Slightly offtopic : there seems to be a lack of articles loosely related to climate change / green-tech on HN... given the amount of new tech and the size and urgency of warming, Id expect to see more discussion/argument.
It seems to be a self-censored topic on HN, for reasons I genuinely cant guess.
There are a lot of climate change deniers on hn, though they have mostly moved on to denying the human impact on climate instead, after outright denial became harder and harder to argue for. Some have even already moved on to the third phase, "it's too late now, so we might as well not do anything", but these are still few.
It's sad, but education and intelligence do not guarantee understanding or wisdom.
"urgency"? That's what they want you to think... and yes there are lots of articles but they get quickly flagged by those who don't believe in that religion.
Can you define "that religion" .. I'm guessing you mean "people who believe that climate change / global warming is caused by humans burning carbon fuels and emitting CO2" ..
ie. Im assuming, but want to check, that you are one of the many people who believe climate warming is happening, but is caused by natural processes, rather than human burning of carbon fuels ?
Im aware of polls that show around half of people think that.
If say 3/4 of HN users agree with you, it explains pretty well why articles on climate change are flagged as "political" or such - which is my assumption, after reading your comment.