need to look in the DB - simple.

If you have a lot of individual services which share the same auth system, you can manage logins into multiple apps and API's really easily.

That article seems to dislike JWT's, but they're just a tool. You can use them in a simple way that's good enough for you, or you can overengineer a JWT based authentication mechanism, in which case they're terrible. Whether or not to use them doesn't really depend on their nature, but rather, your approach.

You are confusing simplicity (it's easy to understand and straightforward to implement safely) with convenience (I have zero understanding of how it works and couldn't implement it securely if my life depended on it, but someone already wrote a library and I'm just going to pretend all risk is taken care of when I use it).

Am I confusing them?

It's not difficult to implement JWT's, the concept is simple, however, with authentication code, the devil is in the details, and that's true for any approach, whether it's JWT's, or opaque API tokens, whatever. There are many, many ways to make a mistake which allows a bypass. Simple concepts can have complex implementations. A JWT is simply a bit of JSON that's been signed by someone that you trust. There are many ways to get that wrong!

Convenience, when it comes to auth, is also usually the best path, and you need to be careful to use well known and well tested libraries.

External services use jwts pretty often, so if you have to handle jwts anyway, using jwts means that there's only one primitive, set of libraries, and concepts for your devs to know.

"You don't need all of that!" sure but you probably already have it somewhere in your codebase and it's pretty universal. You also probably don't utilize every feature of http itself, that isn't a cogent argument against using http.

JWTs are supported by a large number of tools, libraries, middleware appliances, etc; there's a huge ecosystem out there to support it.

You also might delegate auth to a third party like Auth0 or FusionAuth so that you don't handle any PII, because all of the PII is handled by a vendor, and you only store application-specific data.

"You want to implement logout" means a few things; in most apps you just ... have the client forget the token and you go about your day and it's fine. "but what about if a nefarious actor stole the token!!!" you might say, but hand-rolled session tokens have the same problem.

"You want to turn off access for all users" is something you can do in http middleware; e.g., I have used middleware that do things like "only allow through requests that have jwts with the 'admin' role in their claims because we have turned off the system from users for downtime", and that works fine. (specifically I wrote a traefik plugin to do this in an afternoon).

"You want to ban a single specific user really quickly" is a thing JWT won't do out of box.

The problem isn't the mechanisms inside of JWT (though they are gross and worth avoiding on their own), it's the systems-level tradeoffs you have to make to use them idiomatically, particularly around refresh tokens and revocation.

If you read this and think "this doesn't apply as long as I have to use JWTs for some service I rely on, anyways", you missed its point.

refreshing the refresh token is always a database hit, and in the case of using a third party like Auth0 or FusionAuth, you can invalidate refresh tokens at the individual and at the user level. Saying "the refresh token is the real token" as the article does is pretty misleading; the refresh token always goes to the same system that would accept the username/password, but the jwt itself gets carted around to other systems. So again, in the auth0/fusionauth case, the refresh token is sent to auth0/fusionauth, not your app, so even without any particular knowledge of what's going on, the application developer is forced to utilize them in different ways. There's a big assumption in this article that you're talking about a monolithic system where logins are processed by the same application that handles all requests. Even if you do prefer to structure your application as a monolith and avoid microservices, once you delegate auth to a third party or a system separate from your app, the bearer token versus refresh token thing starts to matter a lot.

I think there's a cyclic thing that's been happening for years where people in the security community like to talk about how bad jwt is, but then not produce anything that meets application developers needs in a meaningful way. I spent years avoiding jwt and ultimately found avoiding jwts wasn't actually a good use of my time.

This still doesn't engage with the point. "Refresh tokens" are not a natural feature of every session scheme. They're required by stateless JWTs because JWTs are motivated by migrating authN into its own independently-scaled microservice, and because online revocation is difficult in stateless schemes. If you just use your framework session system, you don't ever think about refresh tokens. That's the point the article is making. It's not that JWT makes refresh harder, it's that it makes it a thing at all.

right so then the argument is less about "should you use JWTs" and more about "should you use stateless session tokens".

> JWTs are motivated by migrating authN into its own independently-scaled microservice

that's definitely one use-case, although I don't actually think having auth in a separate microservice under your own custody is the dominant use-case. The auth being in an entirely separate database means PII is in an entirely separate database, which can be a useful access control mechanism, or in the case of using a third-party auth service, means that there is no PII in databases under your custody at all. It makes the situation of "developers can access all data created by the software that they work on" really easy to implement while also maintaining "developers do not have access to all of the PII" as an access barrier. I think "I just use Auth0/FusionAuth and don't think about it" is actually the dominant use-case, and every third party offering that kind of developer experience utilizes stateless session tokens to make that happen.

> If you just use your framework session system, you don't ever think about refresh tokens.

right, but now the problem of keeping PII data access rules separate from your application domain data is an additional thing you have to engineer and think about securing, so I think the article is underestimating some of the negatives of that tradeoff; I've never seen a framework with a built in session system that did a good job of keeping access to the PII separate from the application data.

You wrote a comment upthread that misapprehended the post you were critiquing. I was motivated to offer some corrections. I'm less interested in the philosophical argument you now propose, except to say that PII segregation has only very rarely been the reason I've seen people adopt stateless tokens. It is still easier to segregate data using stateful token schemes than with JWT.

But I don't want to pretend we're still having the same conversation that started up thread. I assume you take my point, that if you think "I already have to do JWT so I don't save anything by not using them everywhere" rebuts the post, you've misread it a bit.

> if you think "I already have to do JWT so I don't save anything by not using them everywhere" rebuts the post

I have never believed that and I don't think my comment ever suggested I did, I mentioned "you might have jwt-handling tooling already" as one concern among many, not an entire argument. It really seems like you've honed in on a single point and, as you would say, misapprehended my comment. That one argument is not reason alone to use JWT and I really don't think my original comment ever implied I thought it was the entirety of the topic.

My impression is that the article author is following the good old "everything lives in my Rails monolith" philosophy from 10 years ago where login and authn is just another library including db migrations that you slap onto your monolith to get user management set up in 15 minutes.

in all fairness that's what 95% of web application projects really should be.

70% of the web is Wordpress, so yeah.

95% of the non-wordpress part of the web.

We’re rebuilding our microservice hell as a monolith anyway.

I’m not sure what you are trying to say here? That dealing with refresh token expiry revocation for a single system (and two sessions) is better than dealing with expiry and revocation for 3?

I see some strong arguments for standardizing on a single one.

Having authn stateless whether with JWTs or not is a bad idea. By extension refresh tokens are a bad idea. Doesn't mean JWTs are a bad idea, if used as a general auth token they are fine. Implementing revocation of JWTs also isn't very hard but you need somewhere to store the revocation state.

Sorry, none of this is responsive to what I just wrote. I had a particular complaint about the critique I responded to, that's all.

Even running in smaller environments:

1) You may not want your application servers having direct access to your auth service or auth database. You may not have the resources to control employee access to sensitive data when it’s shared across services. You may want to spend limited resources for security audits on the systems that contain the most sensitive data, and having them separated from everything else is helpful.

2) Depending on what 3rd party services you use it may not even be practical to have connectivity between auth and other services, and if you do, the latency may be bad enough that you wouldn’t want it to be blocking every request. This is especially compelling for hybrid environments, e.g. the 20 year old database in a colo with your user data, and a new service being built for you by consultants on a PaaS.

3) People act like revocation is such a nightmare, but you only need the auth service to sign invalidation tokens to be passed to the client-facing services, and those services only need to retain them for the max TTL of the auth tokens, after which they can be evicted. Yes, that’s something that could be motivated by having a massive environment like Google, it could also just be a way to keep costs down when you’re paying by the byte of storage or by the outbound request on some cloud. You could try to make the argument that storing invalidation data is just as bad as storing session data, but the key questions are “Where?” and “For how long?”, and then in some circumstances it breaks down very quickly.

4) You may not want sensitive user data stored in the jurisdictions where you want to host your apps. That’s not a big company problem, it’s dependent on the nature of the services you provide.

Some people get entirely too dogmatic about their “XYZ is wrong, don’t do it!” beliefs. At the time I implemented JWT in our system, many years ago; it was the most straightforward way to solve the problems that I had. I read about the pitfalls and have yet to experience any of them. So in short.. “no regrats” from this heathen.

Isn't JWT's main benefit being a standard interchange format? 3 parts: header, payload containing user info, signature from whatever authenticated the user. Can be encoded for URLs and decoded to JSON. Seems pretty innocent to me.

Here's the thing: neither Google, nor Facebook is using JWT for their access or refresh tokens. The only place they use JWT, as far as I know, is for the ID Token in their Open ID Connect Flow, since this is a mandatory (and terribly misguided) part of the spec.

I keep seeing the idea that JWT was designed for Google or Facebook scale being repeated over and over, but the reality is that neither company uses it. Last time I checked, both used rather short access and refresh tokens and it appears that at least the refresh token (if not both) is stateful.

Implementing stateful tokens on a global scale and sharing them across hundreds of service is HARD, but it's easier when you are Google or Facebook, and you've got enough resources to throw at this trouble.

And if you do need to implement a stateful token, you've got every reason to choose your own format. Your applications are using your own authentication libraries and infrastructure (e.g. API gateways), so you don't have to worry about complicating their life with a non-standard format. The upside for using your own stateless format is that you avoid all the design issues with JWT (alg=none, algorithm confusion, questionable support for outdated algorithms from the 1970s) and you can design a far more compact format that takes a fraction of the size of JWT[1].

There's a reason JWT got popular with scrappy startups, enterprises hobby projects and Udemy/Medium tutorial authors: they're very easy to spin up and library support is everywhere. I don't mean to say JWT is the right choice for any of these uses — it probably isn't. But it's the easy choice, the worse-is-better solution. The worse solution needs only be better in one respect to win: it should be easier to implement, copy and spread.

In the end of the day, JWT is not a good solution for either Google-scale companies or small startups. But it's the small startups that usually lack the resources and awareness to adopt another solution.

[1] https://fly.io/blog/api-tokens-a-tedious-survey/#protobuf

> By just using a “normal” opaque session token and storing it in the database, the same way Google does with the refresh token, and dropping all jwt authentication token nonsense.

Not only is this true, but most actual deployments of JWTs just have you swap a JWT (ID Token) for a opaque session token.

That said, I really like having a JWT signed by an IDP which states the user's identity because if designed correctly you only need to trust one party IDP. For instance Google (the IDP) is the ideal party to identify a gmail email address since you already have to trust them for this. I created OpenPubkey to leverage JWTs, while minimizing and in some cases removing trust.

OpenPubkey[0, 1] let's you turn JWTs bearer tokens into certificates. This lets you use digital signatures with ephemeral secrets.

[0]: https://github.com/openpubkey/openpubkey [1]: https://eprint.iacr.org/2023/296

> OpenPubkey let's you turn JWTs bearer tokens into certificates.

This looks really awesome, thanks for sharing.

Aren’t JWT bearer tokens certificates already? Only the issuing server has the private keys, and the public keys are used to validate that server signed them?

This is the other way around. It allows the user (token holder) to sign messages "using" the ID token.

