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The Costs of the Petrodollar (bitcoinmagazine.com)
10 points by janandonly 4 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

"It is a decentralized asset competing to be the new global reserve currency, aiming to inherit the role gold once had and the role the dollar holds today."

If the ability to convert cash/dollars to bitcoin and vice-versa was now removed, interest in crypto would substantially die in the next four hours. Crypto is a parasite. This is another article looking for an attack vector to the host body.

The petro dollar story began and existed for decades neither reflecting Crypto nor is it a reaction (good or bad) to Crypto since it didn't exist.

Hell, by this article's logic we could talk about re-denominating energy expenditures by housing assets, diamond, or high end sports cars. It pointless conjecture.

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