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50 bucks gets me further than a "business-guy" co-founder (visual.ly)
16 points by ammystew on May 30, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

You're tremendously undervaluing the contribution of a "business guy" (I'm a technical co-founder).

A good business co-founder will raise money, get customers, close partnerships. None of which you can do for 50 bucks.

You're absolutely right. My business co-founder also does QA, can help with some front-end coding, gets feedback from every single one of our users, and is a lightning-rod for time-bandits who want to take us to coffee.

imack, I love how you put it "time-bandits" - that's why i really need a diplomatic co-founder ;)

On a side note, the use of infographics in situations like this really annoy me. There is no data involved, no visual elements, only six things involved in a two column list. It sacrifices readability on small screens and scrapability by search engines.

It seems there is some data on the left

This is a completely worthless infographic. My guess is that OP, ammystew, is just a shill for Funders and Founders. The account was created on the same day as FnF.

There's a whole cluster of accounts submitting and commenting. Click through to their history and see.

Why you don't like Funders and Founders? Instead of criticizing and complaining, you could do your own startup or draw better infographics. Looking forward to seeing your infographics

This sounds like it was put together by a guy with an inflated self-worth. I will wager that Bezos, Bloomberg, and Steve Jobs would all disagree.

Engineers and "business guys" are compliments. If you know how build a product but lack the necessary sector expertise, cannot raise capital, or sell it you will be SOL. The same thing is true of the inverse. I'm sick of these shortsighted perspectives.

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