To be able to sign a message you not only need the ID token but also the private/signing key, and the corresponding public key is bound to the ID token (using the nonce field).

Thus you can prove that not only did Google say you are you, but you possess the signing key associated with the ID token that says so. Thus I can be sure someone else didn't just steal your token in flight or from a log file for example.

Certificates use a signature to bind an identity to a public key.

JWT bearer tokens use a signature to issue an identity, but that don't include the public key of that identity. The issuer has a public key, but the issuee does not.

There are plenty of JWTs that are certificates:

* proof-of-possession JWTs,

* self-issued JWTs, etc...

I would add two pros of jwts (I guess oauth 2 and oidc more specifically)

1. It standardizes your auth system. While sessions auth is mostly implemented in the same way across systems, learning oauth and oidc gives you a standard across the industry.

2. Jwts give an easy path to make “front end” applications and api authentication work in the same way. This in theory reduces your security surface area as all of your authnz code can be shared across your offerings.

3. Easy to implement. 4. Dont need to hit db. 5. Can store some information with the claim which is very convenient

How do you revoke tokens if a one gets leaked without hitting a db? How long are your users vulnerable to attack?

Good point.

If a short session time isnt good enough, you can use a simple key store to check for revoked tokens. Youll be hitting a db but its somewhat better since its just a very small db of revoked tokens.

Its hard for me to imagine though with like a 30 min or even few hour long token, under what circumstances you'd actually revoke tokens. If your db got leaked, you can rotate the key and invalidate all tokens. Otherwise, itd have to be something like you have some post login fraud detection in place. Cause jwt or not, if a user just signed in and a hacker got their auth token, what are you going to do? Sure you need to check the db to revoke it, but the problem is how would you know the tokens been compromised?

> If a short session time isnt good enough, you can use a simple key store to check for revoked tokens.

It's not bad solution per se, but it does negate JWT's main value proposition, which is to not need such a store.

Another way to put it: "Do you want a (functional) logout button?"

That's not another way to put it. You can have a logout button which makes the client forget the jwt token.

But if the jwt was leaked before the client forgot it, the jwt itself is still valid and can continued to be used by an attacker.

I wonder if an extension to the concept of jwt that extends the cryptographics chain down into some hardware component such as a TPM or secure enclave is the right answer. Basically the payload of the token could contain a pubkey for checking a signature on the request payload. The logout button would then have two local effects on the client side: delete the token and tell the hardware component to forget the private key.

Well, hence (functional). Making the client forget a token sounds trivial. But there's a long tail of clients out there, and many cases where things might get more complicated.

Maybe I'm damaged from working in a regulated industry, but a (possibly malicious) client who went through the logout process and could prove someone else reused the token after logout might have a case. Or another of a myriad of unknown possibilities.

It's all very unnecessary. There's a reason we all used to invalidate trust server side. It's just so much easier to reason about.

Why would you need to revoke on logout? Forgetting seems to be enough in all cases except maybe SSO revocation because in all other cases you can (and indeed often must) trust the client to protect the credential.

Because logging out is also supposed to invalidate the token so it can't be reused by anyone who may have stolen it.

This thread is really making me despair. If you don't see a problem with JWTs, you aren't experienced enough to use JWTs.

I think you need to take this a step further and really define your threat model instead of being despaired :)

If an attacker is able to steal a victim's cookie database, their system (or at the very least, their browser) is already deeply compromised. It is very likely that an attacker with such capabilities could prevent your website from ever sending the logout request (install a browser extension which blocks it, inject into the render process to silently drop it, modify the cached JavaScript on disk to inject code into the site, etc.). The logout functionality only works insofar as you trust the client, and in any circumstances where the client's cookies could be stolen you really can't trust the client. So logout revocation is not really a meaningful security boundary.

How about the scenario of a stolen device that's logged into the service. The victim logs in on another computer to try and reset their password and lock the thief out of the compromised account.

This can't be done without revocation.

This is a different feature than a simple logout button though (something along the lines of "sign me out everywhere"), and many (smaller) websites don't actually support this. As far as I can tell, the very website we're on doesn't support it :) The parallel use case is SSO invalidation where you may need to immediately revoke access to a service after an employee is terminated.

You would need revocation in this case. Implementing this is easier when you already have database backed tokens, but unless you intend to support these features JWT is a totally reasonable engineering decision.

I feel ya.

You have to store invalidated tokens anywhere they might pass through a service, which means you have to persist them for as long you can predict that there expiry will last. Simply putting them in a memory database isn't 100% if that db gets flushed, and then you might start storing them in a disk database, which at that point, you might as well have just read the db in the first place using cookie auth.

In microservices, you generally have to put an invalidated JWT cache between every service, or compromised JWT's are just floating around your intranet.

I've worked at a plethora of places who have JWT's who have no invalidation strategy what so ever, the majority of developers think that when you log out and the user has forgotten the JWT then you are all good......

You can do what Google and everyone else does, which is store the revoked tokens. At scale this is easy to do efficiently and rarely requires a network request since the number of revoked unexpired tokens is small.

How does infrequentcy of revoked tokens reduce requests? Dont you have to check every token to see if its revoked?

Or Do all the server instances store a copy of all revoked tokens in memory/local db?

All the servers can store a copy or a bloom filter because the number of revoked tokens is small and doesn't change often

You can use a separate DB that acts more like a cache for revocations- usually something where you can set a time to live on the row equal to the duration of the token itself.

That keeps your application DB free for application load, while keeping your identity validation logic nice and snappy.

Of course, adding infrastructure may be intimidating, but most applications that face any real load are going to be using redis or something similar anyway at some place in the stack.

If I have to run a separate DB to check for revocations, why not skip JWTs and just use that separate DB for auth directly.

Not an issue for most cases but a cache of revoked tokens is going to be much smaller than a db of all users tokens.

The advantage of redis or similar kv DBs / caches comes in being lighter and faster than a full second database, mostly.

The secondary advantage is you don't need to deal with cookie storage, sticky sessions or anything else along those lines.

If you're manually hand crafting a server, go for it. If you're treating them like cattle not pets, going stateless with a bearer token tends to be easier.

Then you can hit the db.

I don't understand this argument against JWTs; if instantaneous session revocation is important for your use-case, versus JWTs more typical 5 minute or 60 minute expiration, there is nothing about JWTs which makes them poor candidates for going to the database as you would a session token. And, you get all the other benefits.

One example where this can matter: I've seen JWTs used in defense-in-depth scenarios where you've got an API gateway that does the initial JWT validation, including a round-trip to the database to check for revocation, but then had microservices behind the gateway only check the signature. Traditional session keys would require a database roundtrip for every validation, which could number in the dozens for a single API request.

Store reset_time per user. Use a message queue (or postgres notify) to push changes to this value to your apps. Check the user's token was created after the reset_time when validating it.

You would be required to keep a Map<UserId, Timestamp> in memory, potentially with TTL. Most systems can handle this easily for their expected user load. If not, you should have the engineering capacity to figure it out ;)

Logout button sets reset_time to now, as does revoking tokens. This would only allow you to revoke all tokens for one user at the same time, but this tends to be fine, since JWTs should be short-lived anyway and apps should deal with the expectation of them being expired/revoked.

And hope your service hasn't been restarted so it doesn't lose the in-memory revocation list?

Just populate the cache when you need it? You will need a database round trip for the first request per user per application restart, if they haven't reset since. I assumed this was obvious.

Oh, I didn't realize that the design also has a database of revocations. In that case, you can just query that directly :P

You'll want to store your user credentials that they traded for a JWT somewhere. The point of using JWTs is that most of your requests don't have to hit this database.

Yes, this is the trade off. If you are working in an industry where you need to be highly sensitive for data access even for short periods of times then oauth/oidc/jwts are probably not for you. If you really need an emergency escape hatch you can always rotate your singing keys and jwks and invalidate all of your tokens and force everyone to sign back in.

How do you find out a single token got leaked within the token lifetime? If it's that easy to detect a leaked token, why aren't you stopping the leak in the first place?

Use low TTL and put rate limits and other mechanisms in place?

I think you're right, but it seems like you get into a tricky territory that'll never be great (as everything with security has compromised). Too long is an issue for attacks, but convenient for users. Too short and you have to do an initial re-auth over and over again, partially defeating the benefits.

Even if the TTL is short, there are plenty of ways to compromise a token and use it immediately in an automated system.

If you're using JWTs, I'd lean shorter TTLs and embrace this as a potential concern. Not sure what the best re-auth frequency is though. I'd be really interested to see other's thoughts on that.

But the token is used over SSL and the only way to get it afaik is to hijack the client device or somehow hijack the server. The first scenario is pretty rare and the second is pretty easy to avoid. I don’t think that’s really an edge case that’s concerning for 99% of applications.

> the only way to get it afaik is to hijack the client device or somehow hijack the server.

Yet we have millions of passwords in dumps across the internet. Maybe hijacking the client or server is more common than thought?

I think you're conflating a few things.

Passwords being leaked is due to noobs and idiots in charge of systems, and probably not using an actual auth provider.

It really isn't that hard.

1. Send secure information over SSL. If some noob-tier dev decides that's too advanced for them, congrats I guess for being stupid.

2. Store passwords with hashing and salting. If you use an auth provider, like auth0 or firebase even, they will do this for you because they're not noobs. A noob-tier dev who stores plaintext passwords in a database with insecure connection and postgres:postgres is again stupid af.

Most of those leaked passwords are because of this. And don't think some Fortune 500 is not stupid. They outsource their development to Accenture or Detoilette, or any of the other outsourcers where they pay some "Software Architect" $8/hr to secure banking information (while charging the client $150/hr). I'm not throwing shade, but these companies are cheap af and throw bodies at the problem instead of experience and brains. I have direct experience with this, so I know how bad it is.

Don't confuse people being stupid (very common, 90% of any population) with a failure in a technology that others who don't understand it claim makes it inferior or something.

The internet and all the technology you use today is glued together by the <10% of people who actually understand computers, networking, and problem solving.

Just because a noob-dev uses session tokens doesn't mean it will be any secure if they fail those 2 points I mentioned. Those are so deadass simple to mitigate, anyone who purposefully skips on them should be named and shamed, and receive a 10 year cooldown from being a software developer.

I'd add that it's easier to abstract your software service from authentication. It's allowed me to write bridge signing from AzureAD, Okta etc, to a supported application deployed to differing environments on client hardware and readily integrating to different SSO systems.

OAuth2 has no dependency on JWT, and _most_ authentication cases don't need OIDC, OAuth2 is enough.

I typically use a service like AWS cognito (using their built-in hosted UI) to handle authentication for my apps. That gives me MFA, Google/Facebook login, email verification, etc for free and has a generous free tier.

I have a template that's backed by terraform and the authentication client is in lambda so the whole thing is serverless, self-contained and practically free. So I just run "terraform apply" and I have scalable auth for my new service.

https://github.com/alshdavid/template-cognito (only 1 dependency on AWS, everything else is stdlib)

If any service I create is lucky enough to break out of the free-tier and cost is an issue, then I can just move to another OAuth2/OIDC provider. The auth mechanism Cognito uses is just a specification meaning I am not coupled to any one service provider (though the user accounts themselves are). Cognito, Auth0, IdentifyServer, or whatever - I can migrate if cost becomes a problem.

