I feel like we're having some kind of vocabulary issue here? My neighbors (the individuals who own property bordering mine) are neither legislators nor lobbyists. As such they have no access to the legislative process, and thus no control over what is or isn't a legal use of my property. To be absolutely clear "The People" can't do a damned thing. Local/State/Federal government is another matter entirely to be sure, but it's not like my neighbor can walk into the county courthouse and reasonably expect to have legislation drafted that alters land ownership rights.
Unless your neighbors are convicts or something, they have access to the legislative process. If you're doing something on your property that annoys enough of your neighbors, those neighbors call in to a local representative, an ordinance gets passed, police show up if you keep doing it. This can and does happen. Maybe you live in a county that's really lax, but still there are local laws in place that got there pretty much exactly by some neighbors getting together and bugging their representative.