The big issue with JWTs are that, if lost, they give permissions to attackers without revocability.

For this reason, I keep auth-tokens short lived and refresh them often. Refresh-tokens are revocable and live for a few days. This means that a lost auth-token is only harmful for a few minutes while a lost refresh token is only harmful until revoked or expired.

Tokens are stored as path-specific http-only cookies so the only vector for attack is if a user physically opens devtools and gives an attacker the token - or if the attacker has access to the computer (physically or via a malicious terminal script).

High risk operations (e.g. delete account, delete content, anything high risk) requires "step-up" authentication - so a user is asked to re-authenticate in those cases.

Overall, when you consider that rolling your own authentication comes with the liability associated with holding user data (companies must announce a breach to users, etc) - if a service provider like Cognito is compromised, you won't be liable or the only one affected.

JWTs have security concerns, but on balance, when used with third party provider, a sensible configuration and considering the risk of rolling your own - they are fine.

Browser sessions are not the only authentication scenario.

> absolutely no one who is not Google/Facebook needs to put up with the ensuing tradeoffs. If you process less than 10k requests per second, you’re not Google nor are you Facebook

What's the magic property that flips when you pass 10K requests per second? Are we sure it's at 10K requests per second, not 8K? or 5K? In general, at that kind of scale I'd think JWTs would become less appealing - AWS operates on IAM for example.

And why are Google and Facebook the best examples of companies who are operating at scale? There are different kinds of scale than just 'ad auctions per second'. I would imagine the access management concerns of, say, JP Morgan Chase are at least as complex and challenging to scale as those of Facebook.

I once operated a very low usage webservice that used JWT for auth. We got hit with a DDoS and it was trivial to mitigate by using AWS API gateway to drop HTTP requests that didn't contain a valid JWT for the IDPs we supported.

Making authentication only require a signature verification at the edge (JWT) vs authentication middleware that needs to do a DB read (opaque), can be a life saver even if you have 10 requests a second most of the time.

This is a great point. 10 requests per second is likely to be sufficient scale that you are noticeable to people that might want to attack you. The ability to validate the key before doing anything with it could be a huge time (and resource) saver on AWS.

> The ability to validate the key before doing anything with it [..]

Q: What about the endpoint that's issuing the tokens?

In OpenID Connect the endpoint is issuing the tokens is run by Google, Microsoft or some other company that is too big to fail (or rather if it fails everything goes down).

If you are issuing the tokens yourself, you can build a simple horizontally scaling identity service that only does authentication and token issuance. With refresh tokens, if that service goes down it only prevents users not already signed in from signing in. Generally users stay signed into to webapps for weeks at a time, so you have massively reduced the impact: rather than 100% of your users not being able to do anything on your site, now 0.5% of users are impacted.

The notion that you have Google/Facebook scale problems at 10k requests per second (vs 10s of millions of requests per second) is a pretty funny claim in its own right.

We don't use JWTs because we think we're google scale, we use them because they're kinda cool. Cheap, stateless auth across services is really handy. If I rolled my own solution, it would just look like a shitty jwt.

There are definitely arguments to me made against ridiculous over-engineering, modern web dev has taken the problems of 1% of engineers and made them problems for 100% of engineers, but I think this is a bit of a silly one to focus on

We don't use JWT because we are NOT google scale.

A centralized database for sessions, and we can extend/revoke any token anytime.

What's interesting about this argument is that nothing is stopping you from doing this same thing using JWTs. Just generate your token and store it as a claim in the JWT. You can check the revocation of the stored token without even validating that the token is genuine, if that is fortuitous. What this buys you is the ability to attach clear text information with the token, and, if you are doing asymmetric validation, the ability to validate both the security credential and the included plaintext information in an untrusted (client side) setting.

I actually think the revocation argument is the over-engineering case here.

I'd argue that people who need to avoid hitting their database on every request outnumber people who need sub-minute revocation

I don't see how this solution means you cannot use JWTs.

Authentication is often the first thing I want to break out of the application and backend anyway. Good password hashing is expensive... Why should an entire application have to go down when your login is being DDoSed?

More so, A revocation list on something like Redis can expire with a token and a lot less expensive than an rdbms lookup with joins.

Not too mention, why add extra load with extra DB calls in the first place?

You don't have to be Google scale to want to separate logins from the main service. And that's just for starters.

The more confidently people make blanket pronouncements, the less you should believe them. There are a lot of use cases for OAuth2 and OIDC that are not covered by “just use a web session”.

The real thing to push back on is the logout requirement. Everyone pretends they need this, when what almost everyone should do is just mandate appropriately short token lifetimes and revoke refresh tokens as needed.

> revoke refresh tokens as needed

That’s a logout requirement?

Not as I understand it. When I've seen this discussed, a "logout requirement" has usually meant some stakeholder thinks they need a way to prevent previously issued access tokens from being used even though the tokens are signed by the trusted authorization server and not expired (i.e. still valid). This requirement asks that you find a way to instantly shut off access even though the auth server has previously issued access tokens that should entitle the bearer to perform actions against protected resources until the token expires.

Blocking refresh in the authorization server is trivial, but trying to implement the same on access tokens in the resource server at the point of use breaks the entire security model of JWT. It's unreliable, because now every resource server has to take on partial responsibility for authorization which multiplies opportunities for mistakes. As the OP points out, you need to keep track of some sort of block list and lose out on many of the benefits of JWT (i.e. a resource server being able to rely fully on claims in a signed token before allowing an action).

When people show up with this kind of requirement, in my experience, it is often because they foolishly configured a client with a very long expiration on access tokens (e.g. ~months/years instead of ~minutes/hours). This creates a problem when some aspect of a user's access needs to change (e.g. disgruntled employee was fired, customer didn't pay their bill, etc). You can address this more easily by pairing a short access token lifetime with a long refresh token lifetime.

Ah, right. Yeah, I've had people ask for that too. It defeats the whole point of the JWT though. You might as well use sessions at that point because that's essentially what they are if you want to be able to instantly revoke (e.g. check every request).

Yeah, we had a couple customers ask about this, but they were ultimately satisfied with dropping the token from the session to give the appearance of logging out (so they could log in as another user), and just decided to accept whatever risk goes along with someone copying the session token, hitting "logout", then running cURL commands for 4 more minutes.

Since JWTs can't handle revocation on their own, the main benefit (other than the ability to do validation without a central authority) of JWTs over opaque tokens is the ability to embed data that an untrusted holder (ie client) can make use of. For example, attach the display name of the user and their avatar profile, so that even after the token expires the application can represent to the user who the token is (could be used for example to show a "Sign back in, Tom" view). This makes a Switch User feature very elegant to implement: the application need only store the signed authentication tokens, and those tokens are self describing.

Additionally, when using asymmetric validation, you can rely on JWTs as licenses: Your software can restrict offline features based on a locally stored token, simply by checking that the JWT was signed by the authority. In tandem with the ability to store metadata, your app (with code held by the untrusted user) can use the token to determine the user's license features without requiring an always on connection. (Obviously patching out the license checks is another matter)

These features can be layered on top of opaque tokens, but since a JWT has all the benefits of an opaque token (store the opaque token as a claim just like the rest of the metadata), it's actually a complete package that does it all without needing to roll it yourself.

> Since JWTs can't handle revocation [...]

Revocation is just hard. Even PKI's CRLs/OCSP don't have a subscription mechanism by which an end-point can get revocations of some small set of certificates. Even a public feed of revocations could be problematic if you're going to terminate employees because the timing has to be perfect: too early and you're tipping off employees, too late and you're allowing disgruntled employees run malware on your systems and network. In practice being late to revoke access is generally accepted as acceptable as long as it's not too late.

You can implement a blocklist of all the revoked JWT and publish it to all servers. The list should be small, because only otherwise valid tokens need to be included. It becomes so much more complicated than a simple check-the-db setup though.

I don't think I would start with JWT if I did this again.

You're talking about tokens in general, not just JWT. The only alternative I know to tokens is to query the DB every time (or perhaps use a cache to make the lookup less often, but then you also have to find a way to invalidate the cache - back to square one?).

> You're talking about tokens in general, not just JWT. Yes, all stateless tokens. But I have never seen an in-house token system that was not using JWT's.

Yes, query the DB or some sort of storage every time. It sounded so clean and nice and fast to just check JWTs without any network calls. But it ended up very messy and complicated. Might still be worth it in some cases, of course, but I would start my next project with random sessions stored in a db or redis or memcache or .. something :)

You can actually do crazy stuff with your sessions as well, to avoid a normal db lookup. But in practice all services I have worked on would/did not suffer noticeably for a fast DB lookup.

Having to list the tokens to revoke is a problem in several ways. Obviously publishing the tokens themselves allows attackers to use them before relying parties get the revocation notice, so publish a token hash instead. But even publishing a token hash is annoying because you then have to record all the claims + token hashes issued, and that's a failure point. Instead you'd want to revoke _subjects_ (`sub`), but since tokens don't have to have those... (In enterprise systems though your tokens should name subjects.)

what would you do?

Sessions, like it's 2005 :P See above.

Some people made the distinction here, jwt on the front end vs the micro services across the network.

I've experienced more than once, issues where the auth service has bugs and the logged out session is still valid for a long time. Or an attacker that figured out the micro services blueprint and now had authed access to the entire network.

Jwt is still useful between services, however the front end can do just fine with a session id that can be easily revoked.

I keep reading criticism of JWTs that involves impersonation or replay attacks. With JWT (or non JWT bearer tokens) you use a refresh token. It seems to me that if an attacker gets a JWT they also have the refresh token. So how are JWTs inherently more insecure than other authentication methods? Almost all data passed over the wire nowadays is TLS encrypted.

In my projects, we have used encrypted JWTs and it seems to me a fine solution. Log out can be implemented in a user facing client by deleting the JWT and refresh token. Given a short enough expiration time, this is sufficient for most use cases involving user facing applications. Isn’t it? Generally, at least in the domains of the applications I’ve worked on, users only intend to log out of their current application when logging out. Meaning if they are signed in on their phone and on their desktop browser, when they sign out in the browser they don’t intend to also log out of their phone application.

The only downside I see is that if you want to log out of all sessions it is impossible to implement without maintaining session state in the server.

> So how are JWTs inherently more insecure than other authentication methods? Almost all data passed over the wire nowadays is TLS encrypted.

JWT's security -and that of all bearer token systems- depends utterly on the use of TLS.

The security of JWT used correctly is comparable to that of Kerberos or PKI. There are some things to look out for, like that it's way way too easy to write implementations that fail open (e.g., you don't recognized a signature algorithm so you don't validate the signature but also fail to fail), but other than that there's nothing particularly bad about JWT.

> Log out can be implemented in a user facing client by deleting the JWT and refresh token.

Logout has to be implemented either by letting time pass w/o re-authenticating (i.e., let the session expire) or telling the server that you're logging out. You can login again, even with the same token as before (IFF it's not expired yet). There is no reason to have to "burn" a token, and that would add a significant amount of complexity akin to revocation.

> The only downside I see is that if you want to log out of all sessions it is impossible to implement without maintaining session state in the server.

Sessions imply session state. What you probably meant is that if you want to revoke access then you need a revocation system, and that effectively bolts on extra state on your servers (and a pub/sub system). Generally no one wants that headache.

It seems to me that if an attacker gets a JWT they also have the refresh token.

No they don’t. JWTs can be used with third party services that should never see a refresh token. Those are the requests that should be presumed vulnerable.

I’ve not come across such a use case as I’ve only ever written applications where we own both the service and the clients. Thanks for the explanation.

I'm unconvinced of the author's actual understanding of common JWT usage.

Suppose you use Azure. You may have one or more app registrations with defined roles as well as apis exposed within the Azure config. It's convenient to acquire an access token that can be sent to various apis, each of which can accept the token without having to worry about session state or really anything to do with authentication other than validating the token's legitimacy. If I wanted to roll my own security, maybe JWT isn't how I would choose to do it, but I definitely don't want to do that.

The article is just as wrong as articles that say you should use JWTs. They are both wrong because they lack context, at least in their opening. Interestingly, the article eventually does give context, but saying "it depends on what you need to do" apparently doesn't get as many clicks as starting by saying "no".

For the record, I use JWTs, I have hardly any scale at all. I have none of the requirements that would hit the database on each request. It works just fine and I didn't need to consult an article to tell me what to think because, and this is the crazy part I know, I'm able to break apart my business requirements and decide for myself what is needed (or not). JWTs work just fine in my case. YMMV.

A former student of mine (Vera Yaseneva) redesigned our old auth architecture using jwts and I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. Maybe it is overkill for our simple autograder server, but it was fun getting it to work and I’m sure it is more secure than the old architecture which had many many flaws… it was a maintenance nightmare for years. After the redesign it has been a breeze. Here is the project https://github.com/quickfeed/quickfeed

The security arch is mainly in web/auth and web/interceptor packages if anyone is interested in learning from the code. It uses connectrpc, which has a nice interceptor arch.

Happy to share Vera’s thesis report if anyone is interested…

Thank you for sharing! I took a look at the code. Looks clean.

Please share her thesis. I'm interested.

Thank you! I'm looking to write a paper about a software I'm developing and this will help immensely since it's a fitting format.

So what’s “Facebook scale”? Is there an edge TPS number? Number of discrete major services? If you are consistently doing 10TPS on 3 services, sure. But many systems are bigger than that.

Everyone wants to be big. You can either frontload those problems, and risk drowning in irrelevant complexity, or defer them. The problem with deferring is that switching lanes appears like it will be expensive and time consuming.

The secret is that if you solve actual problems, rather than dreams and future hopes, the answers are almost always obvious. The work may be painful and people may be angry, but the rationale will be clear.

You should not use JWT if you have a single application in your organization. However, whenever you have multiple applications, you need some form of central authentication / authorization service. Otherwise, you would have to maintain auth databases in each application, each application will need to be logged-in separately, you won't be able to implement a simple "suspend a user's accounts after X unsuccessful auth attempt", you won't have a central auth log.

A big problem not addressed when not using a signature based authorization scheme is that you need to hit your database for every access attempt. This makes you much more susceptible to ddos attacks.

You need to be able to turn away malicious users as fast as possible. If you take the time to check a database first, that's a precious resource they can consume.

"Add a cache!", you might say? What if they use random client id and client secret for every request, how do you cache against that?

We use a rate-limiting rule in the existing firewall on the /auth endpoint. Our default is on five failed attempts in a five minute window gets you a one hour ban.

The issue from parent comment is that it needs to be on every access request, not every login request.

How do you fingerprint the requests? IP address?

Two ways, default key is [IP address + User ID] we also have a fallback with a higher limit on [IP address] only when we expect lots of attempts from e.g. a VPN.

The problem I had with IP address fingerprints is that we have a large number of customers all behind one hospital’s single IP address.

The client ID should be a primary key or some other indexed value, making those database hits fairly cheap. You'd also typically have some kind of rate limiting.

How do you think people make applications if every database call is suspectible to ddos?

1. Authenticate using signed JWTs at the edge via something like AWS API Gateway. 2. If the attacker is smart enough to use valid JWTs from IDPs. Find the JWTs that match the DDoS attack and ban those identities at the edge. This rate limits the attacker to how quickly they can generate new accounts on say gmail or azure. 3. If the attacker is can generate new accounts fast enough, add a bloom filter to the edge of accounts you have seen before the attack started.

At some point the attacker either gives us or just switches to the brute force of flooding the pipes with so much traffic that the AS doing the filtering goes down. At that point it is now someone else's problem. They might start de-peering the ASes generating the traffic.

The article talks about when and how requests hit the database in both schemes, extensively.

Oh man, he goes straight to stateful services as an alternative to JWTs. What an absolute nightmare, if JWTs are too hard stateful services are certainly more difficult.

Stateful services meaning the default way every web framework has structured a web application since 2005?

Longer, if we allow “web application” to mean “anything with a login, on the web”. All those popular forums, likely also stuff like yahoo mail, even gaming services (yes, browser-based game matchmaking services existed in the 90s, Microsoft ran one, among others) probably just because anything else would have been needlessly complicated and expensive.

Amazing how using a session ID stored in a cookie was entirely possible in 2005, but is somehow out of our reach with today's hardware.

It’s not hard to stand up, managing state across sessions and versions of your app is hard. For example a site I use frequently the Morgan Stanley portal is stateful and you can only be logged in from a single device/tab at once.

Most websites don’t need it, and it makes things harder to manage when rolling out new versions of your services. Life got significantly easier once I moved away from stateful services.

A simple session cookie does not protect against CSRF. In 2005, session IDs were generated with low quality RNGs and too few bits making them easy to guess. OWASP happened for a reason.

Yeah, and life was tough back then. My services have gotten significantly easier to manage since moving away from stateful services.

Even at a new company I don’t think I’d ever want to go back to stateful sessions. I’m not close to Google or Amazon scale, and managing state was significantly harder than dealing with JWTs.

So first of all, JWT is part of the OpenID Connect specification. So if you want to be either a service provider or identity provider for OIDC, you need to use JWTs as an authentication token in at least some cases.

Secondly, you don't have to hit the database on every request. Unless you have really strict security requirements, you can have a short expiration time on the jwt with a refresh mechanism, and then you only have to check the database say once every 5 minutes.

Related to the above point, the database you check for the "session" token isn't necessarily the same as the one used for other data used in the request, even if you are much smaller than Google or Facebook. It might not even ve the same type of database.

Finally, even if it makes sense to use a "traditional" session cookie for brower sessions, that probably doesn't make sense for an external API, where the client may not have persistent cookies at all, and there may not really be a concept of a session.

So as was mentioned in another comment, I think the answer to the title question is a solid "it depends".

Here I was hoping someone was using the James Webb Telescope to do some crazy authentication process that I never could have imagined. Was hoping something like the Cloudflare lava lamp wall, but much slower.

JWTs are rather convenient for API access, especially for APIs that are hit at high req/s rate, as they allow to decouple auth check and actual request processing. In more complicated cases you can use JWT subject for some simple preflight ACL checks as well.

While I could agree with the sentiment "consider using opaque auth tokens instead of JWTs in most use cases" I can't get behind the opinion-presented-as-factual-statement tone of the article. There are valid use cases to offload authentication to the client rather than verifying an opaque token with every request. One advantage is that community support for JWTs is large, but home-grown, ad-hoc opaque token solutions not so much. Another is that any claim at all can be stored in the JWT: IP address, user name, opaque token, whatever makes your app secure. While these same claims could be stored in a database, now you have extra overhead and maintenance dealing with them.

I would like to see an open-source project from this author that uses his proposed solution.

IMHO the stateful opaque token approach is simple enough that it can (and often does) get baked into whatever language/framework you’re using to write your app. In addition, the very nature of session tokens is such that the logic for what the token actually means/represents lives in your app, on the server.

So, that may be why we don’t see more “opaque session token” standards/libraries out there as an alternative to JWTs.

But if you want an existing example, Devise for Rails [1] has been around a while.

[1] https://github.com/heartcombo/devise

What? Session tokens have been around for like 30 years now, and every web framework worth using has a rock-solid implementation; you haven't had to do it yourself since Full House was putting out new episodes.

Binding a session to client details like IP addresses and user agents requires enough fiddling that it's no longer the no brainer to use session tokens over JWTs that the article makes out, is my point.

By "binding a session to client details like IP addresses and user agents" do you mean restricting the session so that only the original IP/UA can make use of the session token?

If so, most robust session-based authentication libraries can already store this data for you (e.g. Devise's `trackable` module). Actually locking down the session so it can't be used by different IPs/UAs would require custom code on the server, whether you're using JWTs or session tokens.

So JWTs provide zero advantage here, unless I'm misunderstanding something.

> JWTs provide zero advantage

The article presents opaque session tokens - a key to a database table entry that is looked up with every request - as so clearly superior to JWTs as not to be a choice really, because session tokens are simpler and easier to use.

> Actually locking down the session so it can't be used by different IPs/UAs would require custom code on the server, whether you're using JWTs or session tokens.

We agree.

My contention is that after the specific use cases are accommodated, opaque session tokens are not the clear win over JWTs on the grounds of simplicity that the article presents it as.

When using a library that does all of the heavy conceptual lifting and conforms to standards, the level of effort is really 6 of one, half dozen of the other.

If I'm understanding correctly, your claim is: when a requirement exists for a niche "session lockdown" feature (likely required by less than a few percent of all sites/apps in existence), implementing the feature requires server side code. Therefore, the article is wrong about server side sessions being the clear winner.

I find this argument thoroughly unconvincing.

Furthermore, since JWTs are handled client side, and we agree that custom code is needed on the server for this niche feature, it's less likely that a single auth library would support both the basic authentication features and the server-side verification needed, meaning more "fiddling" is required with the JWT solution vs. something like Devise, which is almost entirely server side and can do most of the heavy lifting for you.

> If I'm understanding correctly [something else]

This is incorrect.

Cool, have a good one.

I'm thankful every day I don't have to work on a team where JWTs are a valid solution, and nobody suggests them regardless. What a nightmare.


Whenever I see such a simple answer to a complex question, I know it’s probably an oversimplification.

The real answer is a solid “it depends on what you want to achieve.”

Say you handle invalidation by maintaining a cached table of revoked tokens. Is this table larger or smaller than the table of all users?

Perhaps you would like to embed some RBAC info in the token. Is validating both the token and it’s absence from your revocation table more efficient than looking up all of the other information?

Perhaps you need to do this on a distributed basis. Is the overhead of maintaining such a table more or less than making all the DB calls and creating a central choke point in your architecture?

Fair enough, access token/refresh token pairs all have those issues described in the article. But why hating against JWTs (pronounced 'JOT' btw) in general? There are other stateless techniques making use of a JWT, which are very easy and secure to implement. For examples the single auth token approach, with maybe a 2 days expiry and a renew window if the user is active. For some scenarios this is perfectly fine, it is stateless and has no refresh token. User logs out by just deleting the token client side.

Not saying you're wrong about the pronunciation, but "jot" is the suggested pronunciation, not the required one [0]. I used "jay double-you tee" for a long time and it doesn't bother me how people pronounce it.

[0] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7519#section-1

Using JWT from Keycloak just to obtain a session cookie. Is this a common pattern or a smell?

It's a good idea. The article conflates authentication with authorization. Your application can authorize many different ways, most do. You can use your session for authorization - your application can decide what a person can and can't do. But facts about the user's identity never change, like their uniquely generated ID in your database, and that's what gets stored in Keycloak's `sub` field, so it's fine to use that for trading a token for a session cookie. Their password does change but that's Keycloak's job, is to turn passwords into authentication tokens.

The JWT always stores facts about the principal (aka who or what is doing something), and those don't really make sense to revoke or whatever anyway. Stuff that will never change over time. JWTs can optionally store something like a `role` or similar fact that may change over time, specific to your application. Those facts can be used to decide what you can do in your application, that's authorization. We could talk about when and how that should be done, but it would be too nuanced for these evergreen JWT blogposts.

The article isn't talking about authz at all.

Taking complete systems off the shelf and using them smells a lot like money. If/when your app requires enterprise integration, you'll be fanatically happy that you chose Keycloak over having to implement okta... then ldap... then.. Saml... then.. Kerberos... then ldap again with custom mappers..

Probably a waste of time to answer due to the long thread here. But short answer: you can store tokens in a server session which will manage it for you. In case you need to refresh it, you are redirected to the idp and get a refreshed token which again stored inside the session. So you can handle any "microservice" scenario as was called here, not sure why micro is important... Also, it is a misconseption that the tokens,as it where, are not stored on the oidc providing service. How are you going to logout someone or invalidate or simply track devices? It is going to be stored somewhere and there is nothing wrong with it. It is matter of scale, if you are not facebook the addition is miniscule, especially with distributed cache. Again, a misconseption it is not being used already, e.g. on keycloak if you want HA you have to enable distributed cache. So really naive thinking that session is bad or jwt is bad. They are simply tools used by protocols and the only question is usually what do you prefer unless you get to the edge cases of performance which unless you are facebook, my face would look daughtful to begin with if you raise this argument.

It's super common to see websites which don't properly invalidate sessions because they use JWTs without tracking them anywhere.

1. You can set JWT as cookie value, I think author is describing OAuth 2 problems, not JWT problems. Interestingly JWT is not mentioned in OAuth 2 spec [0].

2. JWT doesn't have to contain user details, it can be a simple reference token used for introspection [1]. This approach removes problems with invalidation and logout since identity service should store invalidated tokens.

3. JWT can contain refresh token id (or hash) and check for invalidated refresh tokens in (distributed) cache. Cache entry should not be long lived, and refresh token shouldn't be long lived if you are using proper refresh token rotation with family invalidation in case of a leak.

That being said cookies are still simplest and safest bet for simple monolith applications.

[0] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6749

[1] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7662

The JWT has some extra fluff for the client, but only the Bearer token is used for secure communication. And every call to an API validates the Bearer token with an identity service. There is no automatic security because you have a token. That Bearer token (not the JWT) must clearly be validated and also validated with whatever functionality (Claims) is potentially being requested.

The meta data in the JWT is sort of a short cut to let the front-end make assumptions, but it has no bearing on the actual capabilities. Only a valid Bearer token can determine if a call is secure (authenticated) and has the correct permissions (authorized).

So, you don't need a JWT, but without it, you're still going to need a way to send mundane meta data back to the front-end. This used to be (and still can be) a separate call for "config" or "permissions" data, but why bother. Just create claims in your identity server, mark your API's with those claims and token validation, and you're in great shape.

Changing the JWT because the frontend suddenly requires "middle name" is a PITA. Also, the JWT can become become large.

That’s not meta data. Claims are usually user scopes based on actor definitions. Some users can view, some can edit, some are admins. Claims are often, but not always, about resources.

This article has a pretty narrow view of what uses a JWT can be put to. Yeah, in his limited examples, JWT is overengineered. And for non-distributed systems, JWT is overengineered. But there are plenty of use cases where JWT can simplify things and minimize complexity. Eg, when network connectivity is restricted and the consuming service cannot talk to the issuing service. Or when using a single token to auth against multiple remote systems. Or when latency is high between the central auth system and the consuming service. Or when you don’t have tight TTL/revocation concerns and you just want to auth once a day or week. Or when you just need a one-time token to establish some other service relationship. Or when you want to scope down permissions to subsets of what’s possible, or embed arbitrary auth metadata into the token, JWT has solutions for you.

But if you just think of this author’s narrow view of what system designs look like, then skip the JWT.

This is a bit nonsensical. Using the same logic regarding logout/revocation you would also be opposed to using Kerberos, say. So let's discuss the whole logout/revocation case.

In a typical Windows/AD or Unix installation you might have Kerberos (definitely in the Windows/AD case, possibly in the Unix case) and a directory (definitely in both cases, though in the Unix case it might be purely local), and you use the authentication system (Kerberos, say) in such a way that it allows you to elide some directory lookups on Windows/AD or not at all on Unix. Either way you get a worst-case latency for revocation of the user's service ticket's lifetime (Windows) or whatever you do to stop locked user processes (Unix). Well, that's the theory, but in practice many SSHv2/whatever implementations do not force session end at ticket expiration. So Windows/AD uses group policy for revocation. On the Unix side... we don't really have a standard solution, but essentially one can build a daemon that periodically looks for and kills processes running as now-locked users.

(For SSHv2, if you build re-authentication into a KEX, like GSS-KEX does, then you can force re-authentication and session end when authentication expires. In practice on Unix systems it's not really possible to elide a directory, so this is not necessary.)

Now for HTTPS apps it's a different story. You can use cookie expiration and force re-authentication so that revocation latency is bearer token lifetime, then keep bearer token lifetimes short. If you don't control the token issuer then you can still impose a shorter cookie lifetime in your app and demand a fresh token when you force re-authentication.

In any case, one does not need a revoked token/ticket/whatever list!

But it is true that bearer tokens don't completely elide the need for a directory for things like SSH logins onto hosts. But they do for HTTPS apps.

So I think TFA is just wrong.

I see a flaw in the argument. He shifted from saying you'd use a 5 minute access token timeout to querying the DB on every request. There can actually be a big difference between those two scenarios. Some web APIs can be bursty. Even caching credentials for 5 minutes could take significant load off the DB.

I'm pro JWT, but reducing load on the DB itself isn't a massive argument in favor of JWTs, because an opaque token solution can simply cache the result of a revocation check at whatever time interval is comfortable for the use case of the token. So assuming the API has access to a cache layer, there isn't a difference there. If there is no cache layer, there probably should be.

In a hyperscaler situation things are different, but we should avoid treating that as the norm.

It’s a great analysis but I think it’s too either-or.

If you have a monolith anyways then yes, why use a distributed systems solution like JWT? Completely agree.

But if you already have an auth service, making it optional for the majority of requests is a distributed systems win. Even if you need to implement forced logout or some other features which require hitting the auth database, they can be optional requests. If the auth service is available, you get better security, otherwise the services can decide whether to continue or not.

This is better than your entire app going down or slowing down with the auth service. Though the refresh token bit is still a challenge, it’s a smaller one than a hard dependency on the auth service on every request.

Again, if your auth service is just a component in your monolith, the author is completely right. It’s context-specific.

The beauty of JWTs is that, if you have to ask "do I need JWTs?", you probably don't need JWTs.

At TableCheck we use JWTs to enable user logins across several sub-apps, using an auth service we built in-house using Elixir.

It’s a well-documented standard and we’ve never had an issue with them since launching.

The supposed drawback that sessions must live for X minutes, is just not a problem in practice.

I'm happy that it works for you, but you've just been lucky. Statistically speaking, JWT attacks are far more common in the wild than attacks against stateful tokens or other token formats (such as PASETO).

The author of this essay even gave us a few example links[1][2][3]. Most users of JWT didn't go through a security incident, but a large enough percentage did. Far larger than you get with any other method.

> It’s a well-documented standard

I beg to differ at this point. Yes, the base standard itself is well-documented, but a safe way to use it is not. The JWS and JWE specify a great many algorithms without recommending which one of them is safest to use. Some of these algorithms (e.g. most types of RSA in the spec, AES-GCM with KW) are unsafe without extra precaution. The also doesn't mandate any claim (including the "exp" claim!) and does not mandate setting up key ids (which are necessary for key rotation).

If you need to encrypt your token contents the standard also doesn't help you: It just gives examples of how you'd use an unauthenticated encrypted JWT[4] or a "sign-then-encrypt" JWT-in-JWE with RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5[5]. I cannot stress this enough, but BOTH examples in the standards are very obviously insecure. The first example has no signature or authentication at all (i.e. everybody can forge this "encrypted JWT"), while the second example uses a naive sign-then-encrypt scheme with the worst protocol for this type of scheme: RSA PKCS #1 v1.5, which is vulnerable to Bleichenbacher's attack[6].

If you want to use JWT securely (assuming you're ok with 5 minutes access tokens that cannot be revoked and you'll still be maintaining a database for refresh tokens), here is what you need to do to use it safely:

1. Use the HS256 algorithm for monoliths or services behind a single proxy or API pgateway.

2. If you want to distribute authentication across multiple services without making it possible for the various services to generate tokens, use Ed25519 (as per RFC 8037). Unfortunately, this is not supported by many libraries out there. ES256 is not terribly insecure for signing tokens, but there are enough caveats (such as its behavior when the RNG fails) that scare me.

3. Encrypted tokens should be avoided. If you really need them, they can only be used symmetricly (i.e. same way you'd use HS256). They should be done by embedding a JWE payload inside a JWS. The JWE should use alg="A256KW" and enc="AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512".

4. "exp", "iat" and "jti" claims are mandatory. "jti" should include a 64 byte random value encoded as base64url.

5. "sub", "aud" and "iss" claims are mandatory and should be verified.

6. A "scope" claim containing the tokens scope should be included and verified.

7. A "clid" or "azp" claim containing the Client ID should be included and verified, to identify the client.

8. All keys MUST have a "kid" specified, to allow rotation.

Or you could just use PASETO v4.local/v4.public and get most of that work done within the library itself.

[1] https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2024-22513

[2] https://www.howmanydayssinceajwtalgnonevuln.com/

[3] https://auth0.com/blog/critical-vulnerabilities-in-json-web-...

[4] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7519#appendix-A.1

[5] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7519#appendix-A.2

[6] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8017#section-7.2

Thank you, this is very great advice! We are adhering to most of these items today but I will double-check with our security team about closing any gaps.

Yes. I mean, no; you should use macaroons [1] instead, which are better than JWTs but are built on similar ideas.

[1]: https://fly.io/blog/macaroons-escalated-quickly/

Wrote a brief recap of "permission" and "login" for authentication from my work in JavaScript malwares.

It was a rush outline article with citations.

Large binning, salting of hash, and revocatable are my criteria.

Some toolkits that went out the window firstly are:

* auth0,

* Fusion auth, and

* Gluu.

So, some of the basic criteria are:

* User and password login instead of plain HTTP session cookies.

* HTTP-only over TLS v1.2+ (secured HTTP, HTTPS)

* ECDSA 1K or better

* SameSite [1]

* __Host prefix [1]

* preload HTTP Strict-Transport-Security header line [2]

* Bearer token supplied by API clients

* Don’t listen on port 80… like ever. Or revoke token if over non-port 443.

* DO NOT use JWT [3]

* DO NOT use CORS [4]

Hope the citations help more.

JWT, not recommended, IMHO.


Do not outsource auth to a third-party. The Okta failure was bad enough.

JWT make the most sense for zero trust machine to machine authentication, where you might also want to authorize certain verbs/actions/roles after confirming the requester's identity. For example, I use a JWT-based authentication and role-based authorization scheme for a fleet of Raspberry Pis communicating with each other on a LAN or network overlay, and also with a multi-tenant API on a public internet-facing VM. The Pis manage 3D print jobs.

For users/people/apps, I usually rely on session-based authentication. Sometimes I need light RBAC at this layer too (users, teams, admins, etc).

I don't get why he is pretty sure everybody has only one database which stores user data and application data. At work we have user data in Keycloack and application data in at least 20 different databases.

I don’t think it is either-or type of choice. A lot, if not all arguments against that use of JWT disappear if you’re ok with compromise solution: user management actions will take time to propagate. If JWT lifetime is 5 mins, it means that all actions like logout, deactivating account etc will take 5 mins to finalize - and you’d be hitting the database exactly once per 5 mins for the purpose of checking if user is still active, refresh token is not barred by log out etc.

The article misses the point of JWT: it's dead simple to implement.

I don't implement JWT because I fancy big data terascale technologies. I do it because it's mostly stateless, meaning it's very easy to mock locally, and easy to deploy.

> You wanted to implement log-out, so now you’re keeping an allowlist of valid JWTs, or a denylist of revoked JWTs. To check this you hit the database on each request.

No, you just remove the JWT from the local storage. Sure, the user could then relogin if he copied it, but if it's on his own will, why not. And if he got his JWT stolen before logout, bah anyway any token could have been stolen that way, whatever the tech.

> You need to be able to block users entirely, so you check a “user active” flag in the database. You hit the database on each request.

Right but that contradicts the whole premise of the article, being that you probably don't need fancy features. 99.9% of websites don't need to ban users _instantly_. If you have a fair JWT expiration, it's usually OK.

I'd argue for the exact opposite of the article. If you want dead simple Auth, without fancy tech, just use JWT.

> And if he got his JWT stolen before logout, bah anyway any token could have been stolen that way, whatever the tech.

The thing is, with the good old "token in the database" method, logging out means deleting the token from the database so no, you can’t reuse a stolen token after a logout.

If the user can somehow get their token stolen from the browser, they can also get their username/password stolen from the browser.

Plus, a compromised browser could just block the logout request. It's a nonsense and indefensible threat model. If you need to worry about compromised browsers, you need a mitigation which doesn't rely on the browser or that'd be easily compromised by someone who could compromise the browser.

It's a slightly different story with a "logout all sessions" button where the user might press it from a trusted device, but that's a different functionality than a logout button. There you would need revocation, but if you (like many websites) don't actually support this functionality you really don't even need to support a logout functionality more complex than just asking the client nicely to please delete the token.

What if you want to implement logging out all user sessions?

You'd have to store something somewhere, so you end up losing the benefits of stateless authentication.

You could probably rotate the secret which would invalidate all existing sessions.

That would log out all users. That'd be pretty annoying.

That's a fancy feature. The article is all about sticking to what is simple and without fancy features

No, it's a necessary feature if your credentials get stolen, which wouldn't surprise me considering how many people just cram JWTs into local storage, which is not the same as a secure cookie and has weaker security. Either you're setting the expiry time real low (which still won't stop someone who has four minutes 59 seconds left to wreck your stuff, because computers are fast), or you're maintaining a blacklist, which means, congratulations, you've just reinvented overly-complicated session tokens.

> The article misses the point of JWT: it's dead simple to implement.

Implementing it securely, however, is far from dead simple.


I worked in a backend team that introduced JWT, before I got there. The problem we had with JWT was that the data was stale. Even if it wasn't stale, it needed to be treated as stale because every service wanted the up to date data, even within 1 sec that data is old. The user could have changed something in their account from the time that the JWT was issued. I removed JWT and went back to the old UUIDs as tokens.

> In this setup the refresh token, not the authentication token, is the real session token

Yes, and why is that a problem? It is the best of both worlds as the verification of access token is standardized and fast while refresh token could be used at the first call of the session. Yes, it could happen that the user is logged in for 5 more minutes if the user is in middle of session, but it's really such a edge case which most companies don't need to worry about.

In general, a breadcrumb or cookie with symmetrically encrypted session UUID, epoch time, IP, and transaction counter is wise. You should also permute the servers hash salt with date daily to boot session campers.

If for some unknown reason the recovered client transaction counter losses its expected position, than you know someone has tampered with the session, and or stolen your clients session token.

Donate to the FOSS project of your choice if you find this useful. =3

Everyone’s talking about how you MUST hit the database for revocations / invalidations, and how it may defeat the purpose.

How is no one thinking of a mere pub-sub topic? Set the TTL on the topic to whatever your max JWT TTL is, make your applications subscribe to the beginning of the topic upon startup, problem solved.

You need to load up the certificates from configuration to verify the signatures anyways, it doesn’t cost any more to load up a Kafka consumer writing to a tiny map.

For maximum scalability you'd want a bloom filter at each service for testing the token, and some central revocation lists where you go test the token that fail this.

But this is way overkill for anybody that isn't FAANG, and it's probably overkill for most of FAANG too. On normal usage, it's standard to keep the revocation filter centralized at the same place than handles renewals and the first authentication. This is already overkill for most people, but it's what comes pre-packaged.

So, basically a database where you store a replica in memory on every edge node.

Not really. A pub/sub bus cluster (or PaaS) is pretty different from a database.

I’m not talking about the pub sub cluster.

If you have a pub sub cluster that you push revocation details into, and running servers subscribe to that feed and then track a rolling list of tokens that would otherwise still be active but have been revoked, you are effectively storing a revocation database on every edge node.

Again not really. If the pub/sub broker is persistent, you don't have to persist the revocation list on edge nodes. And just pointing out that it's a db in some loose sense of the word doesn't help with the actual challenge of organizing the flow of data reliably in a federated system (i.e. one that can't share a single database).

Yes if the JWT token can only become invalid based on an expiration time. You can add the expiration time in the token and check it during authentication.

No if the token can become invalid due to other reasons because lets say the user deletes the token because it got leaked. But since you have no way of invalidating the token other than changing the encryption key, you can't selectively invalidate that one token.

I personally love jwts. It's been suggested in other comments that you can just store tokens in a dB or something.

Why would I, I can just issue a jwt and move on, I don't need to store anything apart from a key to check it with.

And using jwts with nodejs (which I use most frequently) is a super simple and easy npm install, it's almost zero effort to use a jwt.

Start with usual session based authentication. Keep it until you see the absolute need to move to JWT. And make sure you understand JWT and "invalidating JWT" before using it - https://github.com/gitcommitshow/auth-jwt?tab=readme-ov-file...

I’d like to hear a reply from someone at Supabase

Nothing wrong with JWT bearer tokens as a technology.

However, too many times they're implemented incorrectly or without forethought. I've seen a few teams who used the bearer token, set the age really high, and never bothered to implement a refresh mechanism.

Fast forward a few months and someone says it is not possible to log someone out of our service.

I like the idea of using JWTs as opaque tokens. It sets you up nicely to migrate to using them semantically and there's very little downside (you just need a JWT library where the tokens are minted and then it's just string equality everywhere else) if you never actually end up using JWTs.

What about jwt's in a session cookie? I think the whole story needs more nuance. JWT's have many purposes.

Without JWT, how do you support log in using third party identity providers like Office 365, Google or Facebook?

I have used OAuth2 with and without JWTs as bearer tokens and pretty much used them the same way. JWT helps with fetching the user details without having to hit the DB/backend, and that's basically was the only difference to me.

I believe the issues he is describing is more OAuth2 rather than JWT.

While mignt not agreeing with all the reasons mentioned, verifying signature for every resource access is cpu intensive (your commercial compute provider would love you though). Comparing session id to a map is cheap. For me jwt to authenticate and random session token for resource access, problem solved

This post is not very good. JWTs exist for good reasons. They may not fit your needs, and if not, don't use them. But they exist to allow Entity A to tell Entities B through Z that A had authenticated the user and authorizes them without needing to make API calls, and they serve that purpose well.

Here is a quote from a comment in that article:

    I feel like this subject comes up every couple of months 
    with another iteration of why people think JWTs are bad.
The regularity which with this subject comes up makes me think of how Triplebyte used to pay off bloggers in the day to write posts with the title “hiring is broken”. I don’t have the proof but I am picking up a bad smell here.

Gotta be yet another of the vendors which is selling some authentication system that they host. I remember trying to promote an open source user management system in the early 2000s and nobody cared until they added killer feature “our service will get shut down when we get acquired” which somehow drew the pointy haired boss like a moth to a flame.

Isn’t JWT plaintext? Just remember your security controls


I still can put JWT in http only secure cookie.

Maybe it's irrelevant but for JWT to be passed as a Bearer in the header Authentication header, it needs to be accessible from the browser? Aren't httpOnly cookie safer in this regard? Or do we see set the JWT in the cookie too?

Some people advocate for a secure httpOnly session cookie for the client, letting the server hold onto the JWT and manage refresh. This gets you the benefit of server to server access via the token as well as the "session" concept and the warm fuzzy feeling of knowing the client doesn't hold the token.

Sounds a nice compromise, thanks

The main advantage of jwt is that is stateless, so it reduces load on database and or caching layer when checking user session. Alongside being able to share the public key to verify the token across different services

JWT is the simplest and most versatile authentication mechanism we have.

I have no idea why there is so much gaslighting about them. People keep pointing to implementation complexity, yet there exist proven, heavily used implementations for almost every language and engine imaginable. That issue is an issue of the past.

It is doubly ironic that people try to point to 'complexity' as an argument against them when most of them are addicted to over-engineered software stacks... JWTs are amazingly simple when compared to most other concepts in this industry.

The aversion towards JWT is weird. I used to think it's probably because some people got burned badly due to past implementation flaws and still hold a grudge... But the sheer persistence of the any-JWT movement leads me to think there may be an agenda behind it.

How could anyone possibly claim that keeping track of sessions on the back end and passing around session IDs is superior? It's way more expensive on the database/datastore, adds latency, it's hard to scale, you often end up with stale sessions because it's not fail-safe (e.g. how to clean up previously active sessions when a worker crashes? Especially if you have multiple workers.). Session IDs are MUCH more work.

I disagree strongly.

And I'm wondering if you can comment on the points raised in the article regarding how you handle logging out with JWTs? It seems you've got two options:

1. Don't implement logging out

2. Implement logging out by keeping your JWT expiration time short (which is probably good practice anyway) and using a refresh token to issue new JWTs periodically.

With the latter, you've gone right back to server side session storage. So JWTs are just an added (unnecessary, for most apps) layer of complexity on top.

Again, all of this was discussed in the article.

With #2, you don't need a 'refresh token', the JWT itself is the refresh token, you can just sign a new one some time before the old one is set to expire. You don't need to store a separate session object on the back end, that's the whole point, just have the valid JWT token attached to the connection or request; if the user has an existing valid JWT attached to their socket or request, you can just use that one as the basis to create and sign a new one with the same data but a new expiry date. I find this works really well with stateful connections like WebSockets (especially since each frame has little overheads in terms of headers). You can re-issue JWTs in real time periodically (e.g.) with short 10 minute expiries or you can make the user request a new one periodically as well. There are pros and cons to either approach though the second one is more common.

So to summarize, JWTs save you from having to store and maintain a session object. You just don't need one. A blacklist or ban list is a lot easier to manage than session data, only a small number of users will be blacklisted. You could also add an isBanned field to the user's account object itself. No need to maintain a separate 'session'.

For log out, you just make the client remove their JWT from wherever they have it stored; e.g. memory, localStorage or sessionStorage. Once all valid signed JWTs have been physically deleted from wherever they were held, the user is logged out.

Even if you consider edge cases; e.g. If an attacker managed to grab hold of a user's JWT just before the user logged out; it begs the question, how did the attacker manage to do that? An XSS vulnerability in your front end? Well, once resolved, you'd probably want to invalidate all your previously issued JWT tokens (for all users) by changing your auth signing key on the back end... Just to be safe right? It's kind of neat that you can invalidate all previously issued JWT just by changing the signing key. It's instant and doesn't cost any resources unlike deleting large numbers of session objects from a datastore.

I can't think of any situation where you'd urgently want to invalidate a single JWT/session that couldn't be handled better by adding a single isBanned field to an account object or via some kind of IP blacklist. If you're using sessions with session IDs and the user is banned, you'd want to add some kind of flag to their account object itself right? Not just the session... With JWTs, you just need this flag to exist in 1 place, not 2.

Consider the scenario where your user goes offline for more than 5 or 10 minutes (or however long your expiry time is). Without a refresh token, now they’re logged out. That’s pretty bad UX.

And issuing a new JWT every 10 minutes certainly seems akin to “setting and constantly refreshing expiries on the session keys” which you called out as being a drawback of server-side sessions in a different post.

I'm aware of this trade-off. It's fine, even desirable, for high security applications.

For other scenarios with lower security requirements like social networks, games etc... you could set the expiry to 24 hours so if the user uses the app at least once every day, then they will stay logged in perpetually.

The lower your security requirements, the further you can set the expiry time. If your security requirements are low, then you probably don't need the ability to revoke a token in 10 minutes anyway. It works out quite well. You can always have an isBanned flag/property on the user's account object for banning. So inside your access control logic, you check for the JWT and also check that isBanned is not true on the account record... OK, that means you need to look up the account record (which you would have to do anyway regardless of what session mechanism you use because it doesn't make sense to store an isBanned flag on a session object, but you really need that flag) JWT still saves you from managing session objects in a separate Redis instance or other.

If you compare the work and complexity involved in developing and maintaining the two solutions side-to-side, JWT is still much simpler overall for pretty much all scenarios. If you're talking about scenarios at scale, then JWT comes out even further in front. Session IDs require an entire extra infrastructure component; e.g. Redis.

> If you compare the work and complexity involved in developing and maintaining the two solutions side-to-side, JWT is still much simpler overall for pretty much all scenarios.

I still disagree, especially given the prevalence of session based solutions in pretty much every web framework out there.

Your post contains a couple of suggestions that are counter to just about every piece of advice I’ve ever read about JWTs (for example, increasing expiration times to a day). So, consider me thoroughly unconvinced.

And you’re not even considering the solution that some web frameworks (e.g. Rails) ship by default, which is to store the entire session object itself in a cookie, which was purpose built for that sort of thing. Then very little is required on the server.

In the rails example you gave, if they go so far as storing the entire session object in a cookie, I don't see why they wouldn't just use JWT as it's basically the same idea with an added signature to prove that it was generated by the server. Why would you invent something new which is just about as complex, has the same disadvantages and has fewer advantages?

Because the mechanism used is is simple and sufficient, and using JWTs would be more complex. Rails encrypts the cookie data so signatures are unnecessary.

Also, Rails has been doing this since 2007, three full years before the JWT spec was first published.

I’m confused though. JWT isn’t hard to configure. Why not just use it?

I don’t understand this article and thread either. Using OpenID is not rocket science. You can start to use it in matter of minutes. The question should be rather why you should care at all to use anything else at this point.

My take on it is;

JWTs are good for server to server communication (short lived at ~5 minutes).

Sessions are for clients (browsers, apps, anything controlled by a person) to communicate with a server/api.

oof - this article is pushing bad advice - general disclaimer: use a third party authentication system like Okta or Cognito. It's going to save you so much grief down the road. They pretty much all use the same pattern (OIDC), so you just need to learn it once, and you're good for at least another decade. Authentication is one of the easiest and most important things to take off of your plate. Do it.

What if you want to use AzureAD or Auth0? Aren't those services completely built around jwts?

AzureAD is built around OIDC. Yes, the tokens use JWT but that can be treated as an implementation detail. The mechanism here is OIDC, not specifically JWT. The tokens can be treated as mostly opaque.

Also in that case you aren't using JWTs for authentication, AzureAD is and you're integrating with it. And as I said, you're integrating with it via OIDC.

Wouldn't an app normally at least need to look at some claims in the jwt (email for example)? Otherwise, how do you identify the user?

By using the token to access the userinfo endpoint of the OIDC API? Yes, some info is encoded in the token already but that's why OIDC includes that endpoint unlike OAuth2 (which was authorization only even if it was often used for authentication).

opaque apart from that you should verify that the JWT token is issued by a trusted party and fulfills claims that your service requires? :P (Unless those parts are handled by a library you've configured to check this).

The point is that when logging in with AzureAD your app needs to talk to AzureAD using OIDC but JWT is an implementation detail of that specifically and there's no reason this means you need to or should be using JWT throughout the rest of your architecture.

If you're using AzureAD for IAM, you're not "using JWT for authentication tokens", you're using AzureAD. This isn't what the article is about. The article is about building your own services that generate and process JWTs. And yeah, if you use an OIDC API you likely use an OIDC library instead of rolling your own. So as far as your own code is concerned the token is entirely opaque.

The article completely ignores single page applications where these JWT can be needed a lot.

It's the wrong question.

It's like asking what language should I use for programming a game? A common question, but of which the answer isn't a language choice. Instead it is that you approach the problem from the wrong direction.

The more useful question is what framework/service/library do I use for handling that, and then you use whatever it uses. Which most times means use whatever your web framework provides (as the blog author concluded).

The next question is what do you concretely hope to get from doing so and are there easier ways to get it (likely yes, and not some vague "but statles is better argument").

Then ask yourself how do you handle revocation? A question which is essential when using JWT and other stateless auth tokens (a answer of idk./I will think later about don't count. I don't can be a valid answer, but only very very rarely).

I think it's not an understatement to say that the huge majority of custom JWT usage falls under harmful premature optimization.

I wrote "custom" because sometimes you don't have a choice, e.g. you need to use OIDC for social login as the main form of AuthN & AuthZ and then already have some service (not just library) which fully handles OIDC/JWT including revocation for you (i.e. you don't validate the JWT stateless but ask the service every time). Through that approach (especially the later part) can have scaling limits but, eh, we are back at premature optimization ;)

JWT is not a protocol but kind of a message format from my perspective.


It can be signed with HMAC SHA-256 algorithm: {"typ":"JWT", "alg":"HS256"}

Ripping off JWT from surrounding context is a road to hell.

It's worth to study JWT in context of OIDC (OpenID Connect) IDP providers.

You will quickly bump into buzzwords like client (RP), server (OP), PKCE, Token Exchange, mTLS and all kind of Implicit. Hybrid flows.

My biggest regret I didn't go through JWT related RFCs and OpenID Connect specs earlier.

[1]: https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#CodeFl... 3.1. Authentication using the Authorization Code Flow

[2]: https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#Implic... 3.2. Authentication using the Implicit Flow

[3]: https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#Hybrid... 3.3. Authentication using the Hybrid Flow

[4]: https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#Client... 9. Client Authentication

[5]: https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#Refres... 12. Using Refresh Tokens

[6]: https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-discovery-1_0.html OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0 incorporating errata set 1

[7]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7523.html JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile for OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication and Authorization Grants

[8]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7636.html Proof Key for Code Exchange by OAuth Public Clients

[9]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8693.html OAuth 2.0 Token Exchange

[10]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8628.html OAuth 2.0 Device Authorization Grant

[11]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8705.html OAuth 2.0 Mutual-TLS Client Authentication and Certificate-Bound Access Tokens"

If you dont have patience for RFCs and specs, just go play with open sources IDP or better start from OpenID Connect client and server library, and try to integrate it into your "hellohell" app ;)

Very soon you will find out why developers keep building their own IDPs and how simple OpenID Connect can become a full time business

Go back here and here http://cryto.net/~joepie91/blog/2016/06/19/stop-using-jwt-fo...

And reflect yourself

Trust nobody

Not to mention it's ridiculously easy to make JWT's insecure.

Can you provide some examples here using modern JWT libraries? I'm not saying you are wrong or right, but this comment as it is written doesn't add much to the discussion.

Thanks for providing this, it is interesting vulnerability to read about.

In terms of JWT vs other ways of doing this, is there any evidence that JWTs are more vulnerable that other approaches? Clearly there are vulnerabilities is other approaches as well.

I buy the statement that bearer authentication JWTs are much worse than proof of possession JWTs, but are bearer authentication JWTs worse than other bearer authentication approaches? What data would you need to argue that position

> In terms of JWT vs other ways of doing this, is there any evidence that JWTs are more vulnerable that other approaches? Clearly there are vulnerabilities is other approaches as well.

Contrast JWTs with PASETO implementations when you make that sort of analysis.

i.e., pick any that support v3/v4 and try to attack them the same way that JWT implementations have been vulnerable, or worse ways: https://paseto.io

Thanks for sharing this. I do a lot of work in this area and I had not come across PASETO before. It is an exciting project.

The nonce is especially nice because it makes the token high entropy enough that if only the signature leaks an attacker can't brute force the full token. This isn't always true in OIDC JWTs.

It's ridiculously easy to make any computer insecure.

Some computers make it harder than others.

I have not seen an authorization server that makes it easy to configure no signing algorithm or even one that might be considered insecure. Most of the client authentication providers I have used (I.e frameworks) have also forced a secure algorithm, usually starting with rsa 256. So while technically you can use a no algorithm signer, I have never seen this happen.

The vulnerability is usually in verifiers rather than signers.

See, for example:


One huge benefit of random session tokens is also that you can't include arbitrary metadata that is sent to the client.

Decoding JWTs of web apps can give you a lot of suprises like the account email address or even password being stored inside them. For devs that don't know the difference between signing and encrypting JWTs are a footgun and even for those that do it can be confusing. The specifications are also a hard read. A handful of RFCs where you don't really know which one to lookup. JWT, JWK, JWE, JWA, WTF? It seems to do everything at once, signing and encryption, symmetric and asymmetric, and the format is always quite similar!

On the other side, if you are able to avoid the many pitfalls, JWTs can be very useful in the right place when used properly. You could probably write an equally or more secure JSON based token format from scratch without that much effort by just keeping it simple and restrictive/opinionated, though.

One huge benefit of using a non-randomized token is that you can verify that you created it.

So then why does Auth0 use JWTs for everything..?

Because their business is auth as a service and because their database is not your database and they don't want you hitting their database directly.

A similar question to the articles is whether you actually need Auth0 or not. You might but then you are offloading all the issues of JWT's to Auth0 so in theory, probably not in practice, you don't have to worry about those.

For many apps however. You probably don't really need Auth0.

> You probably don't really need Auth0

And there's a good chance you really don't want to pay for Auth0. Their Enterprise tier becomes very expensive as your MAU starts to grow

As someone that is just attempting to get a better understanding of this aspect of a tech stack, when you say many apps don’t need Auth0 what is the actual alternative for the whole user authentication story?

Submit a username and password via a form over https. Your backend hashes the password, and checks it against the stored (hashed) password in your database. If it matches, the user provided the correct password. Create a session token (random string is fine) and return it to the user via a cookie in the reply. Store the session token in your database, such that you can map it to the authenticated user. Then on each subsequent request, look up the session token and you have your logged in user.

This is how apps were doing it for literally decades, before JWT was invented. And most web frameworks will do all of this for you.

Auth0 provides a lot more goodies than this though. Password reset, organizations, multiple login flows, etc

Yes, and most authentication plugins for web frameworks provide the same things.

If you write a B2C app, there is a good chance that you might not need Auth0 and the functionality of the authentication, authorization, and account management tools in your framework suffice. If you plan on selling B2B you might need to support SAML and other enterprise federated login mechanisms. There, the scales tip in my book and I would go with Auth0. It’s expensive to support SAML in-house.

There are plenty of ready made SAML libraries out there that should work with whatever web framework you like to use.

There are plenty of libraries. But supporting a production SAML service provider takes a lot of work.

I've done this before. The first library I used had a horrible security issue that remained unfixed. We switched to one that seemed to be secure. Implementing SAML is non-trivial. Adding automated testing is also not something that required more senior people on our team. Getting engineers to understand how SAML work takes effort.

Also, about one out of five SAML IdP's are unconventional in some way. They are a royal pain to support.

The support burden of SAML is much higher than expected. Paying for Auth0 is cheaper than the engineering cost of supporting SAML, even with one of the existing libraries you refer to.

There are some subtleties here that are important to know[0]. Which is why I generally advise people to use the framework provided code for this.

0: Such as use a secure hash like sha256 or blake2 instead of md5.

Yes, though I would recommend something that is resistant to timing attacks such as bcrypt. And this was why I mentioned frameworks in my last sentence. My intention wasn’t to give a comprehensive soup to nuts guide for what to do; instead i was giving a high level overview.

> the stored (hashed) password in your database

Hashed and salted

I hope

Technically yes, of course, but if you’re using an algorithm that requires you to manually worry about salting then you’re probably doing it wrong. Hence, “hashed” with an algorithm like bcrypt or scrypt is good enough.

Most web frameworks come with out of the box authentication plugins that will use your own database. It's plenty good enough and you still don't have to roll your own. Adding an external service adds complexity that you may not want to pay for later.

Need? Maybe not. But it's a time saver out of the gate.

>but then you are offloading all the issues of JWT's to Auth0 so in theory, probably not in practice, you don't have to worry about those.

Yeah, exactly. I get to offload everything to Auth0 instead of maintaining a cryptographer on our payroll to reimplement a solved problem. Hand rolled OSS authz/n may work for individual projects, but there's no other reasonable solution in a modern enterprise environment with SSO.

You don't need a cryptographer on payroll to install and configure an SSO library. Maybe your developers aren't skilled enough to do that, but it is not a challenge for a proper senior developer.

Well, I imagine, if we're taking the opinion of the article as fact, Auth0 must be able to scale to enterprise levels, i.e. have so many long-tail accounts that it approaches Facebook/Google scale.

JWTs are best practice for OAuth as it can transport claims. It’s up to your application if you continue to use it after the initial flow. You are fine to convert it, but most apps don’t as it’s easier.

JWT is a great way to authenticate the person who is trying to log into your app. Once authenticated, you are free to exchange the JWT token for a sessionid.

The whole point of the article was that JWT is unnecessary if you’re just using it to get a session token. Why not just cut out the middleman?

Off topic: the domain name is great!

The main claim of the article is:

> jwt as authentication tokens are constructed for Google/Facebook scale environments, and absolutely no one who is not Google/Facebook needs to put up with the ensuing tradeoffs.

The first sentence is factually incorrect. Google doesn't use JWT for most of its own authentication. Try analyzing their traffic - web and mobile apps - and you'll find that none of their 1st party applications / web use JWT. They do use JWT for OIDC, for third parties, which makes sense since with OIDC/JWT, third party sites can verify the token without talking to Google using a standard. This is largely similar for Facebook.

JWT RFC starts with:

> JSON Web Token (JWT) is a compact, URL-safe means of representing claims to be transferred between two parties.

Notice "between two parties". Of course, nothing stops from a single party to use JWT, but claiming JWT was invented for "Google/Facebook scale environments" implying they are using it for their 1st party authentication is just factually wrong. JWT was always meant to be an information transport between two separate parties, like OIDC.

"Ensuing tradeoffs" here is essentially about stateless authentication vs stateful authentication, and even there, this "absolutely no one" is simply incorrect. There are many scenarios where stateless authentication is sufficient, even for the authentication for a single party (let alone between two separate parties). Not all applications and use cases require the security properties of stateful authentication - a sufficiently short expiration would provide sufficient security in many cases, making the loss of any security worth it for the added benefit of simplicity and reliability with the stateless authentication.

Now with more nitpick:

The article claims, since "denylist" would require a database read, it's equivalent to stateful authentication. Theoretically that's true. In practice, denylist has some nice properties, that makes it worthwhile if server-side logout is the only missing feature you need from JWT. Denylist is often very small - if most users of your application or service do not explicitly log out, the number of denylist will remain very small. With the expiration, the size can not grow indefinitely either. Thus, the denylist you maintain can be much smaller than the record of all stateful authentication - which makes it cheaper/easier to replicate / cache across your systems than the full authentication records. So "denylist" is definitely a legitimate design option, with slightly different trade-offs than a full stateful authentication.


If I re-interpret the main claim of the article in the way I think would make sense, it would be: services should prefer stateful authentication, and the cost of stateful authentication is lower than people imagine it to be. That I can be behind 100%. As written, the article is at best some big exaggeration with incorrect details and hidden assumptions.

Jwts are fine, just use them properly.

Maybe address any of the issues raised in the post?

C/C++ is just fine, just use it properly.

Rolling your own crypto is fine, just do it properly.

fine with me as long as you don't pronounce it "jay double-u tee"

ok I'll bite; how do you pronounce it?

Awesome, thank you!

> The suggested pronunciation of JWT is the same as the English word "jot".

1 syllable instead of 5 FTW


> Now, let’s assume you are not Google. Check which of these apply to you:

> You wanted to implement log-out, so now you’re keeping an allowlist of valid JWTs, or a denylist of revoked JWTs. To check this you hit the database on each request.

A JWT is like a keycard. If a hotel gives you a keycard to access your room, the card itself holds the credentials which give you access to the room. That's the core principle behind JWT.

If you want to ban someone due to malicious conduct, then you need some kind of ban mechanism but this is a concern of spam prevention and attack mitigation. You need such mechanism regardless of what session mechanism you use. With JWT, you may need to do 1 lookup to check the account object (you can keep an isBanned flag on the account itself), with regular session IDs, you need 2 lookups (1 for the account object and 1 for the session object). JWT still saves you 1 lookup... Also, if gives you a lot of flexibility. For example, you may be able to keep a 'blacklist' in-memory and separate for each worker (that may be appropriate for certain use cases); you're not necessarily forced to hit a datastore or database as claimed. Banning and spam prevention should be seen as a separate concern.

Also, at small scale, there are scenarios where you don't even need a blacklist. Maybe your app is being served on an internal private network or maybe it's public but it's not so critical that you can't wait for 10 minutes or 1 hour (or whatever) for the JWT to expire for the ban to take effect. I mean, with the physical hotel scenario as an example; your keycard remains active until it expires. There are many such scenarios in the software industry where a ban doesn't need to take effect immediately.

When you need instant blocking for DDoS protection (where immediacy of the ban/block really matters), you typically rely on IPs, not specific account or session IDs.

> You need to be able to block users entirely, so you check a “user active” flag in the database. You hit the database on each request.

As above.

> You need additional relationships between the user object and other objects in the database. You hit the database on each request.

The number of times you hit the database (and the reason for each lookup) matters and it's important not to mix up different concerns.

> Your service does anything at all with data in the database. You hit the database on each request.

This is just a variation which has the same flaws as previous arguments.

The author claims that Session IDs provide:

> Greatly reduced complexity. No need to manage a secure jwt signing/authentication key

You can provide the auth key as an environment variable when you launch the service. This is well supported in all environments at any scale including Docker, Kubernetes... anyway, 99% of services rely on various secrets like API keys so you need to pass secrets as env vars anyway, what's the issue with having just one more env var to hold the JWT signing auth key? There is no added complexity there as the mechanism for handling such secrets already exists in most applications. It's rare to see an application which doesn't have secret API keys... You need them for payments (e.g. Stripe API), for database API services (e.g. MongoDB cloud), Amazon AWS, etc...

On the other hand, managing sessions on the back end requires weird workarounds like setting and constantly refreshing expiries on the session keys or running complex cleanup cron jobs because you end up with complicated situations where your worker might crash and leave behind stale sessions. Session IDs are much more complicated.

Not to mention that session lookups becomes a single point of failure and can become a bottleneck for your application as you get more users. It's really difficult to scale well. You're going to run a Redis cluster just to manage sessions? Hello LATENCY!!! Welcome DDoS headache!!! Did anyone say backpressure issues??? How are you going to clean up stale sessions when a worker crashes? Good luck.

I hope you're billing for your development work by the hour, coz you're gonna need a lot of those! I hope your health insurer covers Panadol! Don't be surprised when GlaxoSmithKline opens up a new factory next to your office.

> Not to mention that session lookups becomes a single point of failure and can become a bottleneck for your application as you get more users. It's really difficult to scale well. You're going to run a Redis cluster just to manage sessions? Hello LATENCY!!! Welcome DDoS headache!!! Did anyone say backpressure issues??? How are you going to clean up stale sessions when a worker crashes? Good luck.

I think this is pretty far-fetched hyperbole. How do you think websites managed logging in before JWTs existed roughly a decade ago? They used databases and in memory caches, which work fine up to a surprisingly large number of users.

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